LOFO (Leave One Feature Out) Importance calculates the importances of a set of features based on a metric of choice,


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LOFO (Leave One Feature Out) Importance calculates the importances of a set of features based on a metric of choice, for a model of choice, by iteratively removing each feature from the set, and evaluating the performance of the model, with a validation scheme of choice, based on the chosen metric.

LOFO first evaluates the performance of the model with all the input features included, then iteratively removes one feature at a time, retrains the model, and evaluates its performance on a validation set. The mean and standard deviation (across the folds) of the importance of each feature is then reported.

If a model is not passed as an argument to LOFO Importance, it will run LightGBM as a default model.


LOFO Importance can be installed using

pip install lofo-importance

Advantages of LOFO Importance

LOFO has several advantages compared to other importance types:

  • It does not favor granular features
  • It generalises well to unseen test sets
  • It is model agnostic
  • It gives negative importance to features that hurt performance upon inclusion
  • It can group the features. Especially useful for high dimensional features like TFIDF or OHE features.
  • It can automatically group highly correlated features to avoid underestimating their importance.

Example on Kaggle's Microsoft Malware Prediction Competition

In this Kaggle competition, Microsoft provides a malware dataset to predict whether or not a machine will soon be hit with malware. One of the features, Centos_OSVersion is very predictive on the training set, since some OS versions are probably more prone to bugs and failures than others. However, upon splitting the data out of time, we obtain validation sets with OS versions that have not occurred in the training set. Therefore, the model will not have learned the relationship between the target and this seasonal feature. By evaluating this feature's importance using other importance types, Centos_OSVersion seems to have high importance, because its importance was evaluated using only the training set. However, LOFO Importance depends on a validation scheme, so it will not only give this feature low importance, but even negative importance.

import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
from lofo import LOFOImportance, Dataset, plot_importance
%matplotlib inline

# import data
train_df = pd.read_csv("../input/train.csv", dtype=dtypes)

# extract a sample of the data
sample_df = train_df.sample(frac=0.01, random_state=0)
sample_df.sort_values("AvSigVersion", inplace=True)

# define the validation scheme
cv = KFold(n_splits=4, shuffle=False, random_state=0)

# define the binary target and the features
dataset = Dataset(df=sample_df, target="HasDetections", features=[col for col in train_df.columns if col != target])

# define the validation scheme and scorer. The default model is LightGBM
lofo_imp = LOFOImportance(dataset, cv=cv, scoring="roc_auc")

# get the mean and standard deviation of the importances in pandas format
importance_df = lofo_imp.get_importance()

# plot the means and standard deviations of the importances
plot_importance(importance_df, figsize=(12, 20))

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Another Example: Kaggle's TReNDS Competition

In this Kaggle competition, pariticipants are asked to predict some cognitive properties of patients. Independent component features (IC) from sMRI and very high dimensional correlation features (FNC) from 3D fMRIs are provided. LOFO can group the fMRI correlation features into one.

def get_lofo_importance(target):
    cv = KFold(n_splits=7, shuffle=True, random_state=17)

    dataset = Dataset(df=df[df[target].notnull()], target=target, features=loading_features,
                      feature_groups={"fnc": df[df[target].notnull()][fnc_features].values

    model = Ridge(alpha=0.01)
    lofo_imp = LOFOImportance(dataset, cv=cv, scoring="neg_mean_absolute_error", model=model)

    return lofo_imp.get_importance()

plot_importance(get_lofo_importance(target="domain1_var1"), figsize=(8, 8), kind="box")

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Flofo Importance

If running the LOFO Importance package is too time-costly for you, you can use Fast LOFO. Fast LOFO, or FLOFO takes, as inputs, an already trained model and a validation set, and does a pseudo-random permutation on the values of each feature, one by one, then uses the trained model to make predictions on the validation set. The mean of the FLOFO importance is then the difference in the performance of the model on the validation set over several randomised permutations. The difference between FLOFO importance and permutation importance is that the permutations on a feature's values are done within groups, where groups are obtained by grouping the validation set by k=2 features. These k features are chosen at random n=10 times, and the mean and standard deviation of the FLOFO importance are calculated based on these n runs. The reason this grouping makes the measure of importance better is that permuting a feature's value is no longer completely random. In fact, the permutations are done within groups of similar samples, so the permutations are equivalent to noising the samples. This ensures that:

  • The permuted feature values are very unlikely to be replaced by unrealistic values.
  • A feature that is predictable by features among the chosen n*k features will be replaced by very similar values during permutation. Therefore, it will only slightly affect the model performance (and will yield a small FLOFO importance). This solves the correlated feature overestimation problem.
  • add categorical_feature like lightgbm

    add categorical_feature like lightgbm

    I don't know how to feature request XD.

    It would be great if you can add the categorical_feature parameter in your Dataset just like in the lightgbm docs. Thanks!!

    opened by rafmacalaba 9
  • Add the choice between Mean/Std and Median/IQR

    Add the choice between Mean/Std and Median/IQR

    Median and IQR could be more robust and useful if distribution of importances is not normal.

    Something like this

    importance_df["importance_md"] = lofo_cv_scores_normalized.median(axis=1)
    importance_df["importance_iqr"] = stats.iqr(lofo_cv_scores_normalized, axis=1)

    Also for plot_importance there could be a choice between error and 95%CI;

    For std it would be

    xerr=1.96 * importance_df.importance_std,

    and for iqr

    xerr=1.57 * importance_df.importance_iqr / np.sqrt(n), # num_sampling for flofo and num of folds for lofo
    opened by glevv 5
  • I am not able to import Dataset

    I am not able to import Dataset

    from lofo import Dataset doesn't work and gives error of

    cannot import name 'Dataset' from 'lofo'

    But if I write from lofo.dataset import Dataset then it works fine.

    I think it has something to do with init.py

    opened by ashutosh1919 5
  • Understanding LOFO Importance

    Understanding LOFO Importance

    Hi, Consider the following code:

    import pandas as pd
    from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer
    from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
    from lofo import LOFOImportance
    brca = load_breast_cancer()
    df = pd.DataFrame(brca["data"], columns=brca["feature_names"]).assign(target=brca["target"])
    lofo = LOFOImportance(df, brca["feature_names"], "target", 
                          cv=KFold(n_splits=5, random_state=4), 
    importance_df = lofo.get_importance()


    This produces a importance ranking of features. There are some positive means and some negative means in the dataset.

    I will now select all features, whose mean is above zero and calculate the importance again.

    new_features = importance_df.query("importance_mean > 0")["feature"].tolist()
    lofo = LOFOImportance(df, new_features, "target", 
                          cv=KFold(n_splits=5, random_state=4), 
    importance_df2 = lofo.get_importance()


    Again, there are some positive means and some negative means in the dataset. This is not what I was expecting. I removed the supposedly unnecessary features after the first step, why are there new unnecessary features after the second step?

    opened by r0f1 4
  • Having a lot of features + Using LOFO?

    Having a lot of features + Using LOFO?


    I have 1673 features. When I tried using LOFO importance, the result is the following:


    Are the features showing up one on top of the other because the plot isn't long enough? What would you suggest to fix this problem?

    Thank you

    opened by Mymoza 3
  • Support multiclass classification ?

    Support multiclass classification ?

    The code below is okay to get importance_df.

    import pandas as pd
    from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
    from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer, load_iris
    from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
    from lofo import LOFOImportance, Dataset, plot_importance
    data = load_breast_cancer(as_frame=True)# load as dataframe
    df = data.data
    # model
    model = RandomForestClassifier()
    # dataset
    dataset = Dataset(df=df, target="target", features=[col for col in df.columns if col != 'target'])
    # get feature importance
    cv = KFold(n_splits=5, shuffle=True, random_state=666)
    lofo_imp = LOFOImportance(dataset, cv=cv, scoring="f1",model=model)
    importance_df = lofo_imp.get_importance()

    But if we modify load_breast_cancer to load_iris, the importance_df values are all NaN.

    Is the lofo-importance only support binary classification?

    opened by ybdesire 2
  • usage question

    usage question

    This is not an issue, but rather a quick question for clarification.

    From the brief definition of the method, it is a little hard to tell how LOFO and RFE/Backward Selection differ from each other. Could you please compare & contrast?

    Thank you again for sharing this lib with the community!


    opened by skadio 2
  • Sample_weight?


    Is there any way to pass a sample weight column into a Dataset object, or is there any plan to add this functionality? It should fit pretty smoothly into the sklearn framework I would expect, but maybe I'm missing something.

    Thanks for the wonderful package!

    opened by kmedved 2
  • Add logging or restart mechanism

    Add logging or restart mechanism

    When there are many features, the task takes a long time and is easy to collapse. Therefore, I think it is necessary to add the logging function and breakpoint recovery function in lofo.

    opened by RainFung 2
  • Could you add a reference?

    Could you add a reference?

    Thanks for putting this repo together. Who developed this method? Is it the same as LOCO? https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01621459.2017.1307116?casa_token=HAl_ErrKi18AAAAA:YyDJybfbzaLMDU1Zlzq8D4OQnZmUeEwukWJFagcsFB7_JA-W-7ifcINhc8N0FTbtbImLjezWESo

    Thanks, Daniel

    opened by danielmlow 1
  • Groupkfold or Groupshufflesplit Cross Validation

    Groupkfold or Groupshufflesplit Cross Validation

    Thanks for the very cool package. I was wondering if it is possible to pass a group_id somehow in order to do Groupkfold or Groupshufflesplit cross validation? I don't see anywhere obvious, but wanted to check in case I'm missing anything.


    opened by kmedved 1
  • Compatibility with neural network: replacing with constant value instead of dropping the feature

    Compatibility with neural network: replacing with constant value instead of dropping the feature


    For neural network if you change the number of features, you need to change the input dimension and therefore the number of neurons. So, we could have an option like:

    • leaving='drop' for current behaviour
    • leaving='replace' for NN

    What do you think?

    opened by stephanecollot 2
  • Running the example in the readme throws errors

    Running the example in the readme throws errors

    Indeed, in the first example here, the target attribute does not exist and should be instead "HasDetections" or defined before creating the model

    I have created pull request here

    opened by KameniAlexNea 0
  • Multiclass models

    Multiclass models

    The algorithm doesn't support multiclass classification. In infer_model function the classification task is defined only for two unique values of the target.

    opened by AndreaPesce 4
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