🐦 Quickly annotate data from the comfort of your Jupyter notebook

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Deep Learning pigeon

🐦 pigeon - Quickly annotate data on Jupyter

Pigeon is a simple widget that lets you quickly annotate a dataset of unlabeled examples from the comfort of your Jupyter notebook.

Pigeon currently supports annotation for classification tasks (set of labels), regression tasks (int/float range), or captioning tasks (variable-length text). Anything that can be displayed on Jupyter (text, images, audio, graphs, etc.) can be displayed by pigeon by providing the appropriate display_fn argument.


pip install pigeon-jupyter


  • Text classification


from pigeon import annotate
annotations = annotate(
  ['I love this movie', 'I was really disappointed by the book'],
  options=['positive', 'negative']



  • Image classification


from pigeon import annotate
from IPython.display import display, Image

annotations = annotate(
  ['assets/img_example1.jpg', 'assets/img_example2.jpg'],
  options=['cat', 'dog', 'horse'],
  display_fn=lambda filename: display(Image(filename))



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  • "No module named "pigeon" Module error after successfully installing in Mac M1 environment

    Is there an known interoperability issue with MacM1, Jupyter notebooks and Pigeon? I have successfully installed it as you can see below but I get a module import error on my Jupyter notebook.

    Package            Version
    ------------------ ----------
    appnope            0.1.3
    asttokens          2.2.0
    backcall           0.2.0
    blis               0.7.9
    catalogue          2.0.8
    certifi            2022.9.24
    charset-normalizer 2.1.1
    click              8.1.3
    confection         0.0.3
    cymem              2.0.7
    debugpy            1.6.4
    decorator          5.1.1
    en-core-web-sm     3.4.1
    en-core-web-trf    3.4.1
    entrypoints        0.4
    executing          1.2.0
    filelock           3.8.0
    huggingface-hub    0.11.0
    idna               3.4
    ipykernel          6.17.1
    ipython            8.7.0
    ipywidgets         8.0.2
    jedi               0.18.2
    Jinja2             3.1.2
    jupyter_client     7.4.7
    jupyter_core       5.1.0
    jupyterlab-widgets 3.0.3
    langcodes          3.3.0
    MarkupSafe         2.1.1
    matplotlib-inline  0.1.6
    murmurhash         1.0.9
    nest-asyncio       1.5.6
    numpy              1.23.4
    packaging          21.3
    pandas             1.5.1
    parso              0.8.3
    pathy              0.10.0
    pexpect            4.8.0
    pickleshare        0.7.5
    pigeon-jupyter     0.1.0
    pip                22.3.1
    platformdirs       2.5.4
    preshed            3.0.8
    prompt-toolkit     3.0.33
    psutil             5.9.4
    ptyprocess         0.7.0
    pure-eval          0.2.2
    pydantic           1.10.2
    Pygments           2.13.0
    pyparsing          3.0.9
    python-dateutil    2.8.2
    pytz               2022.6
    PyYAML             6.0
    pyzmq              24.0.1
    regex              2022.10.31
    requests           2.28.1
    semantic-version   2.10.0
    setuptools         65.6.3
    setuptools-rust    1.5.2
    six                1.16.0
    smart-open         5.2.1
    spacy              3.4.3
    spacy-alignments   0.8.6
    spacy-legacy       3.0.10
    spacy-loggers      1.0.3
    spacy-transformers 1.1.8
    srsly              2.4.5
    stack-data         0.6.2
    thinc              8.1.5
    tokenizers         0.12.1
    torch              1.13.0
    tornado            6.2
    tqdm               4.64.1
    traitlets          5.6.0
    transformers       4.21.3
    typer              0.7.0
    typing_extensions  4.4.0
    urllib3            1.26.13
    wasabi             0.10.1
    wcwidth            0.2.5
    wheel              0.37.1
    widgetsnbextension 4.0.3
    opened by ja4h3ad 0
  • Customize when dropdown instead of buttons are displayed (solution for Issue #8)

    Customize when dropdown instead of buttons are displayed (solution for Issue #8)

    Solution for Issue https://github.com/agermanidis/pigeon/issues/8 to allow users to set when dropdown is displayed instead of buttons. Useful for users with large amount of classes quickly select a class


    opened by cyschneck 0
  • No buttons are showing after running programs

    No buttons are showing after running programs

    After running the code as you have displayed in the readme, it opens up just a single question and nothing happens after that??? No buttons nothing. It is not even opening a second image. What could be the problem?

    opened by deshwalmahesh 2
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