Official PyTorch implementation of the paper "Deep Constrained Least Squares for Blind Image Super-Resolution", CVPR 2022.


Deep Constrained Least Squares for Blind Image Super-Resolution


This is the official implementation of 'Deep Constrained Least Squares for Blind Image Super-Resolution', CVPR 2022.


[2022.03.09] We released the code and provided the pretrained model weights here.
[2022.03.02] Our paper has been accepted by CVPR 2022.





  • OS: Ubuntu 18.04
  • nvidia :
    • cuda: 10.1
    • cudnn: 7.6.1
  • python3
  • pytorch >= 1.6
  • Python packages: numpy opencv-python lmdb pyyaml

Dataset Preparation

We use DIV2K and Flickr2K as our training datasets (totally 3450 images).

To transform datasets to binary files for efficient IO, run:

python3 codes/scripts/

For evaluation of Isotropic Gaussian kernels (Gaussian8), we use five datasets, i.e., Set5, Set14, Urban100, BSD100 and Manga109.

To generate LRblur/LR/HR/Bicubic datasets paths, run:

python3 codes/scripts/

For evaluation of Anisotropic Gaussian kernels, we use DIV2KRK.

(You need to modify the file paths by yourself.)


  1. The core algorithm is in codes/config/DCLS.
  2. Please modify codes/config/DCLS/options to set path, iterations, and other parameters...
  3. To train the model(s) in the paper, run below commands.

For single GPU:

cd codes/config/DCLS
python3 -opt=options/setting1/train_setting1_x4.yml

For distributed training

cd codes/config/DCLS
python3 -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 --master_poer=4321 -opt=options/setting1/train_setting1_x4.yml --launcher pytorch

Or choose training options use

cd codes/config/DCLS


To evalute our method, please modify the benchmark path and model path and run

cd codes/config/DCLS
python3 -opt=options/setting1/test_setting1_x4.yml


Comparison on Isotropic Gaussian kernels (Gaussian8)

ISO kernel

Comparison on Anisotropic Gaussian kernels (DIV2KRK)

ANISO kernel


If our code helps your research or work, please consider citing our paper. The following is a BibTeX reference.

  title={Deep Constrained Least Squares for Blind Image Super-Resolution},
  author={Luo, Ziwei and Huang, Haibin and Yu, Lei and Li, Youwei and Fan, Haoqiang and Liu, Shuaicheng},
  journal={IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},


email: [[email protected]]


This project is based on [DAN], [MMSR] and [BasicSR].

  • issue about x2 SR training process

    issue about x2 SR training process

    image Hi, when I train the model under setting1_x2, I can not obtain a good result. Maybe I missed something in my training. Could you give some advice on it?

    #### general settings
    name: DCLSx2_setting1
    use_tb_logger: true
    model: blind
    distortion: sr
    scale: 2
    gpu_ids: [0, 1, 2, 3]
    pca_matrix_path: ../../../pca_matrix/DCLS/pca_matrix.pth
      random_kernel: True
      ksize: 21
      code_length: 10
      sig_min: 0.2
      sig_max: 2.0
      rate_iso: 1.0
      random_disturb: false
    #### datasets
        name: DIV2K
        mode: GT
        dataroot_GT: /datasets/DF2K/HR/x2HR.lmdb
        use_shuffle: true
        n_workers: 4  # per GPU
        batch_size: 64
        GT_size: 128
        LR_size: 64
        use_flip: true
        use_rot: true
        color: RGB
        name: Set5
        mode: LQGT
        dataroot_GT: /datasets/Set5/x2HR.lmdb
        dataroot_LQ: /datasets/Set5/x2LRblur.lmdb
    #### network structures
      which_model_G: DCLS
        nf: 64
        nb: 10
        ng: 5
        input_para: 256
        kernel_size: 21
    #### path
      pretrain_model_G: ~
      strict_load: true
      resume_state: ~
    #### training settings: learning rate scheme, loss
      lr_G: !!float 4e-4
      lr_E: !!float 4e-4
      lr_scheme: MultiStepLR
      beta1: 0.9
      beta2: 0.99
      niter: 500000
      warmup_iter: -1  # no warm up
      lr_steps: [200000, 400000]
      lr_gamma: 0.5
      eta_min: !!float 1e-7
      pixel_criterion: l1
      pixel_weight: 1.0
      manual_seed: 0
      val_freq: !!float 100
    #### logger
      print_freq: 20
      save_checkpoint_freq: !!float 1000

    This is the config settings. Thank you for your reply!

    opened by wwlCape 5
  • sos


    您好,您在CLS的forward()方法中有一个循环16次的语句: for i in range(feature_pad.shape[1]): #对16个通道中的每个通道进行操作 feature_ch = feature_pad[:, i:i+1, :, :] clear_feature_ch = get_uperleft_denominator(feature_ch, kernel, kernel_P[:, i:i+1, :, :]) clear_features[:, i:i+1, :, :] = clear_feature_ch[:, :, ks:-ks, ks:-ks] 其中get_uperleft_denominator(feature_ch, kernel, kernel_P[:, i:i+1, :, :])方法我看了好多遍,完全看不懂,只知道这个方法是对经过填充的原始特征,预测的平滑滤波器,模糊核进行一些傅里叶变换操作。您能对下列的4~8行解释下这几行代码是在干嘛吗?跪跪谢! ps(第四行方法里进行的循环移位操作看的怀疑人生,能看懂但是不知道为什么要这样做!哭)

    1.# ------------------------------------------------------ 2.# -----------Constraint Least Square Filter------------- 3.def get_uperleft_denominator(img, kernel, grad_kernel): 4. ker_f = convert_psf2otf(kernel, img.size()) # discrete fourier transform of kernel 对模糊核进行离散傅里叶操作 5. ker_p = convert_psf2otf(grad_kernel, img.size()) # discrete fourier transform of kernel 6. denominator = inv_fft_kernel_est(ker_f, ker_p) 7. numerator = torch.rfft(img, 3, onesided=False) 8. deblur = deconv(denominator, numerator) 9. return deblur

    opened by fenghao195 3
  • 训练数据准备的问题


    您好,在您的README中“Dataset Preparation”节写到“To transform datasets to binary files for efficient IO, run:”,但是当我运行create_lmdb.py文件时,并不知道其中的img_folder应该指向什么样的训练数据路径。换句话说,在生成训练数据时,我应该将img_folder设置为DIV2K的HR图像,还是DIV2Kx4下的LR图像?

    opened by EchoXu98 4
  • How can we use this model to train on real low resolution images without super-resolution images?

    How can we use this model to train on real low resolution images without super-resolution images?

    I am a new researcher in super-resolution work, for Blind Image Super-Resolution, I think we cannot get the SR image information and true kernel. But in your work, you have used this information, maybe this is not Blind Image Super-Resolution?

    opened by Jiaxin-lucky 1
  • New Super-Resolution Benchmarks

    New Super-Resolution Benchmarks


    MSU Graphics & Media Lab Video Group has recently launched two new Super-Resolution Benchmarks.

    If you are interested in participating, you can add your algorithm following the submission steps:

    We would be grateful for your feedback on our work!

    opened by EvgeneyBogatyrev 0
  • about paper

    about paper

    您好,关于您论文中3.3节,有几个问题: 1、公式(10)是怎么得到的,需要最小化的不应该是||GiX↓s—Ri||2吗,就像Deep Wiener Decovolution中的公式(4a)。 2、为什么在特征空间中,平滑滤波器P和拉格朗日乘子可能不一致?如何理解? 3、为什么利用神经网络也就是代码中的self.grad_filter可以预测出来一组具有隐式拉格朗日乘数的平滑滤波器,怎么体现的呢?什么原理?

    opened by xanxuso 3
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