Motion Reconstruction Code and Data for Skills from Videos (SFV)


Motion Reconstruction Code and Data for Skills from Videos (SFV)

This repo contains the data and the code for motion reconstruction component of the SFV paper:

SFV: Reinforcement Learning of Physical Skills from Videos
Transactions on Graphics (Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2018)
Xue Bin Peng, Angjoo Kanazawa, Jitendra Malik, Pieter Abbeel, Sergey Levine
University of California, Berkeley

Project Page

Teaser Image


The data for the video can be found in this link.
It contains the:

  • Input videos
  • Intermediate 2D OpenPose, tracks, and HMR outputs
  • Result video of before and after motion reconstruction
  • Output of motion reconstruction in bvh used to train the character

See the README in the tar file for more details.


  • TensorFlow
  • SMPL
  • Have the same models/ structure as in HMR (you need the trained models and neutral_smpl_with_cocoplus_reg.pkl)

Rotation augmented models

This repo uses fine-tuned models for OpenPose and HMR with rotation augmentation. The models used can be found here: ft-OpenPose, ft-HMR

Steps to run:

  1. python -m run_openpose

  2. python -m refine_video

I recommend starting with the preprocessed data that's packaged with the above link, and start from python -m refine_video. Then run step 1 for your own video.


Note this repo is more of a research code demo compared to my other project code releases. It's also slightly dated. I'm putting this out there in case this is useful for others. You may need to fix some quirks.

Pull requests/contributions welcome!


This particular repo is under BSD but please follow the license agreement for tools that I build on such as SMPL and OpenPose.

June 28 2019.

In this repo, motion reconstruction smoothes HMR output. We recently released the demo for Human Mesh and Motion Recovery (HMMR), which will give you smoother outputs. You can apply motion reconstrution on top of the HMMR outputs, which will be a better starting point. This would probably be the best combination of the tools out there today.

I'm also using 2D pose from OpenPose here and have my own hacky tracking code. However there are more recent tools such as AlphaPose and PoseFlow that will compute the tracklet for you. (We use this in the HMMR codebase).

Fitting the HMMR output to DensePose output will be another simple loss function to add to the motion reconstruction to get a good 3D body fit to a video.

All of these would be a good starter project ;)

Another practical improvements that should be made is that this uses OpenDR renderer to render the results, which is slow and takes up most of the run time. In HMMR we use (the pytorch NMR)[] to render the results. The same logic can be adapted here.


If you use this code for your research, please consider citing:

	author = {Peng, Xue Bin and Kanazawa, Angjoo and Malik, Jitendra and Abbeel, Pieter and Levine, Sergey},
	title = {SFV: Reinforcement Learning of Physical Skills from Videos},
	journal = {ACM Trans. Graph.},
	volume = {37},
	number = {6},
	month = nov,
	year = {2018},
	articleno = {178},
	numpages = {14},
	publisher = {ACM},
	address = {New York, NY, USA},
	keywords = {physics-based character animation, computer vision, video imitation, reinforcement learning, motion reconstruction}
  title={End-to-end Recovery of Human Shape and Pose},
  author = {Angjoo Kanazawa
  and Michael J. Black
  and David W. Jacobs
  and Jitendra Malik},
  booktitle={Computer Vision and Pattern Regognition (CVPR)},
  • where is the PRETRAINED_MODEL

    where is the PRETRAINED_MODEL

    in, you need a pretrained_model which name should be Feb12_2100_save75_model.ckpt-667589, but in hmr the model isn't this so I wonder how can I get it ?

    opened by Zju-George 3
  • How to get root position

    How to get root position

    How to get root position? Not rotation or anything, but root position, I saw in your bvhs, you have root position, but in your code, the model didn't predict that thing, so how did you get it?

    opened by Zju-George 2
  • Is there code about Imitation Learning of training the policy?

    Is there code about Imitation Learning of training the policy?

    I havn't run these two line code because I havn't configure the environment.

    python -m run_openpose

    python -m refine_video

    But I guess the first one is to get the json file storing all the keypoints and the second one is to get the bvh and h5 file storing the animation..

    The question is, how to train the policy? Is the code for training not uploaded yet? I'm a newbee about Deep Learning and I will be very appreciated if you have time to answer me.

    opened by Zju-George 1
  • BVH File Format or how to import in Unity

    BVH File Format or how to import in Unity


    I wanted to ask if anybody has implemented the write2bvh function or has another way of importing the results of the project into Unity as an animation. I have successfully imported the pre-existing .bvh files provided in the data folder and I wanted to make my own bvh files by running the project. How can I achieve that?

    Thank you!

    opened by andreilica 0
  • Update to OpenPose v1.7.0 Python3 TensorFlow2

    Update to OpenPose v1.7.0 Python3 TensorFlow2

    fix all paths and indents remove openpose scale and resolution so that tensorflow will not abort changed all python2 to python3 e.g d.iteritems() to iter(d.items()) removed dictionary deletion from iteration -- deleted afterwards updated openpose key "pos_keypoints" to "pose_keypoints_2d"

    opened by cliarie 3
  • Demo Data bounding boxes don't exist

    Demo Data bounding boxes don't exist

    When I try to run on the demo videos and .h5 files, I get errors like:

    !!!./demo_data/openpose_output/run_bboxes.h5 doesnt exist!!!

    What exactly am I supposed to do with the .h5 and the .bvh files in the demo data for the demo to work? As there is no *_bboxes.h5 file given in the demo data.

    opened by wkwan 2
  • Integrate HMMR

    Integrate HMMR


    first of all, thanks for releasing the code.

    Do you have any suggestion about how to integrate HMMR instead of HMR with this code? Something like a todo list or steps to go through

    opened by tfederico 4
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