Files for a tutorial to train SegNet for road scenes using the CamVid dataset


SegNet and Bayesian SegNet Tutorial

This repository contains all the files for you to complete the 'Getting Started with SegNet' and the 'Bayesian SegNet' tutorials here:

Please see this link for detailed instructions.


SegNet requires a modified version of Caffe to run. Please download and compile caffe-segnet to use these models:

This version supports cudnn v2 acceleration. @TimoSaemann has a branch supporting a more recent version of Caffe (Dec 2016) with cudnn v5.1:

Getting Started with Live Demo

If you would just like to try out an example model, then you can find the model used in the SegNet webdemo in the folder Example_Models/. You will need to download the weights separately using the link in the SegNet Model Zoo.

First open Scripts/ and edit line 14 to match the path to your installation of SegNet. You will also need a webcam, or alternatively edit line 39 to input a video file instead. To run the demo use the command:

python Scripts/ --model Example_Models/segnet_model_driving_webdemo.prototxt --weights /Example_Models/segnet_weights_driving_webdemo.caffemodel --colours /Scripts/camvid12.png

Getting Started with Docker

Use docker to compile caffe and run the examples. In order to run caffe on the gpu using docker, please install nvidia-docker (see or using ansbile:

to run caffe on the CPU:

docker build -t bvlc/caffe:cpu ./cpu 
# check if working
docker run -ti bvlc/caffe:cpu caffe --version
# get a bash in container to run examples
docker run -ti --volume=$(pwd):/SegNet -u $(id -u):$(id -g) bvlc/caffe:cpu bash

to run caffe on the GPU:

docker build -t bvlc/caffe:gpu ./gpu
# check if working
docker run -ti bvlc/caffe:gpu caffe device_query -gpu 0
# get a bash in container to run examples
docker run -ti --volume=$(pwd):/SegNet -u $(id -u):$(id -g) bvlc/caffe:gpu bash

Example Models

A number of example models for indoor and outdoor road scene understanding can be found in the SegNet Model Zoo.


For more information about the SegNet architecture: Alex Kendall, Vijay Badrinarayanan and Roberto Cipolla "Bayesian SegNet: Model Uncertainty in Deep Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Architectures for Scene Understanding." arXiv preprint arXiv:1511.02680, 2015. Vijay Badrinarayanan, Alex Kendall and Roberto Cipolla "SegNet: A Deep Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Architecture for Image Segmentation." PAMI, 2017.


This software is released under a creative commons license which allows for personal and research use only. For a commercial license please contact the authors. You can view a license summary here:


Alex Kendall

[email protected]

Cambridge University

  • Visualize result as confidence map

    Visualize result as confidence map

    Hi @alexgkendall ,

    I followed this tutorial ( and it has a nice visualization of confidence map for classification results.

    Can we do the same thing with segnet? If you have time, it would be great if you can show this kind of demo.

    Thank so much!

    opened by trminh89 14
  • "caffe.LayerParameter" has no field named "dense_image_data_param".

    I got the following error when trying to run SegNet basic using only CPU. Basically the error says there is no field name called "dense_image_data_param". which it reads from segnet_basic_train.prototxt?

    Error Output:

    I1201 14:55:25.982578 4028 caffe.cpp:177] Use CPU. I1201 14:55:25.983726 4028 solver.cpp:48] Initializing solver from parameters: test_iter: 1 test_interval: 10000000 base_lr: 0.1 display: 20 max_iter: 10000 lr_policy: "step" gamma: 1 momentum: 0.9 weight_decay: 0.0005 stepsize: 10000000 snapshot: 1000 snapshot_prefix: "/home/crefeda/Desktop/SegNet/Models/Training/segnet_basic" solver_mode: CPU net: "/home/crefeda/Desktop/SegNet/Models/segnet_basic_train.prototxt" test_initialization: false I1201 14:55:25.984231 4028 solver.cpp:91] Creating training net from net file: /home/crefeda/Desktop/SegNet/Models/segnet_basic_train.prototxt [libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/] Error parsing text-format caffe.NetParameter: 7:26: Message type "caffe.LayerParameter" has no field named "dense_image_data_param". F1201 14:55:25.984504 4028 upgrade_proto.cpp:68] Check failed: ReadProtoFromTextFile(param_file, param) Failed to parse NetParameter file: /home/crefeda/Desktop/SegNet/Models/segnet_basic_train.prototxt *** Check failure stack trace: *** @ 0x7f9e2a9e4daa (unknown) @ 0x7f9e2a9e4ce4 (unknown) @ 0x7f9e2a9e46e6 (unknown) @ 0x7f9e2a9e7687 (unknown) @ 0x7f9e2ae712ae caffe::ReadNetParamsFromTextFileOrDie() @ 0x7f9e2ae5531b caffe::Solver<>::InitTrainNet() @ 0x7f9e2ae563fc caffe::Solver<>::Init() @ 0x7f9e2ae56709 caffe::Solver<>::Solver() @ 0x7f9e2ad5a883 caffe::Creator_SGDSolver<>() @ 0x40e35e caffe::SolverRegistry<>::CreateSolver() @ 0x4076cb train() @ 0x405651 main @ 0x7f9e29cf2ec5 (unknown) @ 0x405d61 (unknown) @ (nil) (unknown) Aborted (core dumped)

    opened by Crefeda 13
  • How to use compute_test_results.m script

    How to use compute_test_results.m script

    Hi @alexgkendall ,

    Thank for uploading the evaluation script. However, could you please write a few lines about how to use this script with your CamVid dataset? I don't familiar with Matlab thought.


    opened by trminh89 12
  • How to handle unlabelled pixels?

    How to handle unlabelled pixels?

    I have my own dataset with 2 classes and a lot of pixels don't belong to either of the classes. I have assigned 0 to such pixels in the label image and 1,2 to the classes. I want to train only for labels 1,2 and not 0. Also how do I assign class weight in the softmax layer of the train.prototext file?

    opened by aseembits93 10
  • CUDA Error: GPU out of memory with batch_size = 1.

    CUDA Error: GPU out of memory with batch_size = 1.

    Hi @alexgkendall , thank you so much for your guide. I followed the instructions on to train the SegNet. But when I opened up a terminal and ran the commands: ./SegNet/caffe-segnet/build/tools/caffe train -gpu 0 -solver /SegNet/Models/segnet_basic_solver.prototxt An error occurred: batch_size_1_error It seems that the GPU is out of memory(batch_size = 1, so Memory required for data: 410926132). So I checked the GPU with the command: nvidia-smi Result: smi My GPU is GT 720 with 1G memory. Though the memory is small, it is much bigger than 245MB + 410MB(data required memory above) = 655MB.

    So I would like to ask your advice for this issue :-) Thank you!

    opened by dongleecsu 9
  • How to Label my own images?

    How to Label my own images?

    I have my own images that I wish to annotate. Which tool did you use to label your dataset?

    1. During training, in 'segnet_train.prototxt', the final output is of 11 classes, but in the 'segnet_model_driving_webdemo.prototxt', the final output is 12 classes. I don't understand why is that.

    2. Secondly, the labels of the images in the CamVid contain a different shade of grey for every class. Can you list the classes and the corresponding grey labels for them?

    opened by arushk1 8
  • Different image sizes

    Different image sizes

    Hello, i am trying to run the provided tutorial. My graphics card doesn't have so much RAM (2GB), so i cant run the tutorial on images of size 360x480. Because of that i reshaped them to size of 120x240, changed the upsampling params in segnet_basic prototxt files, and trained the net using caffe. I picked a model from the iteration achieving around 90% accuracy, ad the same per class accuracy (most classes dont have that high accuracy but most of them are >= 70%).

    After that i tried to run the two provided scripts (changed paths accordingly and in the compute_bn script i also changed in_h and in_w to 120 and 240). But when i run the second script, i get totaly random output (although i ran everything according to the tutorial).

    Does this mean that the provided code only works for images of size 360x480 or am i doing something wrong?

    When running the script i ran it on the training set also (so changed the data source to the train.txt file), and it gave me the same noisy output

    opened by Vaan5 7
  • webcam demo results in black segmentation images

    webcam demo results in black segmentation images

    I have followed the instructions given by the SegNet Tutorial along with the to run Scripts/ on a KITTI image sequence.

    I made the necessary changes to Scripts/ to:

    • point to my caffe-segnet
    • read in the image sequence files rather than webcam frames
    • save the segmentation results to disk rather than displayed in a cv2.namedWindow

    I also downloaded the weights and executed the script exactly as given in the readme file.

    The script iterates over all images in the sequence and saves them to disk, however all segmentation results are just black images.

    As a simple diagnostic, I saved the resized input image to disk, which appear normal.

    Opening the black segmentation image within Matlab and inspecting the pixel channel values reveals that the values consist of zeros and ones without any discernible pattern.

    opened by jboys 6
  • why no batch normalization at the end?

    why no batch normalization at the end?

    Hello there!

    I'm trying your (needless to say) awesome, codebase, and i wonder just 2 things :

    • Why omitting the batch norm layer at the end in your models? it seems you put batch normalization before each non-linearity but not before the softmax (which is probably the most severe non linearity w.r.t vanishing gradients) ? I'm trying right now this additional batch norm layer right before the SoftMaxWithLoss on your original camvid dataset and it does not seem to worsen the training... even more, i think adding this batch normalization would help working with smaller batch sizes right?
    • Is the convolution after (max)-unpooling better than using (unstrided) deconvolution? Is it because convolution is much faster ( equal num of reads but much less write cycles) & similar in the end for all the valid positions?

    Thanks a lot again for your time and answers,


    opened by etienne87 6
  • Feedback to the developers

    Feedback to the developers

    Hi all, thank you very much for this great tutorial, i worked it through successfully with one exception at the end: File "./SegNet/Scripts/", line 77, in rgb_gt[:,:,1] = g_gt/255.0 ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (3,1,360,480) into shape (360,480)

    when i comment these 3 lines out in the corresponding py-file the code runs through, but then i get a black picture :-)

    I have to say i didn't train the net for the whole 10000 iterations, i stopped after 1000, just to take a first look if it works anyway. I don't think this error has to do with this, or? This seems more like an array conversion problem. Have you heard about this issue before?

    One more note from my side: in your tutorial you have a little clerical error in these two lines:

    python /Segnet/Scripts/ /SegNet/Models/segnet_train.prototxt /SegNet/Models/Training/segnet_iter_10000.caffemodel /Segnet/Models/Inference/ # compute BN statistics for SegNet python /Segnet/Scripts/ /SegNet/Models/segnet_basic_train.prototxt /SegNet/Models/Training/segnet_basic_iter_10000.caffemodel /Segnet/Models/Inference/ # compute BN statistics for SegNet-Basic

    the marked "n"s should be written in upper case, just for information ;-)

    Thank you again, i made a big progress with your tutorial for my own application.

    Regards Stefan

    opened by Almo1982 5
  • Problem in CPU mode

    Problem in CPU mode

    I am using caffe in CPU mode. I have made the necessary changes in the solver file. However what are the changes that need to be made on this terminal command? /SegNet/caffe-segnet/build/tools/caffe train -gpu 0 -solver /SegNet/Models/segnet_solver.prototxt

    opened by Sumilak 5
  • Download Weights link not working

    Download Weights link not working

    Hello, thanks for sharing this repo. Could you please update the link so that the weights can be downloaded? It seems that the links are not working anymore.

    Thank you in advance

    opened by befernandezmo 2
  • How to set different levels of the mask in y_train_dir as mask[..., 0], mask[..., 1] ... ?

    How to set different levels of the mask in y_train_dir as mask[..., 0], mask[..., 1] ... ?


    For the multi-class segmentation, I want to know how to set different levels of the mask in y_train_dir as mask[..., 0], mask[..., 1] ... like that? image Can you explain how to realize it with my own data?

    Thanks, Thiem

    opened by jtyytim 0
  • why last prediction layer is 3x3 convolution??

    why last prediction layer is 3x3 convolution??

    Hello, I wonder why you used 3x3 convolution when you predicted the last output class. SegNet itself is to speed up, isn't it much faster to use 1x1 convolution? I want to know why it's composed of 3x3 convolution.


    opened by choco9966 0
  • custom dataset generation

    custom dataset generation

    hi sir, Kindly suggest software used for labeling multi class camvid dataset and how labelled images converted to annotated masks . How we can do it for custom dataset.

    opened by ruchika61 0
  • Bayesian SegNet for two classes

    Bayesian SegNet for two classes

    Hi, I managed to train and test the Bayesian SegNet model with the default number of classes on the CamVid dataset (11). Now I'd like to train that on only 2 classes (path/background + ignore) which I managed to get working with standard SegNet by simply changing the output size.

    Now when I perform training on Bayesian SegNet using CamVid, I get a solid score for each class plus low values of the loss function, so the network seems to train as it should. Now when I run the script, the entire output is saturated to class 1.0 but works fine for the original number of classes (11).

    Any help is appreciated! Regards, Filip

    opened by filipovyfusky 0
  • Trick between uint8 and uint16 of labels

    Trick between uint8 and uint16 of labels

    During my testing, I found that there was always 100% for 0 class and 0% for 1 class in binary case. Actually it's not the problem of code but the label files. If the label files are uint16, the 1 pixels will be regarded as 0 so that the model can't be trained. I tried to transform them into uint8 by Matlab then it works.

    Hope this helps for other guys and thanks for this outstanding code.

    opened by ecustWallace 0
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