Gbs-image-colorizer - A tool to convert colorful pictures to GB Studio-compatible colorized backgrounds.


GB Studio Image Colorizer

A tool to convert colorful pictures to GB Studio-compatible colorized backgrounds. Made by NalaFala/Yousurname/Y0UR-U5ERNAME.


Run the program using the command py The program will ask for the file location of the image. It will resize the image to 160x144 and output a colorized image (note that the colors in this image are not 15-bit) and an uncolorized image (to use in GB Studio). It will also output palette and colorization data to paste into the project file.

Results can vary depending on the image and method used. Method A is fast but can be inaccurate, method B is like method A but blockier and with more accurate colors, and method C works better on images with not many colors. You are welcome to help optimize the program or add more accurate methods that are less blocky.


Input Output
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