The implementation of the paper "A Deep Feature Aggregation Network for Accurate Indoor Camera Localization".

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Deep Learning FDANET

A Deep Feature Aggregation Network for Accurate Indoor Camera Localization

This is the PyTorch implementation of our paper "A Deep Feature Aggregation Network for Accurate Indoor Camera Localization".


  • To run our model, set up python3 environment from requirement.txt::
pip3 install -r requirement.txt 
  • To compute pose by RANSAC-based PnP algorithm, you will need to build the cython module:
cd ./pnpransac
python build_ext --inplace


  • 7-Scenes: Download the dataset from the website.
  • 12-Scenes: Download the dataset from the website.

Training and evaluating

  • Training on 7-Scenes dataset:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=gpu_id python --model fdanet --dataset 7S --scene chess --data_path ./data/ --flag train 
  • training on 12-Scenes dataset:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=gpu_id python --model fdanet --dataset 12S --scene office2/5b --data_path ./data/ --flag train 
  • evaluating on 7-Scenes dataset:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=gpu_id python --model fdanet --dataset 7S --scene chess --data_path ./data/ --flag test --resume model_path
  • evaluating on 12-Scenes dataset:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=gpu_id python --model fdanet --dataset 12S --scene office2/5b --data_path ./data/ --flag test --resume model_path 
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    您好, 我想跑一下您的这个代码,但是在 ’To compute pose by RANSAC-based PnP algorithm, you will need to build the cython module:‘ 这一布的时候 我出现了问题,我想请问一下 这一步是要怎么装opencv比较好哦

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