pytorch implementation of the ICCV'21 paper "MVTN: Multi-View Transformation Network for 3D Shape Recognition"


MVTN: Multi-View Transformation Network for 3D Shape Recognition (ICCV 2021)

By Abdullah Hamdi, Silvio Giancola, Bernard Ghanem

Paper | Video | Tutorial .


MVTN pipeline

The official Pytroch code of ICCV 2021 paper MVTN: Multi-View Transformation Network for 3D Shape Recognition. MVTN learns to transform the rendering parameters of a 3D object to improve the perspectives for better recognition by multi-view netowkrs. Without extra supervision or add loss, MVTN improve the performance in 3D classification and shape retrieval. MVTN achieves state-of-the-art performance on ModelNet40, ShapeNet Core55, and the most recent and realistic ScanObjectNN dataset (up to 6% improvement).


If you find our work useful in your research, please consider citing:

    author    = {Hamdi, Abdullah and Giancola, Silvio and Ghanem, Bernard},
    title     = {MVTN: Multi-View Transformation Network for 3D Shape Recognition},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
    month     = {October},
    year      = {2021},
    pages     = {1-11}


This code is tested with Python 3.7 and Pytorch >= 1.5

conda create -y -n MVTN python=3.7
conda activate MVTN
conda install -c pytorch pytorch=1.7.1 torchvision cudatoolkit=10.2
conda install -c fvcore -c iopath -c conda-forge fvcore iopath
conda install -c bottler nvidiacub
conda install pytorch3d -c pytorch3d
  • install other helper libraries
conda install pandas
conda install -c conda-forge trimesh
pip install einops imageio scipy matplotlib tensorboard h5py metric-learn

Usage: 3D Classification & Retrieval

The main Python script in the root directorty

First download the datasets and unzip inside the data/ directories as follows:

  • ModelNet40 this link (ModelNet objects meshes are simplified to fit the GPU and allows for backpropogation ).

  • ShapeNet Core55 v2 this link ( You need to create an account)

  • ScanObjectNN this link (ScanObjectNN with its three main variants [obj_only ,with_bg , hardest] controlled by the --dset_variant option ).

Then you can run MVTN with

python --data_dir data/ModelNet40/ --run_mode train --mvnetwork mvcnn --nb_views 8 --views_config learned_spherical  
  • --data_dir the data directory. The dataloader is picked adaptively from based on the choice between "ModelNet40", "ShapeNetCore.v2", or the "ScanObjectNN" choice.
  • --run_mode is the run mode. choices: "train"(train for classification), "test_cls"(test classification after training), "test_retr"(test retrieval after training), "test_rot"(test rotation robustness after training), "test_occ"(test occlusion robustness after training)
  • --mvnetwork is the multi-view network used in the pipeline. Choices: "mvcnn" , "rotnet", "viewgcn"
  • --views_config is one of six view selection methods that are either learned or heuristics : choices: "circular", "random", "spherical" "learned_circular" , "learned_spherical" , "learned_direct". Only the ones that are learned are MVTN variants.
  • --resume a flag to continue training from last checkpoint.
  • --pc_rendering : a flag if you want to use point clouds instead of mesh data and point cloud rendering instead of mesh rendering. This should be default when only point cloud data is available ( like in ScanObjectNN dataset)
  • --object_color: is the uniform color of the mesh or object rendered. default="white", choices=["white", "random", "black", "red", "green", "blue", "custom"]

Other parameters can be founded in config.yaml configuration file or run python -h. The default parameters are the ones used in the paper.

The results will be saved in results/00/0001/ folder that contaions the camera view points and the renderings of some example as well the checkpoints and the logs.

Note: For best performance on point cloud tasks, please set canonical_distance : 1.0 in the config.yaml file. For mesh tasks, keep as is.

Other files

  • models/ contains the main Pytorch3D differentiable renderer class that can render multi-view images for point clouds and meshes adaptively.
  • models/ contains a standalone class for MVTN that can be used with any other pipeline.
  • includes all the pytorch dataloaders for 3D datasets: ModelNet40, SahpeNet core55 ,ScanObjectNN, and ShapeNet Parts
  • is the Blender code used to simplify the meshes with simplify_mesh function from as the following :
simplify_ratio  = 0.05 # the ratio of faces to be maintained after simplification 
input_mesh_file = os.path.join(data_dir,"ModelNet40/plant/train/") 
mymesh, reduced_mesh = simplify_mesh(input_mesh_file,simplify_ratio=simplify_ratio)

The output simplified mesh will be saved in the same directory of the original mesh with "SMPLER" appended to the name


  • Please open an issue or contact Abdullah Hamdi ([email protected]) if there is any question.


This paper and repo borrows codes and ideas from several great github repos: MVCNN pytorch , view GCN, RotationNet and most importantly the great Pytorch3D library.


The code is released under MIT License (see LICENSE file for details).

  • ScanObjectNN (paper table 2)

    ScanObjectNN (paper table 2)

    Hi Thank you so much for the code release.

    Can you please give the exact training and evaluation commands used for training and testing the ScanObjectNN dataset to recreate the results of table 2 in paper?

    Thanks in advance. Much appreciated.

    opened by sheshap 9
  • Remedy did not work

    Remedy did not work

    Hellow,Thanks for your nice work,there is a bug:

    i did not change any parameters ,and run :

    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='2' python \
            --data_dir data/ModelNet40/ \
            --run_mode train \
            --mvnetwork mvcnn \
            --nb_views 8 \
            --views_config learned_spherical


            train acc: 82.79 - train Loss: 0.6117
            Val Acc: 76.54 - val Loss: 0.8504
            Current best val acc: 76.90
    Epoch: [45/100]
            Iter [50/492] Loss: 0.4384
    Remedy did not work
    opened by JerkyT 1
  • I can't get the accuracy in the paper

    I can't get the accuracy in the paper

    In paper,MVTN using resnet18 can get the accuracy of 90% on ModelNet40 test. I can only get 78% accuracy.My command is python --data_dir data/ModelNet40/ --run_mode train --mvnetwork mvcnn --nb_views 8 --views_config learned_spherical

    opened by liuyuanqing 1
  • Is the ModelNet40 dataset aligned?

    Is the ModelNet40 dataset aligned?

    Thank you for your last reply, I'm sorry I have another question.

    Because it is not stated in the paper, I think that the ModelNet40 dataset used is unaligned.

    However, in the supplementary material, it states that when testing rotation robustness,

    A common practice in the literature in 3D shape classification is to test the robustness of models trained on the aligned dataset by injecting perturbations during test time [ 20 ]. We follow the same setup as [ 20 ] by introducing random rotations during test time around the Y-axis (gravity-axis).

    Does this mean that you are using an aligned ModelNet40 dataset only for testing rotation robustness? Or is the ModetNet40 you stated in already an aligned dataset?

    opened by Kumoi0728 1
  • Input points for Classification (1k or 2k) ?

    Input points for Classification (1k or 2k) ?

    Can you please confirm if the classification results are using 2048 input points instead of 1024 points?

    Not clear from the tables (mainly because results of previous models are based on 1024 input points).

    Kindly share the results of classification with 1024 points or provide exact commands and configurations to recreate the results.

    Thanks in advance

    opened by sheshap 1
  • How to find nb_points for custom dataset?

    How to find nb_points for custom dataset?

    Hey! I am new to this kind of approach and wanted to apply it to a custom dataset of mine. How do I find the correct nb_points value for my dataset? Thanks!

    opened by wlcosta 1
  • checkpoints


    Thank you very much for your reply. Sorry I have encountered another problem. What is the use of the weights under results/checkpoints/modelnet/? Could you provide the model weights for the best results?

    opened by whu-lee 1
  • Update blender_simplify to Blender 2.8 API

    Update blender_simplify to Blender 2.8 API

    Using the current code on Blender 2.8 yields the following error:['Camera'].select = True
    AttributeError: 'Object' object has no attribute 'select'

    According to API changes in Blender 2.8:

    In 2.7x, you could directly (de)select an Object from its select property. This has been removed in 2.8x, in favor of some get/set functions.

    Therefore, we need to change this piece of code to allow for direct usage on Blender 2.8, which is now the default for installation.

    good first issue 
    opened by wlcosta 0
  • Dataset Link for ModelNet40 and ScanObjectNN

    Dataset Link for ModelNet40 and ScanObjectNN

    You know, in China, we can not access files on google drive. Can you share other download links to ModelNet40 and ScanObjectNN? For example, Baidu NetDisk has similar function with google drive, which is also widely used in China and many other countries.

    It would be appreciated if you can provide such links. Thanks.

    opened by auniquesun 1
  • Worse accuracy while continuing training due to a possible mistake in initializing `setup`

    Worse accuracy while continuing training due to a possible mistake in initializing `setup`

    I trained a MVTN model with 100 epochs with the following command, and stopped training after 57 epochs.

    python --data_dir data/ModelNet40/ --run_mode train --mvnetwork mvcnn --epochs 100 --nb_views 1 --views_config learned_circular

    And the output of the 57th epoch is like this,

    Epoch: [57/100] Iter [50/492] Loss: 0.7633 Iter [100/492] Loss: 0.7892 Iter [150/492] Loss: 0.3939 Iter [200/492] Loss: 0.1820 Iter [250/492] Loss: 0.2282 Iter [300/492] Loss: 0.6939 Iter [350/492] Loss: 0.4468 Iter [400/492] Loss: 0.2383 Iter [450/492] Loss: 0.5454 Evaluation: train acc: 82.03 - train Loss: 0.6457 Val Acc: 71.31 - val Loss: 1.0960 Current best val acc: 72.61

    When I load the trained model to continue training, although it started training from the 58th epoch correctly, the accuracies got lower,

    Epoch: [58/100] Iter [50/492] Loss: 1.2060 Iter [100/492] Loss: 0.6699 Iter [150/492] Loss: 0.5014 Iter [200/492] Loss: 0.4189 Iter [250/492] Loss: 0.2721 Iter [300/492] Loss: 0.3099 Iter [350/492] Loss: 1.0518 Iter [400/492] Loss: 1.1512 Iter [450/492] Loss: 0.2506 Evaluation: train acc: 55.48 - train Loss: 1.6519 Val Acc: 60.13 - val Loss: 1.4470 Current best val acc: 72.61

    I found that in line 260-264, only when is_learning_views = True , the trained MVTN model will be loaded,

    if setup["is_learning_views"]:

    and in line 55-56, is_learning_views in setup is initialized like this,

    setup["is_learning_views"] = setup["views_config"] in ["learned_offset",
                                                           "learned_direct", "learned_spherical", "learned_random", "learned_transfer"]

    should the learned_offset in line 55 be repalced by learned_circular? Becaues the choices of learned views_config must be learned_circular, learned_spherical, learned_direct, learned_random or learned_transfer.

    I am sorry if the reason is not here. I would appreciate it if you could tell me the correct way. :) @ajhamdi

    opened by Kumoi0728 3
Abdullah Hamdi
Deep Learning , Machine Learning , Game Design , Artificial Intelligence , Virtual Reality.
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