A way to store images in YAML.



A way to store images in YAML.

I made this after seeing Roadcrosser's JSON-G because it was too inspiring to ignore this opportunity.



pip install yamlimg

or from GitHub

pip install git+https://github.com/vcokltfre/yamlimg


Dumping an image:

yamlimg dump <image> [--output=output.yaml]

Loading an image:

yamlimg load <image> [--output=image.png]

Using the programmatic API:

from PIL import Image
from yamlimg import yaml_to_image, image_to_yaml

# Open an image
image = Image.open("image.png")

# Convert the image to yaml
yaml = image_to_yaml(image)

# Convert the yaml back to an image
image = yaml_to_image(yaml)


There is no point in using this. It was made as a joke and I implore you not to ever actually use this for anything other than a joke.

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