Additional environments compatible with OpenAI gym


Decentralized Control of Quadrotor Swarms with End-to-end Deep Reinforcement Learning

A codebase for training reinforcement learning policies for quadrotor swarms. Includes:






Initialize a Python environment, i.e. with conda (Python versions 3.6-3.8 are supported):

conda create -n swarm-rl python=3.8
conda activate swarm-rl

Clone and install this repo as an editable Pip package:

git clone
cd quad-swarm-rl
pip install -e .

This should pull and install all the necessary dependencies, including Sample Factory and PyTorch.

Running experiments


This will run the baseline experiment. Change the number of workers appropriately to match the number of logical CPU cores on your machine, but it is advised that the total number of simulated environments is close to that in the original command:

python -m swarm_rl.train --env=quadrotor_multi --train_for_env_steps=1000000000 --algo=APPO \
--use_rnn=False \
--num_workers=36 --num_envs_per_worker=4 \
--learning_rate=0.0001 --ppo_clip_value=5.0 \
--recurrence=1 --nonlinearity=tanh --actor_critic_share_weights=False \
--policy_initialization=xavier_uniform --adaptive_stddev=False --with_vtrace=False \
--max_policy_lag=100000000 --hidden_size=256 --gae_lambda=1.00 --max_grad_norm=5.0 \
--exploration_loss_coeff=0.0 --rollout=128 --batch_size=1024 --quads_use_numba=True \
--quads_mode=mix --quads_episode_duration=15.0 --quads_formation_size=0.0 \
--encoder_custom=quad_multi_encoder --with_pbt=False --quads_collision_reward=5.0 \
--quads_neighbor_hidden_size=256 --neighbor_obs_type=pos_vel --quads_settle_reward=0.0 \
--quads_collision_hitbox_radius=2.0 --quads_collision_falloff_radius=4.0 --quads_local_obs=6 \
--quads_local_metric=dist --quads_local_coeff=1.0 --quads_num_agents=8 --quads_collision_reward=5.0 \
--quads_collision_smooth_max_penalty=10.0 --quads_neighbor_encoder_type=attention \
--replay_buffer_sample_prob=0.75 --anneal_collision_steps=300000000 --experiment=swarm_rl 

Or, even better, you can use the runner scripts in swarm_rl/runs/. Runner scripts (a Sample Factory feature) are Python files that contain experiment parameters, and support features such as evaluation on multiple seeds and gridsearches.

To execute a runner script run the following command:

python -m --run=swarm_rl.runs.quad_multi_mix_baseline_attn --runner=processes --max_parallel=4 --pause_between=1 --experiments_per_gpu=1 --num_gpus=4

This command will start training four different seeds in parallel on a 4-GPU server. Adjust the parameters accordingly to match your hardware setup.

To monitor the experiments, go to the experiment folder, and run the following command:

tensorboard --logdir=./


To test the trained model, run the following command:

python -m swarm_rl.enjoy --algo=APPO --env=quadrotor_multi --replay_buffer_sample_prob=0 --continuous_actions_sample=False --quads_use_numba=False --train_dir=PATH_TO_PROJECT/swarm_rl/train_dir --experiments_root=EXPERIMENT_ROOT --experiment=EXPERIMENT_NAME

Unit Tests

To run unit tests:

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