A toolkit for Lagrangian-based constrained optimization in Pytorch



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Cooper is a toolkit for Lagrangian-based constrained optimization in Pytorch. This library aims to encourage and facilitate the study of constrained optimization problems in machine learning.

Cooper is (almost!) seamlessly integrated with Pytorch and preserves the usual loss -> backward -> step workflow. If you are already familiar with Pytorch, using Cooper will be a breeze! 🙂

Cooper was born out of the need to handle constrained optimization problems for which the loss or constraints are not necessarily "nicely behaved" or "theoretically tractable", e.g. when no (efficient) projection or proximal are available. Although assumptions of this kind have enabled the development of great Pytorch-based libraries such as CHOP and GeoTorch, they are seldom satisfied in the context of many modern machine learning problems.

Many of the structural design ideas behind Cooper are heavily inspired by the TensorFlow Constrained Optimization (TFCO) library. We highly recommend TFCO for TensorFlow-based projects and will continue to integrate more of TFCO's features in future releases.

⚠️ This library is under active development. Future API changes might break backward compatibility. ⚠️

Getting Started

Here we consider a simple convex optimization problem to illustrate how to use Cooper. This example is inspired by this StackExchange question:

I am trying to solve the following problem using Pytorch: given a 6-sided die whose average roll is known to be 4.5, what is the maximum entropy distribution for the faces?

import torch
import cooper

class MaximumEntropy(cooper.ConstrainedMinimizationProblem):
    def __init__(self, mean_constraint):
        self.mean_constraint = mean_constraint

    def closure(self, probs):
        # Verify domain of definition of the functions
        assert torch.all(probs >= 0)

        # Negative signed removed since we want to *maximize* the entropy
        entropy = torch.sum(probs * torch.log(probs))

        # Entries of p >= 0 (equiv. -p <= 0)
        ineq_defect = -probs

        # Equality constraints for proper normalization and mean constraint
        mean = torch.sum(torch.tensor(range(1, len(probs) + 1)) * probs)
        eq_defect = torch.stack([torch.sum(probs) - 1, mean - self.mean_constraint])

        return cooper.CMPState(loss=entropy, eq_defect=eq_defect, ineq_defect=ineq_defect)

# Define the problem and formulation
cmp = MaximumEntropy(mean_constraint=4.5)
formulation = cooper.LagrangianFormulation(cmp)

# Define the primal parameters and optimizer
probs = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.rand(6)) # Use a 6-sided die
primal_optimizer = cooper.optim.ExtraSGD([probs], lr=3e-2, momentum=0.7)

# Define the dual optimizer. Note that this optimizer has NOT been fully instantiated
# yet. Cooper takes care of this, once it has initialized the formulation state.
dual_optimizer = cooper.optim.partial_optimizer(cooper.optim.ExtraSGD, lr=9e-3, momentum=0.7)

# Wrap the formulation and both optimizers inside a ConstrainedOptimizer
coop = cooper.ConstrainedOptimizer(formulation, primal_optimizer, dual_optimizer)

# Here is the actual training loop.
# The steps follow closely the `loss -> backward -> step` Pytorch workflow.
for iter_num in range(5000):
    lagrangian = formulation.composite_objective(cmp.closure, probs)
    coop.step(cmp.closure, probs)


Basic Installation

pip install git+https://github.com/cooper-org/cooper.git

Development Installation

First, clone the repository, navigate to the Cooper root directory and install the package in development mode by running:

Setting Command Notes
Development pip install --editable ".[dev, tests]" Editable mode. Matches test environment.
Docs pip install --editable ".[docs]" Used to re-generate the documentation.
Tutorials pip install --editable ".[examples]" Install dependencies for running examples
No Tests pip install --editable . Editable mode, without tests.

Package structure

  • cooper - base package
    • problem - abstract class for representing ConstrainedMinimizationProblems (CMPs)
    • constrained_optimizer - torch.optim.Optimizer-like class for handling CMPs
    • lagrangian_formulation - Lagrangian formulation of a CMP
    • multipliers - utility class for Lagrange multipliers
    • optim - aliases for Pytorch optimizers and extra-gradient versions of SGD and Adam
  • tests - unit tests for cooper components
  • tutorials - source code for examples contained in the tutorial gallery


Please read our CONTRIBUTING guide prior to submitting a pull request. We use black for formatting, isort for import sorting, flake8 for linting, and mypy for type checking.

We test all pull requests. We rely on this for reviews, so please make sure any new code is tested. Tests for cooper go in the tests folder in the root of the repository.


Cooper is distributed under an MIT license, as found in the LICENSE file.


Cooper supports the use of extra-gradient style optimizers for solving the min-max Lagrangian problem. We include the implementations of the extra-gradient version of SGD and Adam by Hugo Berard.

We thank Manuel del Verme for insightful discussions during the early stages of this library.

This README follows closely the style of the NeuralCompression repository.

How to cite this work?

If you find Cooper useful in your research, please consider citing it using the snippet below:

    author={Gallego-Posada, Jose and Ramirez, Juan},
    title={Cooper: a toolkit for Lagrangian-based constrained optimization},
  • how to use cuda acceleration

    how to use cuda acceleration

    Hi, I was wondering if cooper can use cuda to accelerate the computation. (I thought it could, but there is no place to claim something like probs.cuda() )

    opened by Timbrer 3
  • Remove aliases to Pytorch implementations

    Remove aliases to Pytorch implementations


    Remove existing aliases to objects in torch.optim. Update documentation accordingly.


    Having these aliases makes the interface opaque for the user: it is hard to tell that cooper.optim.SGD is in fact the same implementation as torch.optim.SGD.

    documentation enhancement good first issue 
    opened by gallego-posada 3
  • Non comprehensive `__init__` files

    Non comprehensive `__init__` files


    __init__ files throughout Cooper are not fully consistent.

    For instance, Cooper.__init__ imports UnconstrainedFormulation and LagrangianFormulation , but not AugmentedLagrangianFormulation. https://github.com/cooper-org/cooper/blob/a8b3400fecbe9e6e8e5e8c4d49c7959623a0154e/cooper/init.py#L18-L22

    For consistency, we should import the AugmentedLagrangianFormulation as well.

    Note: Creating an issue as there may be other instances of this throughout the library.

    opened by juan43ramirez 1
  • Deprecated `StateLogger`

    Deprecated `StateLogger`


    The StateLogger in cooper.utils.state_logger.py is not compatible with the latest version of Cooper's dev branch.

    It assumes that a Formulation will have a ConstrainedMinimizationProblem as an attribute:


    This is not the case since merging #56.


    Update the interface of StateLogger. store_metrics should receive a CMPState or the unpacked metrics.

    opened by juan43ramirez 1
  • Provide more

    Provide more "real-life" example in README


    Modify README to include a more comprehensive example of how to use Cooper for machine learning problems. Some features to cover include:

    • Integration with torch.nn.Module
    • Using CUDA acceleration
    • Data loaders and mini-batching

    We could to have two versions:

    • One with "off-the-shelf Cooper": no explicit user-defined closure
    • One with explicit closure definition, which enables the use of advanced features like extrapolation optimizers

    Maybe only include the first one in the README, and keep the second version for the docs.

    opened by gallego-posada 1
  • Cooper level wrappers for `formulation.custom_backward` and `formulation.composite_objective`

    Cooper level wrappers for `formulation.custom_backward` and `formulation.composite_objective`


    Create wrappers cooper.backward for formulation.custom_backward and cooper.compute_lagrangian for formulation.composite_objective.

    This would change the way a user interacts with Cooper. However, it does not represent a change in Cooper's back-end.


    A cleaner pipeline for the user, where there is no need to access the methods of a formulation:

    for step in range(num_steps):
        lagrangian = cooper.compute_lagrangian(formulation, ...)
        cooper.backward(formulation, lagrangian)

    As opposed to the current pipeline:

    for step in range(num_steps):
        lagrangian = formulation.composite_objective(...)
    opened by juan43ramirez 1
  • Easy as possible to use

    Easy as possible to use


    Make Cooper as easy as possible to integrate with a vanilla Pytorch pipeline.

    In particular, allow for the user to populate a CMPState and provide it to Cooper without having to create a custom ConstrainedMinimizationProblem.

    Note that we should not remove the CMP altogether. In particular, extrapolation and alternating updates would still require internal calls to cmp.closure and cmp.defect_fn.

    This would require a major overhaul of the documentation, tutorials, and examples, showcasing that both the previous CMP approach and this new approach are admissible. Love for the documentation has also been requested in #53 and #29.


    Users are currently required to implement a custom ConstrainedMinimizationProblem with a closure method. This overhead can be detrimental to Cooper attracting ML researchers and practitioners who would otherwise compute the loss and constraint violations themselves.

    For minimal integrations with Cooper which do not need "fancy features" like Augmented Lagrangian or Extrapolation, simply asking for the loss and constraint defects makes the user's life easier.


    It may be possible to remove the CMP completely. Nonetheless, we would still require a closure for an internal call during extrapolation steps and a defect_fc for internal use by the AlternatingConstrainedOptimizer.

    opened by juan43ramirez 1
  • Modularize ConstrainedOptimizer

    Modularize ConstrainedOptimizer


    Modularize the constrained_optimizer.py script to have a BaseConstrainedOptimizerclass from which specific optimization approaches can stem.

    For instance, a SimultaneousOptimizer, AlternatingOptimizer, ExtrapolationOptimizer, and in the future perhaps an ExtrapolationFromThePastOptimizer.


    Current implementation of ConstrainedOptimizer is very flexible: it allows for unconstrained optimization, constrained optimization with simultaneous and alternating updates and extragradient updates.

    Because of this, the logic inside the ConstrainedOptimizer class has become overly complex. https://github.com/cooper-org/cooper/blob/f1d95543f48d1127da8111d285f45fc5936426c6/cooper/constrained_optimizer.py#L268-L270

    A more modularized implementation would make the code easier to understand and less error prone. The added flexibility would enable implementing new optimization approaches, like extrapolation from the past [1].

    A similar approach was taken with the Formulations, where a BaseLagrangianFormulation underpins the LagrangianFormulation and ProxyLagrangianFormulation.


    • Gidel, G., Berard, H., Vignoud, G., Vincent, P., & Lacoste-Julien, S. (2019). A variational inequality perspective on generative adversarial networks. In ICLR.
    opened by juan43ramirez 1
  • dual_scheduler steps may happen multiple times per epoch

    dual_scheduler steps may happen multiple times per epoch


    The call to dual_scheduler.step() happens at the end of ConstrainedOptimizer.step(). This means that dual_scheduler steps happen at the end of every optimization step and not every optimization epoch.


    This goes against the Pytorch convention on learning rate schedulers.

    Expected behavior

    Calls to dual_scheduler.step() should happen at the end of every epoch.

    How to fix

    We could: (i) Remove the call to dual_scheduler.step() from inside the ConstrainedOptimizer and let the user handle it. The instantiation of the dual scheduler could still be performed internally so that the partial_lr_scheduler logic is preserved (and for the user to not worry about it). (ii) Indicate whether a step is the last of its epoch and only then call dual_scheduler.step(). (iii) Create a class which wraps both the primal and dual schedulers (like how the ConstrainedOptimizer wraps primal and dual optimizers), whose step() method is manually called by the user at the end of an epoch. The class could internally handle the initialization of the dual scheduler. This approach is similar to (i)

    opened by juan43ramirez 1
  • Multiple Primal Optimizers

    Multiple Primal Optimizers

    Closes #39


    Parameter primal_optimizer of ConstrainedOptimizer renamed to primal_optimizers. It accepts either a (i) torch.optim.Optimizer or a (ii) list of Optimizers. Behavior in case (i) is unchanged.

    Lines previously performing constrained_optimizer.primal_optimizer.method() have been replaced by for primal_optimizer in constrained_optimizer.primal_optimizers; primal_optimizer.method(). For instance,


    Saving and loading of checkpoints was modified to allow for lists of primal optimizers.

    Warning ⚠ This breaks backward compatibility when instantiating a ConstrainedOptimizer with keyword argument primal_optimizer.


    Toy2D testing of constrained and unconstrained execution included in test_optimizer.py. Checkpointing test included in test_checkpoint.py

    This functionality is not tested together with other optimization methods or formulations (Extragradient, Augmented Lagrangian, Proxy constraints).


    Note added in constrained_optimizer.rst indicating that functionality exists. Small section added in optim.rst describing how to setup multiple primal optimizers and how Cooper handles them. Docstrings and overall documentation updated to be general enough for multiple optimizers.

    opened by juan43ramirez 1
  • Loading state_dict of dual_schedulers

    Loading state_dict of dual_schedulers


    The instantiation of the dual_scheduler inside ConstrainedOptimizer.load_from_state_dict method has a bug. The variable containing the dual scheduler class is called dual_scheduler_class as opposed to dual_scheduler. https://github.com/cooper-org/cooper/blob/f75dff39608f2d2895411c6e40e3675aba03c0f2/cooper/constrained_optimizer.py#L491


    Replace current line to dual_scheduler = dual_scheduler_class(dual_optimizer)

    Expected behavior

    This should enable the loading of a dual_scheduler from a checkpoint.

    opened by juan43ramirez 1
  • 54 multiplier models

    54 multiplier models

    Closes #54


    On the multipliers module we created a new class called cooper.multipliers.MultiplierModel, which predicts the value of the Lagrange multipliers associated with the equality or inequality constraints of a cooper.problem.ConstrainedMinimizationProblem. Additionally, we created a new Lagrangian formulation --> cooper.formulation.LagrangianFormulation that works with the created MultiplierModel class.


    We tested the class multipliers.MultiplierModel with the simplest model. A linear model with a single output. The new Lagrangian Formulation was also tested.


    This idea comes from the paper by Narasimhan et al. and we took their repository as reference.

    opened by IsitaRex 0
  • Extrapolation from the past

    Extrapolation from the past


    Implement the extrapolation from the past algorithm (Popov, 1980). A good and modern source is Gidel et al. (2019).

    This is an algorithm for computing parameter updates similar to extragradient: it computes the direction for updating parameters based on a "lookahead step". It is less intensive computationally than extragradient and enjoys similar convergence results for some class problems (Gidel et al., 2019).


    Whereas extragradient requires two gradient computations per parameter update, extrapolation from the past stores and re-uses gradients from previous extrapolation steps for use during current extrapolation steps. This means less computational intensity in terms of gradient calculations, which may be helpful in some settings.

    However, storing the previous gradients still means an overhead in terms of storage as opposed to gradient descent-ascent.


    • G. Gidel, H. Berard, G. Vignoud, P. Vincent, S. Lacoste-Julien. A Variational Inequality Perspective on Generative Adversarial Networks. In ICLR, 2019.
    • L. D. Popov. A modification of the arrow-hurwicz method for search of saddle points. Mathematical notes of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1980.
    opened by juan43ramirez 0
  • Multiplier Models

    Multiplier Models


    Implement a "Multiplier Model" in Cooper. This idea comes from the paper by Narasimhan et al.

    Instead of tracking the Lagrange Multipliers of a constrained optimization problem explicitly, consider a model which takes as input features associated with each constraint and outputs their corresponding multiplier.

    This requires a new kind of Multiplier in Cooper different from a DenseMultiplier. In turn, we might want to create and abstract class for multipliers outlining how a custom multiplier needs to be implemented.

    This also requires a new formulation or the modification of an existing one. Note that the dual_parameters do not match the multipliers in this new functionality. Multipliers are the outputs of the Multiplier Model, whereas the dual_parameters would be the actual weights of said model.


    Consider problems with an extremely large (or even infinite) number of constraints. It becomes computationally intractable to evaluate and keep track of each constraint. Moreover, when solving the problem with an (explicit) Lagrangian formulation, there is the requirement to store and update an equally large number of multipliers.

    With a Multiplier Model, Lagrange multipliers can be computed "on demand", given the constraints that were evaluated at each time step. As long as the Multiplier Model has less parameters than the total possible number of multipliers, there is a gain in terms of storage.

    Also, note that the Multiplier Model's parameters are shared across constraints. Therefore, they can learn to have similar multipliers for constraints which tend to be similar to one another.


    opened by juan43ramirez 0
  • Document modularized optimizers

    Document modularized optimizers


    This PR #52 made significant changes to the structure of the code for constrained optimizers. However, this change has not been fully integrated into the docs.

    documentation enhancement 
    opened by gallego-posada 0
  • Example for lagrangian constraints

    Example for lagrangian constraints

    The documentation of this library is very limited and it is hard to parse how it should be applied for different applications. For instance, in Many RL algorithms such as PPO and MPO, an entropy regularization terms or the KL constraints between policies employed to stabilise standard RL objectives. Is it possible to give a practical example of how one can use this library for a dual problem with lagrangian multipliers for such applications?

    Many thanks.

    opened by neuronphysics 0
  • Do `maximize=True` for dual_optimizers

    Do `maximize=True` for dual_optimizers


    Pytorch optimizers include a maximize flag (Pytorch Issue)*. When set to True, the sign of gradients is flipped inside optimizer.step() before computing parameter updates. This enables gradient ascent steps natively.

    NOTE: This sign flip does not affect the parameter's .grad attribute.

    Cooper currently populates the gradients of dual variables with their negative value, so that descent steps performed by the dual optimizer are in fact ascent steps towards optimizing the problem formulation.


    We should not do the sign flipping manually but rather force set maximize=True when instantiating the dual optimizer.

    * This has been implemented on on Pytorch's master branch for every optimizer but LBFGS . On v1.12, Adam, SGD and AdaGrad support the flag, but not RMSProp. An assert could be included to ensure that the requested dual optimizer supports the flag.

    ⚠ This change would break compatibility with versions of Pytorch prior to 1.12.


    Manually flipping gradients immediately after calculating them (thus ensuring that this happens before calls to dual_optimizer.step()) is error prone. Moreover, keeping track of the fact that gradients have a sign flipped is inconvenient.

    By implementing this change we would adopt the official Pytorch approach for performing ascent steps.


    The current implementation is functional.


    • https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/68052
    opened by juan43ramirez 1
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