An ultra fast tiny model for lane detection, using onnx_parser, TensorRTAPI, torch2trt to accelerate. our model support for int8, dynamic input and profiling. (Nvidia-Alibaba-TensoRT-hackathon2021)



An ultra fast tiny model for lane detection, using onnx_parser, TensorRTAPI to accelerate. our model support for int8, dynamic input and profiling. (Nvidia-Alibaba-TensoRT-hackathon2021)
这是一个基于TensorRT加速UFLD的repo,包含PyThon ONNX Parser以及C++ TensorRT API版本, 还包括Torch2TRT版本, 对源码和论文感兴趣的请参见:

一. PyThon ONNX Parser

1. How to run

1) pip install -r requirements.txt

2) TensorRT7.x wil be fine, and other version may got some errors

2) For PyTorch, you can also try another version like 1.6, 1.5 or 1.4

2. Build ONNX(将训练好的pth/pt模型转换为onnx)

1) static(生成静态onnx模型):
python3 onnx_dynamic_int8/configs/ --test_model ./tusimple_18.pth 

2) dynamic(生成支持动态输入的onnx模型):
First: vim
second: change "fix" from "True" to "False"
python3 onnx_dynamic_int8/configs/ --test_model ./tusimple_18.pth

3. Build trt engine(将onnx模型转换为TensorRT的推理引擎)

We support many different types of engine export, such as static fp32, fp16, dynamic fp32, fp16, and int8 quantization

static(fp32, fp16): 对于静态模型的导出,终端输入:

python3 --onnx_path model_static.onnx --mode fp32<br/>
python3 --onnx_path model_static.onnx --mode fp16<br/>

dynamic(fp32, fp16): 对于动态模型的导出,终端输入:

python3 --onnx_path model_dynamic.onnx --mode fp32 --dynamic
python3 --onnx_path model_dynamic.onnx --mode fp16 --dynamic

int8 quantization 如果想使用int8量化,终端输入:

python3 --onnx_path model_static.onnx --mode int8 --int8_data_path data/testset1000
# (int8_data_Path represents the calibration dataset)
# (其中int8_data_path表示校正数据集)

4. evaluate(compare)

(If you want to compare the acceleration and accuracy of reasoning through TRT with using pytorch, you can run the script)

python3 --pth_path PATH_OF_PTH_MODEL --trt_path PATH_OF_TRT_MODEL

二. torch2trt

torch2trt is an easy tool to convert pytorch model to tensorrt, you can check model details here:
(torch2trt 是一个易于使用的PyTorch到TensorRT转换器)

How to run

1) git clone

2) python install

2) PyTorch >= 1.6 (other versions may got some errors)



torch2trt 预测demo (可视化)

python3 --trt_path PATH_OF_TRT_MODEL --data_path PATH_OF_YOUR_IMG


python3 --pth_path PATH_OF_PTH_MODEL --trt_path PATH_OF_TRT_MODEL --data_path PATH_OF_YOUR_IMG --torch2trt

三. C++ TensorRT API




修改第十行为 #define USE_FP32,则为FP32模式, 修改第十行为 #define USE_FP16,则为FP16模式

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
./lane_det -transfer             //  'lane_det.engine'


./lane_det -infer  ../imgs 

四. trtexec

test tensorrt_dynamic_model on terminal, for instance, for batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, just run:

trtexec  --explicitBatch --minShapes=1x3x288x800 --optShapes=1x3x288x800 --maxShapes=32x3x288x800 --shapes=BATCH_SIZEx3x288x800 --loadEngine=lane_fp32_dynamic.trt --noDataTransfers --dumpProfile --separateProfileRun
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