Python Tensorflow 2 scripts for detecting objects of any class in an image without knowing their label.



Python Tensorflow 2 scripts for detecting objects of any class in an image without knowing their label.

Tensorflow Generic Object Localizer Original image taken from the OpenCV AI Kit - Lite, make sure to check it out:

⚠️ The object detector works better with images with few objects and it starts to fail in more complex scenes. The model is suitable for automatically labelling objects for custom object detection models.


  • OpenCV, imread-from-url and tensorflow. Also, pafy and youtube-dl are required for youtube video inference.


pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install pafy youtube-dl

Tensorflow model

The original models was taken from Tensorflow Hub, download it, and place it in the models folder.

Use the following script to download the model:



  • Image inference:
  • Webcam inference:
  • Video inference:

Inference Examples

Generic object detector figures

Original video by Animist:

Astronaut detection

Astrounaut Tensorflow detection Original image:

Excavator detection

Excabator Tensorflow detection Original image:

Map island detection

Map island Tensorflow detection Original image:

Phone accessories detection

Phone accesories Tensorflow detection Original image:

And many more


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