Complete the code of prefix-tuning in low data setting


Prefix Tuning


作者在论文中提到使用真实的word去初始化prefix的操作(Initializing the prefix with activations of real words,significantly improves generation)。我在使用作者提供的代码时遇到了一些问题,因此按照代码的思路添加了利用真实词汇进行初始化的内容。



cd seq2seq; 

python --mode xsum --preseqlen 200 --do_train yes --fp16 yes --bsz 16  --epoch 30  --gradient_accumulation_step 3 --learning_rate 0.00005  --mid_dim 800 --use_lowdata_token 'yes' --lowdata_token 'summarize'

其中use_lowdata_token表示是否采用real word初始化的方式;lowdata_token表示传入的real word.


cd seq2seq; 

python --mode xsum --do_train no --prefix_model_path {checkpoint_path} --preseqlen {same as training} --mid_dim {same as training} --use_lowdata_token 'yes' --lowdata_token 'summarize'


├── gpt2                          # Code for GPT2 style autoregressive LM
│   ├──              # high-level scripts to train.
│   ├──          # code that implements prefix-tuning.
│   ├──         # trainer code for the training loop. 
│   ├──  # training code (contains data loading, model loading, and calls trainer)
│   ├──                    # high-level scripts to decode. 
│   └──         # decoding code. 
├── seq2seq                       # Code for encoder-decoder architecture
│   ├──             # high-level scripts to train.
│   ├──           # code that implements prefix-tuning.
│   ├──               # training code (contains data loading, model loading, and calls trainer)   
│   ├──         # helper code
│   ├──                  # helper code
│   └──              # helper code
└── ...

To run the code for GPT2 style autoregressive LM, the code is in gpt2/. This corresponds to the table-to-text experiments in the paper.

To run the code for encoder-decoder architecture like BART, the code is in seq2seq. This corresponds to the summarization experiments in the paper.

The two primary scripts I used to run my codes are gpt2/ (for table-to-text) and seq2seq/ summarization). they are set to default of good hyperparameters, and can be used to tune hyperparameter :)


cd transformer; pip install -e .

Train via prefix-tuning:

cd gpt2;

python --optim_prefix yes --preseqlen 5 --epoch 5 --learning_rate 0.00005 --mode webnlg --bsz 5 --seed 101
cd seq2seq; 

python --mode xsum --preseqlen 200 --do_train yes --fp16 yes --bsz 16  --epoch 30  --gradient_accumulation_step 3 --learning_rate 0.00005  --mid_dim 800

Other baseline approaches

cd gpt2;

python --tuning_mode {finetune/adaptertune} --epoch 5 --learning_rate 0.00005 --mode webnlg --bsz 5 --seed 101
cd seq2seq;

python --tuning_mode finetune --epoch 5 --learning_rate 0.00005 --mode webnlg --bsz 5 --seed 101


cd gpt2;

python {data2text/webnlg/...} yes test {checkpoint_path} no
cd seq2seq; 

python --mode xsum --do_train no --prefix_model_path {checkpoint_path} --preseqlen {same as training} --mid_dim {same as training}

For details of the methods and results, please refer to our paper.

      title={Prefix-Tuning: Optimizing Continuous Prompts for Generation}, 
      author={Xiang Lisa Li and Percy Liang},
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