Realtime Face Anti Spoofing with Face Detector based on Deep Learning using Tensorflow/Keras and OpenCV
Realtime Face Anti-Spoofing Detection 🤖 Realtime Face Anti Spoofing Detection with Face Detector to detect real and fake faces Please star this repo
Swapping face using Face Mesh with TensorFlow Lite
Swapping face using Face Mesh with TensorFlow Lite
Face Synthetics dataset is a collection of diverse synthetic face images with ground truth labels.
The Face Synthetics dataset Face Synthetics dataset is a collection of diverse synthetic face images with ground truth labels. It was introduced in ou
Face Library is an open source package for accurate and real-time face detection and recognition
Face Library Face Library is an open source package for accurate and real-time face detection and recognition. The package is built over OpenCV and us
VGGFace2-HQ - A high resolution face dataset for face editing purpose
The first open source high resolution dataset for face swapping!!! A high resolution version of VGGFace2 for academic face editing purpose
A large-scale face dataset for face parsing, recognition, generation and editing.
CelebAMask-HQ [Paper] [Demo] CelebAMask-HQ is a large-scale face image dataset that has 30,000 high-resolution face images selected from the CelebA da
AI Face Mesh: This is a simple face mesh detection program based on Artificial intelligence.
AI Face Mesh: This is a simple face mesh detection program based on Artificial Intelligence which made with Python. It's able to detect 468 different
Face and Pose detector that emits MQTT events when a face or human body is detected and not detected.
Face Detect MQTT Face or Pose detector that emits MQTT events when a face or human body is detected and not detected. I built this as an alternative t
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Video-Captioning - A machine Learning project to generate captions for video frames indicating the relationship between the objects in the video