simple way to build the declarative and destributed data pipelines with python



simple way to build the declarative and distributed data pipelines.

Why you should use it

  • Declarative strict config
  • Scaffolding
  • Fully typed
  • Python support 3.6+
  • Brokers support
    • kafka
    • rabbitmq
    • inmemory simple pubsub
  • Interruption handling = safe user code transactions
  • CLI

How to Install

$ pip3 install unipipeline


# dag.yml

  name: "example"
  echo_colors: true
  echo_level: error

  service_name: {}

    import_template: "unipipeline.brokers.uni_memory_broker:UniMemoryBroker"

    import_template: "example.brokers.uni_log_broker:LogBroker"

    import_template: "example.messages.{{name}}:{{name|camel}}"

  input_message: {}

  inetermediate_message: {}

  ender_message: {}

    worker: my_super_cron_worker
    when: 0/1 * * * *

    worker: my_super_cron_worker
    when: 0/2 * * * *

    worker: my_super_cron_worker
    when: 0/3 * * * *

    import_template: example.waitings.{{name}}_wating:{{name|camel}}Waiting

  common_db: {}

    import_template: "example.workers.{{name}}:{{name|camel}}"

    input_message: uni_cron_message

    input_message: input_message
      - common_db

    input_message: inetermediate_message
      - ender_second_worker
      - common_db

    input_message: inetermediate_message
    external: service_name
      - ender_frist_worker

    input_message: ender_message

    input_message: ender_message
    broker: ender_broker
      - common_db

Get Started

  1. create ./unipipeline.yml such as example above

  2. run cli command

unipipeline -f ./unipipeline.yml scaffold

It should create all structure of your workers, brokers and so on

  1. remove error raising from workers

  2. correct message structure for make more usefull

  3. correct broker connection (if need)

  4. run cli command to run your consumer

unipipeline -f ./unipipeline.yml consume input_worker

or with python

from unipipeline import Uni
u = Uni(f'./unipipeline.yml')
  1. produce some message to the message broker by your self or with tools
unipipeline -f ./unipipeline.yml produce --worker input_worker --data='{"some": "prop"}'

or with python

from unipipeline import Uni

u = Uni(f'./unipipeline.yml')
u.send_to(f'input_worker', dict(some='prop'))



  name: some_name       # need for health-check file name
  echo_level: warning   # level of uni console logs (debug, info, warning, error)
  echo_colors: true     # show colors in console


  some_name_of_external_service: {}
  • no props

  • it needs for declarative grouping the external workers with service


  __default__:                                        # each worker get this default props if defined
    retry_max_count: 10
    retry_max_count: 3                                # just counter. message move to /dev/null if limit has reached 
    retry_delay_s: 1                                  # delay before retry
    topic: "{{name}}"                                 # template string
    error_payload_topic: "{{topic}}__error__payload"  # template string
    error_topic: "{{topic}}__error"                   # template string
    broker: "default_broker"                          # broker name. reference to message transport 
    external: null                                    # name of external service. reference in this config file 
    ack_after_success: true                           # automatic ack after process message
    waiting_for:                                      # list of references
      - some_waiting_name                             # name of block. this worker must wait for connection of this external service if need
    output_workers:                                   # list of references
      - some_other_worker_name                        # allow worker sending messages to this worker
    inport_template: "{{name}}:{{name|camel}}OfClass"   # required module and classname for import

    input_message: "name_of_message"                  # required reference of input message type 


    retry_max_count: 3                         # the same semantic as worker.retry_max_count
    retry_delay_s: 10                          # the same semantic as worker.retry_delay_s
    import_template: "some.module:SomeClass"   # required. the same semantic as worker.import_template


    retry_max_count: 3                         # the same semantic as worker.retry_max_count
    retry_delay_s: 10                          # the same semantic as worker.retry_delay_s
    content_type: application/json             # content type
    compression: null                          # compression (null, application/x-gzip, application/x-bz2, application/x-lzma)
    import_template: "some.module:SomeClass"   # required. the same semantic as worker.import_template


    import_template: "some.module:SomeClass"   # required. the same semantic as worker.import_template

build in messages:

    import_template: unipipeline.messages.uni_cron_message:UniCronMessage



usage: unipipeline --help

UNIPIPELINE: simple way to build the declarative and distributed data pipelines. this is cli tool for unipipeline

positional arguments:
    check               check loading of all modules
    scaffold            create all modules and classes if it is absent. no args
    init                initialize broker topics for workers
    consume             start consuming workers. connect to brokers and waiting for messages
    cron                start cron jobs, That defined in config file
    produce             publish message to broker. send it to worker

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --config-file CONFIG_FILE, -f CONFIG_FILE
                        path to unipipeline config file (default: ./unipipeline.yml)
  --verbose [VERBOSE]   verbose output (default: false)

unipipeline check

    unipipeline -f ./unipipeline.yml check
    unipipeline -f ./unipipeline.yml --verbose=yes check

check loading of all modules

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

unipipeline init

    unipipeline -f ./unipipeline.yml init
    unipipeline -f ./unipipeline.yml --verbose=yes init
    unipipeline -f ./unipipeline.yml --verbose=yes init --workers some_worker_name_01 some_worker_name_02

initialize broker topics for workers

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        workers list for initialization (default: [])

unipipeline scaffold

    unipipeline -f ./unipipeline.yml scaffold
    unipipeline -f ./unipipeline.yml --verbose=yes scaffold

create all modules and classes if it is absent. no args

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

unipipeline consume

    unipipeline -f ./unipipeline.yml consume
    unipipeline -f ./unipipeline.yml --verbose=yes consume
    unipipeline -f ./unipipeline.yml consume --workers some_worker_name_01 some_worker_name_02
    unipipeline -f ./unipipeline.yml --verbose=yes consume --workers some_worker_name_01 some_worker_name_02

start consuming workers. connect to brokers and waiting for messages

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        worker list for consuming

unipipeline produce

    unipipeline -f ./unipipeline.yml produce --worker some_worker_name_01 --data {"some": "json", "value": "for worker"}
    unipipeline -f ./unipipeline.yml --verbose=yes produce --worker some_worker_name_01 --data {"some": "json", "value": "for worker"}
    unipipeline -f ./unipipeline.yml produce --alone --worker some_worker_name_01 --data {"some": "json", "value": "for worker"}
    unipipeline -f ./unipipeline.yml --verbose=yes produce --alone --worker some_worker_name_01 --data {"some": "json", "value": "for worker"}

publish message to broker. send it to worker

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        message will be sent only if topic is empty
                        worker recipient
                        data for sending

unipipeline cron

    unipipeline -f ./unipipeline.yml cron
    unipipeline -f ./unipipeline.yml --verbose=yes cron

start cron jobs, That defined in config file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit



  1. RPC Gateways: http, tcp, udp
  2. Close/Exit uni by call method
  3. Async producer
  4. Common Error Handling
  5. Async get_answer
  6. Server of Message layout
  7. Prometheus api
  8. req/res Sdk
  9. request tasks result registry
  10. Async consumer
  11. Async by default
  12. Multi-threading start with run-groups
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