Unified tracking framework with a single appearance model


UniTrack Logo

Paper: Do different tracking tasks require different appearance model?

[ArXiv] (comming soon) [Project Page] (comming soon)

UniTrack is a simple and Unified framework for versatile visual Tracking tasks.

As an important problem in computer vision, tracking has been fragmented into a multitude of different experimental setups. As a consequence, the literature has fragmented too, and now the novel approaches proposed by the community are usually specialized to fit only one specific setup. To understand to what extend this specialization is actually necessary, we present UniTrack, a solution to address multiple different tracking tasks within the same framework. All tasks share the same universal appearance model. UniTrack enjoys the following advantages,

Tasks & Framework



We classify existing tracking tasks along four axes: (1) Single or multiple targets; (2) Users specify targets or automatic detectors specify targets; (3) Observation formats (bounding box/mask/pose); (2) Class-agnostic or class-specific (i.e. human/vehicles). We mainly expriment on 5 tasks: SOT, VOS, MOT, MOTS, and PoseTrack. Task setups are summarized in the above figure.

Appearance model

An appearance model is the only learnable component in UniTrack. It should provide universal visual representation, and is usually pre-trained on large-scale dataset in supervised or unsupervised manners. Typical examples include ImageNet pre-trained ResNets (supervised), and recent self-supervised models such as MoCo and SimCLR (unsupervised).

Propagation and Association

Two fundamental algorithm building blocks in UniTrack. Both employ features extracted by the appearance model as input. For propagation we adopt exiting methods such as cross correlation, DCF, and mask propation. For association we employ a simple algorithm and develop a novel similarity metric to make full use of the appearance model.


Below we show results of UniTrack with a simple ImageNet Pre-trained ResNet-18 as the appearance model. More results (other tasks/datasets, more visualization) can be found in results.md.

Qualitative results

Single Object Tracking (SOT) on OTB-2015

Video Object Segmentation (VOS) on DAVIS-2017 val split

Multiple Object Tracking (MOT) on MOT-16 test set private detector track (Detections from FairMOT)

Multiple Object Tracking and Segmentation (MOTS) on MOTS challenge test set (Detections from COSTA_st)

Pose Tracking on PoseTrack-2018 val split (Detections from LightTrack)

Quantitative results

Single Object Tracking (SOT) on OTB-2015

Method SiamFC SiamRPN SiamRPN++ UDT* UDT+* LUDT* LUDT+* UniTrack_XCorr* UniTrack_DCF*
AUC 58.2 63.7 69.6 59.4 63.2 60.2 63.9 55.5 61.8

* indicates non-supervised methods

Video Object Segmentation (VOS) on DAVIS-2017 val split

Method SiamMask FeelVOS STM Colorization* TimeCycle* UVC* CRW* VFS* UniTrack*
J-mean 54.3 63.7 79.2 34.6 40.1 56.7 64.8 66.5 58.4

* indicates non-supervised methods

Multiple Object Tracking (MOT) on MOT-16 test set private detector track

Method POI DeepSORT-2 JDE CTrack TubeTK TraDes CSTrack FairMOT* UniTrack*
IDF-1 65.1 62.2 55.8 57.2 62.2 64.7 71.8 72.8 71.8
IDs 805 781 1544 1897 1236 1144 1071 1074 683
MOTA 66.1 61.4 64.4 67.6 66.9 70.1 70.7 74.9 74.7

* indicates methods using the same detections

Multiple Object Tracking and Segmentation (MOTS) on MOTS challenge test set

Method TrackRCNN SORTS PointTrack GMPHD COSTA_st* UniTrack*
IDF-1 42.7 57.3 42.9 65.6 70.3 67.2
IDs 567 577 868 566 421 622
sMOTA 40.6 55.0 62.3 69.0 70.2 68.9

* indicates methods using the same detections

Pose Tracking on PoseTrack-2018 val split

Method MDPN OpenSVAI Miracle KeyTrack LightTrack* UniTrack*
IDF-1 - - - - 52.2 73.2
IDs - - - - 3024 6760
sMOTA 50.6 62.4 64.0 66.6 64.8 63.5

* indicates methods using the same detections

Getting started


Update log

[2021.6.24]: Start writing docs, please stay tuned!


VideoWalk by Allan A. Jabri

SOT code by Zhipeng Zhang

  • Bad result on YOLOX + UniTrack demo

    Bad result on YOLOX + UniTrack demo

    Hi, Zhangdao thank you for your wonderful UniTrack framwork. but when i tried use YOLOX + UniTrack demo mot_demo.py on a video sequence,the result was not that good. i put the yolox_x(the better version) pre-traind model on yolox/weights and i used the config imagenet_resnet18_s3.yaml . it seems like the framwork could not detect the person object but works pretty well on other object . by the way i use the default classed arg list(range(80)) what should i do?


    opened by kumi123 5
  • How to get the mask for mots task?

    How to get the mask for mots task?


    Thanks for your great work!

    When I prepare the segmentation mask for mots task, I followed the recommended instruction https://github.com/Zhongdao/UniTrack/blob/main/docs/DATA.md, and used the gen_mots_costa.py. Then i get the txt fils like follows:

    1 2001 2 1080 1920 UkU\1`0RQ1>PoN\OVP1X1F=I3oSOTNlg0U2lWOVNng0m1nWOWNlg0n1PXOWNlg0l1SXOUNjg0P2....... But it seems that the txt fils are not segmentation mask. Are these txt files right? or could you pls describe the mask generation process in more details?

    Thank you!

    opened by JessicaChanzc 4
  • What is the UniTrack Pose FPS in Realtime?

    What is the UniTrack Pose FPS in Realtime?

    Hello! I'm trying to use the Pose in realtime, but I have a Question What's the Realtime FPS of Pose(LightTrack) in README example? if it is not implemented realtime, please can you tell me expected FPS?

    opened by LeeJeongHwi 3
  • ssib info

    ssib info

    https://github.com/Zhongdao/UniTrack/blob/a83e782f5c56c17ccf30f0e330cb50bd3349d5b7/model/model.py#L132 https://github.com/Zhongdao/UniTrack/blob/54347ba1bdba0903b241e00de2b5d0dc3c1a3d14/config/ssib_s3_womotion.yaml#L5 https://github.com/Zhongdao/UniTrack/blob/54347ba1bdba0903b241e00de2b5d0dc3c1a3d14/config/ssib_s3_womotion.yaml#L11

    Excuse me, I have not been able to find an introduction to ssib in the paper and code. What is the full name of ssib, and where do I need to download the pre-trained model of ssib?

    Thank you very much!

    opened by Yulv-git 2
  • mot_demo  issue

    mot_demo issue

    python demo/mot_demo.py --classes 1 2demo/mot_demo.py:186: YAMLLoadWarning: calling yaml.load() without Loader=... is deprecated, as the default Loader is unsafe. Please read https://msg.pyyaml.org/load for full details. common_args = yaml.load(f) 2022-04-23 12:44:56.034 | INFO | main:main:135 - Args: Namespace(asso_with_motion=True, ckpt='./detector/YOLOX/weights/yolox_x.pth', classes=[1, 2], conf=0.65, conf_thres=0.65, config='./config/imagenet_resnet18_s3.yaml', confirm_iou_thres=0.7, demo='video', device='cuda', down_factor=8, dup_iou_thres=0.15, exp_file='./detector/YOLOX/exps/default/yolox_x.py', exp_name='imagenet_resnet18_s3', feat_size=[4, 10], gpu_id=0, im_mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], im_std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225], img_size=[640, 480], infer2D=True, iou_thres=0.5, min_box_area=200, model_type='imagenet18', mot_root='/home/wangzd/datasets/MOT/MOT16', motion_gated=True, motion_lambda=0.98, nms=None, nms_thres=0.4, nopadding=False, obid='FairMOT', output_root='./results/mot_demo', path='../mmtracking-master/demo/demo.mp4', prop_flag=False, remove_layers=['layer4'], resume='None', save_images=False, save_result=False, save_videos=True, test_mot16=False, track_buffer=30, tsize=[640, 480], use_kalman=True, workers=4) Lenth of the video: 8 frames 1111111111111111111111111 /dfs/data/miniconda3/envs/openmmlab/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/functional.py:445: UserWarning: torch.meshgrid: in an upcoming release, it will be required to pass the indexing argument. (Triggered internally at /opt/conda/conda-bld/pytorch_1639180594101/work/aten/src/ATen/native/TensorShape.cpp:2157.) return _VF.meshgrid(tensors, **kwargs) # type: ignore[attr-defined] 2022-04-23 12:44:57.335 | INFO | main:main:149 - Model Summary: Params: 99.07M, Gflops: 211.45 2022-04-23 12:45:05.732 | INFO | main:main:152 - loading checkpoint <class 'dict'> Traceback (most recent call last): File "demo/mot_demo.py", line 201, in main(exp, args) File "demo/mot_demo.py", line 158, in main det_model.load_state_dict(ckpt["model"]) KeyError: 'model'

    i using YOLOX default pretrain train coco weight.(https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdetection/tree/master/configs/yolox)

    opened by CarlHuangNuc 2
  • how to get MOTS-train.txt

    how to get MOTS-train.txt

    Hi~, How do I get the MOTS-train.txt?

    ` Eval Config: USE_PARALLEL : False
    LOG_ON_ERROR : results/mots/debug/quantitive/error.log PRINT_RESULTS : True
    PLOT_CURVES : False

    MOTSChallenge Config: GT_FOLDER : /data7/fenghao/dataset/MOTS_unitrack//images/train TRACKERS_FOLDER : results/mots/debug/quantitive/.. OUTPUT_FOLDER : None
    TRACKERS_TO_EVAL : ['quantitive']
    CLASSES_TO_EVAL : ['pedestrian']
    SPLIT_TO_EVAL : train
    INPUT_AS_ZIP : False
    SEQMAP_FOLDER : /data7/fenghao/dataset/MOTS_unitrack//images/train/../../seqmaps SEQMAP_FILE : None
    SEQ_INFO : None
    GT_LOC_FORMAT : {gt_folder}/{seq}/gt/gt.txt
    no seqmap found: /data7/fenghao/dataset/MOTS_unitrack//images/train/../../seqmaps/MOTS-train.txt Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/wangwd/.pycharm_helpers/pydev/pydevd.py", line 1448, in _exec pydev_imports.execfile(file, globals, locals) # execute the script File "/home/wangwd/.pycharm_helpers/pydev/_pydev_imps/_pydev_execfile.py", line 18, in execfile exec(compile(contents+"\n", file, 'exec'), glob, loc) File "/data7/fenghao/UniTrack/test/test_mots.py", line 170, in save_videos=opt.save_videos) File "/data7/fenghao/UniTrack/test/test_mots.py", line 121, in main dataset_list = [trackeval.datasets.MOTSChallenge(dataset_config)] File "/data7/fenghao/UniTrack/eval/trackeval/datasets/mots_challenge.py", line 76, in init self.seq_list, self.seq_lengths = self._get_seq_info() File "/data7/fenghao/UniTrack/eval/trackeval/datasets/mots_challenge.py", line 152, in _get_seq_info raise TrackEvalException('no seqmap found: ' + os.path.basename(seqmap_file)) eval.trackeval.utils.TrackEvalException: no seqmap found: MOTS-train.txt python-BaseException

    Process finished with exit code 1


    This is my config common: exp_name: debug

    # Model related
    model_type: crw
    remove_layers: ['layer4']
    im_mean: [0.4914, 0.4822, 0.4465]
    im_std: [0.2023, 0.1994, 0.2010]
    nopadding: False
    head_depth: -1
    resume: 'weights/crw.pth'
    # Misc
    down_factor: 8
    infer2D: True 
    workers: 4
    gpu_id: 3
    device: cuda

    mots: obid: 'gt' mots_root: '/data7/fenghao/dataset/MOTS_unitrack/' save_videos: False save_images: False test: False track_buffer: 30 nms_thres: 0.4 conf_thres: 0.5 iou_thres: 0.5 prop_flag: False max_mask_area: 200 dup_iou_thres: 0.15 confirm_iou_thres: 0.7 first_stage_thres: 0.7 feat_size: [4,10] use_kalman: True asso_with_motion: True motion_lambda: 0.98 motion_gated: False

    opened by ToumaKazusa3 2
  • SOT on LaSOT

    SOT on LaSOT

    Hi, Zhongdao,

    Thank you for your great work!

    I have tested your code on LaSOT using the crw_resnet18_s3 model by modifying the datasets root in utils.py. But the AUC is only 23.02 on this dataset. I'm not sure I got the correct results. Have you tested the unitrack on LaSOT or GOT10k? Could you provide the results on LaSOT and GOT10k at your convenience?

    opened by Flowerfan 2
  • Using a custom Resnet-18 Classification model

    Using a custom Resnet-18 Classification model

    I have trained a resnet-18 model on a custom dataset for classification. I also have trained YOLOX for detection on this custom dataset. How do I use my resnet-18 model as an appearance model? Since its not trained on crw,imagenet etc, what model_type should I give in the config file? And do I have to edit model/model.py to handle this model_type and load the model from my checkpoint? Thanks for your help!

    opened by kenrickfernandes 2
  • Model zoo link doesn't work

    Model zoo link doesn't work

    Hi, I am trying to use different pretrained models provided by you model zoo but some of the links are empty. And also wondering if you have the im_mean and im_std for each of them.

    Thank you,

    opened by philip-fu 2
  • Inference Statistics

    Inference Statistics


    I know this project was just released and some things are still being put up, but do you have any information on the inference speeds for UniTrack with ResNet18 and ResNet50 base appearance models?

    opened by vjsrinivas 2
  • Tensor size mismatch when running mot_demo.py with custom test image size

    Tensor size mismatch when running mot_demo.py with custom test image size

    I'd like to give it a try to run mot_demo.py with a custom test image size --tsize 800 600. Exception arises in this case and the message said: Sizes of tensors must match except in dimension 2. Got 75 and 76 (The offending index is 0)

    No additional debug information is available, so it is difficult for me to find out which line of code throws this exception.

    Here is my exp arguments and logs:

    2022-04-04 01:35:38.341 | INFO     | __main__:main:135 - Args: Namespace(
    classes=[0], conf=0.65, conf_thres=0.65, 
    confirm_iou_thres=0.7, demo='video', device='cuda', 
    down_factor=8, dup_iou_thres=0.15, 
    feat_size=[4, 10], gpu_id=0, 
    im_mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], im_std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225], 
    img_size=[800, 600], 
    infer2D=True, iou_thres=0.5, min_box_area=200, 
    motion_gated=True, motion_lambda=0.98, 
    nms=0.3, nms_thres=0.4, 
    nopadding=False, obid='FairMOT', 
    prop_flag=False, remove_layers=['layer4'], 
    resume='None', save_images=False, save_result=False, 
    save_videos=True, test_mot16=False, track_buffer=30, 
    tsize=[800, 600], use_kalman=True, workers=4)
    [NULL @ 0x55b86843db00] PPS id out of range: 0
    [hevc @ 0x55b86843db00] PPS id out of range: 0
    Lenth of the video: 1107126 frames
    2022-04-04 01:35:40.498 | INFO     | __main__:main:147 - Model Summary: Params: 25.33M, Gflops: 86.43
    2022-04-04 01:35:45.542 | INFO     | __main__:main:150 - loading checkpoint
    2022-04-04 01:35:45.888 | INFO     | __main__:main:154 - loaded checkpoint done.
    [hevc @ 0x55b868566400] Could not find ref with POC 4
    2022-04-04 01:35:46.662 | INFO     | __main__:eval_seq:100 - Processing frame 0 (100000.00 fps)
    Sizes of tensors must match except in dimension 2. Got 75 and 76 (The offending index is 0)
    opened by UKeyboard 1
  • scikit-learn version error

    scikit-learn version error

    I use scikit-learn==1.1.2 on my project and I also use Unitrack as a submodule. However, Unitrack uses scikit-learn==0.22, which version is too old.

    So, import error is occured in utils/mask.py line.16.

    from sklearn.metrics import jaccard_similarity_score

    jaccard_similarity_score is deleted from scikit-learn >= 0.23. (And it isn't used in utils/mask.py, so it can be deleted.)

    Will you update scikit-learn? If scikit-learn is updated, it might be some other errors will be occured.

    opened by kojikojiprg 0
  • Bounding Box still appears when object goes out of frame

    Bounding Box still appears when object goes out of frame


    Bounding Box still appears when object goes out of frame after some time and SOT is tracking other objects in frame until the initially selected object reappears. Is there any solution to solve this problem?


    opened by saishiva024 0
  • Bounding Boxes doesn't scale for SOT

    Bounding Boxes doesn't scale for SOT

    I've tried SOT on custom videos using demo/sot_demo.py. After drawing the initial Bounding Box, it doesn't scale even if size of Object is either reduced/increased. What might be the possible rootcause for this problem?

    Thanks in advance.

    opened by saishiva024 0
  • Apperance Model  performance very bad in night scenario ?

    Apperance Model performance very bad in night scenario ?

    Hi Author,

             I found Apperance Model can work in many scenario. but in night ,the picture quality or light have big impact on Apperance model peformance . Why it is normal ?? because  most of  image net data  came from daytime scene ?
    opened by CarlHuangNuc 1
  • PoseTrack download

    PoseTrack download

    Thanks for your excellent work. I can't access PoseTrack's home page for data download. Do you have a link available for PoseTrack data download? Thank you very much!

    opened by Yulv-git 2
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