The source codes for ACL 2021 paper 'BoB: BERT Over BERT for Training Persona-based Dialogue Models from Limited Personalized Data'


BoB: BERT Over BERT for Training Persona-based Dialogue Models from Limited Personalized Data

This repository provides the implementation details for the ACL 2021 main conference paper:

BoB: BERT Over BERT for Training Persona-based Dialogue Models from Limited Personalized Data. [paper]

1. Data Preparation

In this work, we carried out persona-based dialogue generation experiments under a persona-dense scenario (English PersonaChat) and a persona-sparse scenario (Chinese PersonalDialog), with the assistance of a series of auxiliary inference datasets. Here we summarize the key information of these datasets and provide the links to download these datasets if they are directly accessible.

2. How to Run

The script contains the necessary dependencies to run this project. Simply run ./ would install these dependencies. Here we take the English PersonaChat dataset as an example to illustrate how to run the dialogue generation experiments. Generally, there are three steps, i.e., tokenization, training and inference:

  • Preprocessing

     python --dataset_type convai2 \
     --trainset ./data/ConvAI2/train_self_original_no_cands.txt \
     --testset ./data/ConvAI2/valid_self_original_no_cands.txt \
     --nliset ./data/ConvAI2/ \
     --encoder_model_name_or_path ./pretrained_models/bert/bert-base-uncased/ \
     --max_source_length 64 \
     --max_target_length 32

    We have provided some data examples (dozens of lines) at the ./data directory to show the data format. reads different datasets and tokenizes the raw data into a series of vocab IDs to facilitate model training. The --dataset_type could be either convai2 (for English PersonaChat) or ecdt2019 (for Chinese PersonalDialog). Finally, the tokenized data will be saved as a series of JSON files.

  • Model Training

     CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --do_train \
     --encoder_model ./pretrained_models/bert/bert-base-uncased/ \
     --decoder_model ./pretrained_models/bert/bert-base-uncased/ \
     --decoder2_model ./pretrained_models/bert/bert-base-uncased/ \
     --save_model_path checkpoints/ConvAI2/bertoverbert --dataset_type convai2 \
     --dumped_token ./data/ConvAI2/convai2_tokenized/ \
     --learning_rate 7e-6 \
     --batch_size 32

    Here we initialize encoder and both decoders from the same downloaded BERT checkpoint. And more parameter settings could be found at

  • Evaluations

     CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --dumped_token ./data/ConvAI2/convai2_tokenized/ \
     --dataset_type convai2 \
     --encoder_model ./pretrained_models/bert/bert-base-uncased/  \
     --do_evaluation --do_predict \
     --eval_epoch 7

    Empirically, in the PersonaChat experiment with default hyperparameter settings, the best-performing checkpoint should be found between epoch 5 and epoch 9. If the training procedure goes fine, there should be some results like:

     Perplexity on test set is 21.037 and 7.813.

    where 21.037 is the ppl from the first decoder and 7.813 is the final ppl from the second decoder. And the generated results is redirected to test_result.tsv, here is a generated example from the above checkpoint:

     persona:i'm terrified of scorpions. i am employed by the us postal service. i've a german shepherd named barnaby. my father drove a car for nascar.
     query:sorry to hear that. my dad is an army soldier.
     gold:i thank him for his service.
     response_from_d1:that's cool. i'm a train driver.
     response_from_d2:that's cool. i'm a bit of a canadian who works for america.  

    where d1 and d2 are the two BERT decoders, respectively.

  • Computing Infrastructure:

    • The released codes were tested on NVIDIA Tesla V100 32G and NVIDIA PCIe A100 40G GPUs. Notice that with a batch_size=32, the BoB model will need at least 20Gb GPU resources for training.


  • Build upon 🤗 Transformers.

  • Bibtex:

          title = "BoB: BERT Over BERT for Training Persona-based Dialogue Models from Limited Personalized Data",
          author = "Haoyu Song, Yan Wang, Kaiyan Zhang, Wei-Nan Zhang, Ting Liu",
          booktitle = "Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-2021)",
          month = "Aug",
          year = "2021",
          address = "Online",
          publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
  • Email: [email protected].

  • How to calculate and evaluate the ppl of D1 and D2.

    How to calculate and evaluate the ppl of D1 and D2.

    First of all, I would like to know how to calculate the ppl of d1 and d2.

    And I also have a question about how to evaluate the values of d1 and d2 ppl. In "How to Run", it was written as follows.

    Empirically, in the PersonaChat experiment with default hyperparameter settings, the best-performing checkpoint should be found between epoch 5 and epoch 9. If the training procedure goes fine, there should be some results like: Perplexity on test set is 21.037 and 7.813. where 21.037 is the ppl from the first decoder and 7.813 is the final ppl from the second decoder. And the generated results is redirected to test_result.tsv, here is a generated example from the above checkpoint:

    However, as the number of epochs increases, the d2 ppl decreases, and in epoch 49 it drops to 1.957. (My result for epoch 7 was Perplexity on test set is 27.675 and 22.045., so it may be different from other people's value for epoch 49.) Indeed, in epoch 49, the d1 ppl worsened to 249.0. However, as long as the final output of the model, the d2 score, improves, we don't need to worry about the d1 score. Please tell us why you decided that epoch 7 (Perplexity on test set is 21.037 and 7.813.) is optimal.

    opened by iyo-0713 9
  • Question about the PersonaChat data

    Question about the PersonaChat data

    Hi, In the paper, table 1 shows that there are 7,801 dialogues in the test set, which is not found in the data folder here? Is that data referred to the personaChat data?


    opened by xiaolan98 4
  • 关于`ul_training`一些理解不到位的地方



    文章关于Unlikehood Training部分如下图所示,对于公式(9),文章旨在通过前提和假设数据生成假设,但是此处用的是将BERT当编码器使用的,输入是$\overline{P}$和$\overline{R}$,那就很难理解$\overline{\mathcal{R}}_{<i}$这一项了,或许作者想表达的是在预测过程中是逐一由前面的token预测后面的token而与attention_mask的形式无关。 image


    # 分别获取前提和假设的输入数据,前提数据和假设数据是分开的
    def prepare_inference_batch(pos_batch, neg_batch):
        pos_pre_input_ids = pos_batch['pre']['input_ids']
        pos_pre_attention_mask = pos_batch['pre']['attention_mask']
        pos_pre_type_ids = pos_batch['pre']['token_type_ids'] * 0 + 1
        pos_hyp_input_ids = pos_batch['hyp']['input_ids']
        pos_hyp_attention_mask = pos_batch['hyp']['attention_mask']
        pos_hyp_type_ids = pos_batch['hyp']['token_type_ids'] * 0
        neg_pre_input_ids = neg_batch['pre']['input_ids']
        neg_pre_attention_mask = neg_batch['pre']['attention_mask']
        neg_pre_type_ids = neg_batch['pre']['token_type_ids'] * 0 + 1
        neg_hyp_input_ids = neg_batch['hyp']['input_ids']
        neg_hyp_attention_mask = neg_batch['hyp']['attention_mask']
        neg_hyp_type_ids = neg_batch['hyp']['token_type_ids'] * 0
        return pos_pre_input_ids, pos_pre_attention_mask, pos_pre_type_ids, pos_hyp_input_ids, pos_hyp_attention_mask, pos_hyp_type_ids, neg_pre_input_ids, neg_pre_attention_mask, neg_pre_type_ids, neg_hyp_input_ids, neg_hyp_attention_mask, neg_hyp_type_ids
    # 省略一些不重要的过程 ......
    # 上面的数据用于模型的输入
    inference_data_dict = prepara_inference_dict(pos_batch, neg_batch)
    # 省略一些不重要的过程 ......
    # 训练过程中,假设的数据分别用于解码器的输入和标签,前提的数据作为`persona_input_ids`,但是由于`encoder_hidden_states=None,`,因此`persona_input_ids`在整个BERT的运算过程中没有被使用。
    if ul_training:
        mask_flag = torch.Tensor.bool(1 - hyp_attention_mask)
        labels = decoder_input_ids.masked_fill(mask_flag, -100)
        ul_outputs = self.decoder2(


    ul_scores = -prediction_scores
    shifted_prediction_scores = ul_scores[:, :-1, :].contiguous()
    labels = labels[:, 1:].contiguous()
    loss_fct = CrossEntropyLoss()
    lm_loss = loss_fct(shifted_prediction_scores.view(-1, self.config.vocab_size), labels.view(-1))


    opened by cingtiye 3
  • `per_input_ids=persona_input_ids`  seems not be used when `ul_training`

    `per_input_ids=persona_input_ids` seems not be used when `ul_training`

    For the following code:

     if ul_training:
                    mask_flag = torch.Tensor.bool(1 - hyp_attention_mask)
                    labels = decoder_input_ids.masked_fill(mask_flag, -100)
                    ul_outputs = self.decoder2(

    because encoder_hidden_states=None, only self.attention can be executed, other related attention code seems can't be executed. Thus the above code per_input_ids=persona_input_ids seems not be used.

    So, hyp is generated by what? Please.

    opened by cingtiye 3
  • Question about Dist.1 / 2

    Question about Dist.1 / 2

    When I run the evaluation script:

    ''' CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --dumped_token ./data/ConvAI2/convai2_tokenized/
    --dataset_type convai2
    --encoder_model ./pretrained_models/bert/bert-base-uncased/
    --do_evaluation --do_predict
    --eval_epoch 7 ''' The results are shown below: Distinct-1 (hypothesis, hypothesis_2, reference): 0.0442, 0.0393, 0.1048 Distinct-2 (hypothesis, hypothesis_2, reference): 0.162, 0.1362, 0.4824

    why the Dist.1/2 of hypothesis_2 (3.93, 13.62) can not reach the number in Table 3 (8.40, 36.08)? or how should I set the argument to obtain the result in Table 3?


    opened by zhliu0106 3
  • Could you provide your model?

    Could you provide your model?

    Hi, I am researching about persona chatbot. Now i try training the BoB model for my research but it dosen't work well... So, I would like you to publish your model.

    opened by Exe-dev 1
  • 采用DDP训练代码出错



    RuntimeError: Expected to have finished reduction in the prior iteration before starting a new one. This error indicates that your module has parameters that were not used in producing loss. You can enable unused parameter detection by (1) passing the keyword argument find_unused_parameters=True to torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel; (2) making sure all forward function outputs participate in calculating loss. If you already have done the above two steps, then the distributed data parallel module wasn't able to locate the output tensors in the return value of your module's forward function. Please include the loss function and the structure of the return value of forward of your module when reporting this issue (e.g. list, dict, iterable).`

    尽管我已经设置了 find_unused_parameters=True 和 提高了 torch的版本。


    opened by cingtiye 1
  • Can't use model.generate when beam_size>1

    Can't use model.generate when beam_size>1

    When I setting beam_size>1 for generateing sequences, missing 1 required positional argument: 'token_type_ids' is occurred. How can I generate utterances by beam_size>1?


    generated_2 = model.generate(

    Error Message.

    BoB\xlibs\ in beam_search(self, input_ids, beam_scorer, logits_processor, max_length, pad_token_id, eos_token_id, use_decoder2, **model_kwargs) 966 967 while cur_len < max_length: --> 968 model_inputs = self.prepare_inputs_for_generation(input_ids, **model_kwargs) 969 970 outputs_1, outputs_2 = self(**model_inputs, return_dict=True)

    TypeError: prepare_inputs_for_generation() missing 1 required positional argument: 'token_type_ids'

    opened by Exe-dev 1
  • File name

    File name "xlib.modeling_tf_auto" not found

    When preprocessing and model training, I met this error. I think xlib doesn't include .


    python --do_train --encoder_model ./pretrained_models/bert/bert-base-uncased/ --decoder_model ./pretrained_models/bert/bert-base-uncased/ --decoder2_model ./pretrained_models/bert/bert-base-uncased/ --save_model_path checkpoints/ConvAI2/bertoverbert --dataset_type convai2 --dumped_token ./data/ConvAI2/convai2_tokenized/ --learning_rate 7e-6 --batch_size 32

    Error Message.

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 26, in from xlibs import AdamW File "PATH\BoB\", line 126, in from .pipelines import ( File "PATH\BoB\xlibs\", line 48, in from .modeling_tf_auto import ( ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'xlibs.modeling_tf_auto'

    opened by Exe-dev 1
  • Question about CUDA out of memory

    Question about CUDA out of memory

    I run the code on a 10 GB GPU but it seems to have the problem of CUDA out of memory. I tried to reduce the batch_size to 1 but it still doesn't work.

    opened by slptongji 0
  • Question about nliset of PersonaChat

    Question about nliset of PersonaChat

    Hi, as the example in the ./data/ConvAI2 folder, there are two example data files: nli_positive.tsv, nli_negative.tsv. Where can I get these files? I download the MNLI dataset but didn't get files in the correct format. Do I need to process the MNLI dataset to get nli_positive.tsv, nli_negative.tsv? Is there the code for that procedure?

    Thanks a lot

    opened by xiaolan98 2
  • How to get the results of other metrics?

    How to get the results of other metrics?

    Hi, thanks for the great work. There are results about D.AVG, p.Ent, p.Ctd, Delta P, C.Score metrics in your paper while no evaluation implementations in your repo. How to get the results of these metrics? It is hard to reproduce this work without those evaluation scripts. Looking forward to your reply. Thanks.

    opened by SkyAndCloud 0
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