Tensorflow- MaskRCNN Steps
git clone https://github.com/amalaj7/TFOD-MASKRCNN.git
1. conda create -n tfod python=3.6
3. pip install pillow lxml Cython contextlib2 jupyter matplotlib pandas opencv-python tensorflow==1.15.0 (for GPU- tensorflow-gpu)
4. conda install -c anaconda protobuf
5. go to project path ' models/research'
6. protoc object_detection/protos/* .proto --python_out=.
7. python setup.py install
Install COCO API
8) pip3 install " git+https://github.com/philferriere/cocoapi.git#egg=pycocotools&subdirectory=PythonAPI"
Resize images in a folder
9) python resize_images.py -d train_images/ -s 800 600
Put images and annotations in corresponding folders inside images/ (Annotations are in COCO format)
10) python create_coco_tf_record.py --logtostderr --train_image_dir=images/train_images --test_image_dir=images/test_images --train_annotations_file=coco_annotations/train.json --test_annotations_file=coco_annotations/test.json --include_masks=True --output_dir=./
copy nets and deployment folder and export_inference_graph.py from slim folder and paste it in research folder
Create a folder called "training" , inside training folder download your custom model from Model Zoo TF1 | Model Zoo TF2 , extract it and create a labelmap.pbtxt file(sample file is given in training folder) that contains the class labels
Alterations in the config file , copy the config file from object_detection/samples/config and paste it in training folder or else u can use the pipeline.config that comes while downloading the pretrained model
Edit line no 10 - Number of classes
Edit line no 128 - Path to model.ckpt file (downloaded model's file)
Edit line no 134 - Iteration
Edit line no 143 - path-to-train.record
Edit line no 145 and 161 - path-to-labelmap
Edit line no 159 - path to test.record
Train model
python train.py --logtostderr --train_dir=training/ --pipeline_config_path=training/mask_rcnn_resnet50_atrous_coco.config
Export Tensorflow Graph
python export_inference_graph.py --input_type image_tensor --pipeline_config_path training/mask_rcnn_resnet50_atrous_coco.config --trained_checkpoint_prefix training/model.ckpt-10000 --output_directory my_model_mask
Open object_detection_tutorial.ipynb and replace the necessary fields like model path, config path and test image path
View tensorboard
tensorboard --logdir=training
Tensorflow2 - MASKRCNN Steps
Almost similar steps as above .
git clone https://github.com/tensorflow/models.git
cd models/research
# Compile protos.
protoc object_detection/protos/* .proto --python_out=.
# Install TensorFlow Object Detection API.
cp object_detection/packages/tf2/setup.py .
python -m pip install .
To test the installation
python object_detection/builders/model_builder_tf2_test.py
Then follow the above steps from 8 to 10 (includes downloading the pretrained model and editing the config file according to your needs)
Train the model
python model_main_tf2.py --pipeline_config_path=training/mask_rcnn_inception_resnet_v2_1024x1024_coco17_gpu-8.config --model_dir=training --alsologtostderr
View tensorboard
tensorboard --logdir=training
Export Tensorflow Graph
python exporter_main_v2.py \
--trained_checkpoint_dir training/model_checkpoint \
--output_directory final_model \
--pipeline_config_path training/mask_rcnn_inception_resnet_v2_1024x1024_coco17_gpu-8.config
For TFOD2 , you can utilize inference_from_saved_model_tf2_colab.ipynb and replace the necessary fields like model path, config path and test image path