Code for "ShineOn: Illuminating Design Choices for Practical Video-based Virtual Clothing Try-on", accepted at WACV 2021 Generation of Human Behavior Workshop.


ShineOn: Illuminating Design Choices for Practical Video-based Virtual Clothing Try-on

[ Paper ] [ Project Page ]

This repository contains the code for our paper accepted at the Generation of Human Behavior Workshop at WACV 2021.

Key Contributions:

  • Scientific experiments built from the ground-up to isolate effects of each method
  • Empirically show DensePose results in better quality than CocoPose
  • Add self-attention layers
  • Find that GeLU show best results

Architecture Overview


How To Use This Repository

The point of entry of this repository is and We have organized our code into these main folders: datasets, models, and options.

The datasets folder contains several custom defined datasets. To create your own custom tryon dataset, please refer to the Documentation IV below.

The models folder contains several models, such as the warp model and U-Net model that we used during virtual try-on work. Inside the networks sub-folder, we include several utility networks that we make use of.

The options folder contains several of the options we use at train and test time. These options allows our code to flexible, and run experiments easily.



Qualitative Comparison with FW-GAN and CP-VTON


Qualitative Comparison of Pose and Self-Attention


Qualitative Comparison of Activation Functions


Qualitative Comparison of Optical Flow


Acknowledgements and Related Code

  • This code is based in part on Sergey Wong's stellar CP-VTON repository. Thank you very much, Sergey, for your hard work.
  • Thank you Haoye Dong and his team for hosting the VUHCS competition at CVPR 2020, providing the VVT Dataset, and giving access to the FW-GAN reference code.
  • Thank you NVIDIA's team for their work on Vid2Vid and FlowNet2.
  • Credits to David Park's Self-Attention GAN implementation for attention layers reference.
  • Credits to Self-Corrective Human-Parsing for easy parsing of LIP clothing labels.
  • Credits to the detectron2 repository for Densepose annotations.
  • [1.1] MultiSPADE Generator, WITH adversarial loss, on a SINGLE frame, small multiscale weight

    [1.1] MultiSPADE Generator, WITH adversarial loss, on a SINGLE frame, small multiscale weight



    • Hypothesize adversarial loss is too big, hijacking the loss. Scale it down to see if learning is able to occur.
    • Just test small multiscale loss, set it to 0.05
    • Also want to see how temporal loss responds, but want to view isolated results of multiscale loss. So set temporal loss to a tiny 0.001

    Planned Start Date: 9/1/2020 Depends on Previous Experiment? Yes, followup of Experiment 1.0

    Train Command

    python \
    --name "multiSPADE-generator_with-adversarial-loss_1-image-only_small-multiscale-weight" \
    --model sams \
    --gpu_ids 2,3,4 \
    --ngf_pow_outer 6 \
    --ngf_pow_inner 10 \
    --n_frames_total 1 \
    --batch_size 8 \
    --workers 4 \
    --vvt_data data \
    --val_check 0.2 \
    --wt_multiscale 0.05 --wt_temporal 0.001

    Report Results

    To report a result, copy this into a comment below:

    # Result Description
    For Experiment Number, use "Major.minor.patch", e.g. 1.2.0.
    Major.minor should match the [M.m] in the title. 
    Patch describes a bug fix (change in the code or branch).
    **Experiment Number:** 1.2.0
    **Branch:** `master`
    **Timestamp:** MM/DD/YYYY 9pm PT
    # Architecture
    **Model Layers:**
    <!-- Paste the printed Model Layers -->
    **Module Parameters:**
    <!-- Paste the Params table -->
    # Loss Graphs
    <!--- Put detailed loss graphs here. Please include all graphs! -->
    # Image Results
    <!--- Put detailed image results here. Please include all images! Multiple screenshots is good. -->
    # Comments, Observations, or Insights
    <!--- Optional -->
    opened by andrewjong 10
  • [4.2]



    Explain why we're running this and what we expect.

    Planned Start Date:

    Depends on Previous Experiment? Y/N Effects of GELU on UNet training

    Train Command

    python \
    --name vanilla_dp_unet_attn_gelu \
    --model unet \
    --batch MAX \
    --person_inputs densepose agnostic \
    --cloth_inputs cloth \
    --val_check_interval  0.05 \
    --self_attn \
    --accumulated_batches 64 / MAX \
    --activation gelu

    Report Results

    To report a result, copy this into a comment below:

    # Result Description
    For Experiment Number, use "Major.minor.patch", e.g. 1.2.0.
    Major.minor should match the [M.m] in the title. 
    Patch describes a bug fix (change in the code or branch).
    **Experiment Number:** 1.2.0
    **Branch:** `master`
    **Timestamp:** MM/DD/YYYY 9pm PT
    # Architecture
    **Model Layers:**
    <!-- Paste the printed Model Layers -->
    **Module Parameters:**
    <!-- Paste the Params table -->
    # Loss Graphs
    <!--- Put detailed loss graphs here. Please include all graphs! -->
    # Image Results
    <!--- Put detailed image results here. Please include all images! Multiple screenshots is good. -->
    # Comments, Observations, or Insights
    <!--- Optional -->
    opened by gauravkuppa 4
  • [4.3]



    Explain why we're running this and what we expect.

    Planned Start Date: 9/9/20

    Depends on Previous Experiment? Y/N

    Train Command

    python \
    --name vanilla_dp_unet_attn_swish \
    --model unet \
    --batch MAX \
    --person_inputs densepose agnostic \
    --cloth_inputs cloth \
    --val_check_interval  0.05 \
    --self_attn \
    --accumulated_batches 64 / MAX \
    --activation swish

    Report Results

    To report a result, copy this into a comment below:

    # Result Description
    For Experiment Number, use "Major.minor.patch", e.g. 1.2.0.
    Major.minor should match the [M.m] in the title. 
    Patch describes a bug fix (change in the code or branch).
    **Experiment Number:** 1.2.0
    **Branch:** `master`
    **Timestamp:** MM/DD/YYYY 9pm PT
    # Architecture
    **Model Layers:**
    <!-- Paste the printed Model Layers -->
    **Module Parameters:**
    <!-- Paste the Params table -->
    # Loss Graphs
    <!--- Put detailed loss graphs here. Please include all graphs! -->
    # Image Results
    <!--- Put detailed image results here. Please include all images! Multiple screenshots is good. -->
    # Comments, Observations, or Insights
    <!--- Optional -->
    opened by gauravkuppa 3
  • [3.3] Vanilla UNet w/ DP w/ Attn

    [3.3] Vanilla UNet w/ DP w/ Attn


    Explain why we're running this and what we expect. We are running this experiment to see affects of attention on UNet; quantify these effects

    Planned Start Date: 9/7/20

    Depends on Previous Experiment? N

    Train Command

    python \
    --name vanilla_dp_unet_attn \
    --model unet \
    --batch 4 \
    --person_inputs densepose agnostic \
    --cloth_inputs cloth \
    --val_check_interval 0.2 \
    --self_attn \
    --accumulated_batches 16

    Report Results

    To report a result, copy this into a comment below:

    # Result Description
    For Experiment Number, use "Major.minor.patch", e.g. 1.2.0.
    Major.minor should match the [M.m] in the title. 
    Patch describes a bug fix (change in the code or branch).
    **Experiment Number:** 1.2.0
    **Branch:** `master`
    **Timestamp:** MM/DD/YYYY 9pm PT
    # Architecture
    **Model Layers:**
    <!-- Paste the printed Model Layers -->
    **Module Parameters:**
    <!-- Paste the Params table -->
    # Loss Graphs
    <!--- Put detailed loss graphs here. Please include all graphs! -->
    # Image Results
    <!--- Put detailed image results here. Please include all images! Multiple screenshots is good. -->
    # Comments, Observations, or Insights
    <!--- Optional -->
    • [x] Open GitHub Issue
    • [x] Start training with tmux (tensorboard and training)
    • [x] Upload scalars, train, and validation images to GitHub
    • [ ] Upload checkpoints to Google Drive
    • [ ] Generate test results from latest epoch
    • [ ] Calculate metrics (PSNR, SSIM)
    • [ ] Visualize metrics
    opened by gauravkuppa 3
  • [3.1] Vanilla UNet

    [3.1] Vanilla UNet


    Explain why we're running this and what we expect. Establish baseline of CPVTON model Planned Start Date: 9/7/20

    Depends on Previous Experiment? No

    Train Command

    python \
    --name vanilla_unet \
    --model unet \
    --batch MAX \
    --person_inputs cocopose agnostic \
    --cloth_inputs cloth \
    --val_check_interval 0.2

    Report Results

    To report a result, copy this into a comment below:

    # Result Description
    For Experiment Number, use "Major.minor.patch", e.g. 1.2.0.
    Major.minor should match the [M.m] in the title. 
    Patch describes a bug fix (change in the code or branch).
    **Experiment Number:** 1.2.0
    **Branch:** `master`
    **Timestamp:** MM/DD/YYYY 9pm PT
    # Architecture
    **Model Layers:**
    <!-- Paste the printed Model Layers -->
    **Module Parameters:**
    <!-- Paste the Params table -->
    # Loss Graphs
    <!--- Put detailed loss graphs here. Please include all graphs! -->
    # Image Results
    <!--- Put detailed image results here. Please include all images! Multiple screenshots is good. -->
    # Comments, Observations, or Insights
    <!--- Optional -->
    • [x] Open GitHub Issue
    • [x] Start training with tmux (tensorboard and training)
    • [x] Upload scalars, train, and validation images to GitHub
    • [ ] Upload checkpoints to Google Drive
    • [x] Generate test results from latest epoch
      • File path: /data_hdd/gaurav/wacv_unet_experiments/vanilla_unet
    • [ ] Calculate metrics (PSNR, SSIM)
    • [ ] Visualize metrics
    opened by gauravkuppa 3
  • [4.4]



    Explain why we're running this and what we expect.

    Planned Start Date:

    Depends on Previous Experiment? Y/N

    Train Command

    python \
    --name vanilla_dp_unet_attn_sine \
    --model unet \
    --batch MAX \
    --person_inputs densepose agnostic \
    --cloth_inputs cloth \
    --val_check_interval  0.05 \
    --self_attn \
    --accumulated_batches 64 / MAX \
    --activation sine

    Report Results

    To report a result, copy this into a comment below:

    # Result Description
    For Experiment Number, use "Major.minor.patch", e.g. 1.2.0.
    Major.minor should match the [M.m] in the title. 
    Patch describes a bug fix (change in the code or branch).
    **Experiment Number:** 1.2.0
    **Branch:** `master`
    **Timestamp:** MM/DD/YYYY 9pm PT
    # Architecture
    **Model Layers:**
    <!-- Paste the printed Model Layers -->
    **Module Parameters:**
    <!-- Paste the Params table -->
    # Loss Graphs
    <!--- Put detailed loss graphs here. Please include all graphs! -->
    # Image Results
    <!--- Put detailed image results here. Please include all images! Multiple screenshots is good. -->
    # Comments, Observations, or Insights
    <!--- Optional -->
    wontfix experiment 
    opened by gauravkuppa 2
  • [4.1]



    Explain why we're running this and what we expect. Make uprelu and downrelu with ReLU Establish baseline, if ReLU is different than (ReLU, LeakyReLU) combination

    Planned Start Date: 9/9/20

    Depends on Previous Experiment? N

    Train Command

    python \
    --name vanilla_dp_unet_attn_relu \
    --model unet \
    --batch 4 \
    --person_inputs densepose agnostic \
    --cloth_inputs cloth \
    --val_check_interval 0.05 \
    --self_attn \
    --accumulated_batches 16 \
    --activation relu

    Report Results

    To report a result, copy this into a comment below:

    # Result Description
    For Experiment Number, use "Major.minor.patch", e.g. 1.2.0.
    Major.minor should match the [M.m] in the title. 
    Patch describes a bug fix (change in the code or branch).
    **Experiment Number:** 1.2.0
    **Branch:** `master`
    **Timestamp:** MM/DD/YYYY 9pm PT
    # Architecture
    **Model Layers:**
    <!-- Paste the printed Model Layers -->
    **Module Parameters:**
    <!-- Paste the Params table -->
    # Loss Graphs
    <!--- Put detailed loss graphs here. Please include all graphs! -->
    # Image Results
    <!--- Put detailed image results here. Please include all images! Multiple screenshots is good. -->
    # Comments, Observations, or Insights
    <!--- Optional -->
    • [x] Open GitHub Issue
    • [x] Start training with tmux (tensorboard and training)
    • [x] Upload scalars, train, and validation images to GitHub
    • [x] Upload checkpoints to Google Drive
    • [x] Generate test results from latest epoch
    • [x] Calculate metrics (PSNR, SSIM)
    • [x] Visualize metrics
    opened by gauravkuppa 2
  • [3.2] Vanilla UNet w/ DensePose

    [3.2] Vanilla UNet w/ DensePose


    Explain why we're running this and what we expect. Effects of DensePose vs CocoPose

    Planned Start Date: 9/7/20

    Depends on Previous Experiment? Y/N

    Train Command

    python \
    --name vanilla_dp_unet \
    --model unet \
    --batch 64 \
    --person_inputs densepose agnostic \
    --cloth_inputs cloth \
    --val_check_interval 0.2

    Report Results

    To report a result, copy this into a comment below:

    # Result Description
    For Experiment Number, use "Major.minor.patch", e.g. 1.2.0.
    Major.minor should match the [M.m] in the title. 
    Patch describes a bug fix (change in the code or branch).
    **Experiment Number:** 1.2.0
    **Branch:** `master`
    **Timestamp:** MM/DD/YYYY 9pm PT
    # Architecture
    **Model Layers:**
    <!-- Paste the printed Model Layers -->
    **Module Parameters:**
    <!-- Paste the Params table -->
    # Loss Graphs
    <!--- Put detailed loss graphs here. Please include all graphs! -->
    # Image Results
    <!--- Put detailed image results here. Please include all images! Multiple screenshots is good. -->
    # Comments, Observations, or Insights
    <!--- Optional -->
    • [x] Open GitHub Issue
    • [x] Start training with tmux (tensorboard and training)
    • [x] Upload scalars, train, and validation images to GitHub
    • [x] Upload checkpoints to Google Drive
    • [ ] Generate test results from latest epoch
    • [ ] Calculate metrics (PSNR, SSIM)
    • [ ] Visualize metrics
    opened by gauravkuppa 2
  • Visualize validation too

    Visualize validation too

    This adds validation visualization and scalar metrics to Tensorboard. This way we know we're not overfitting.

    Because we want BaseModel to be able to call visualize() outside the train-step for validation, it needs a common visualize API. Therefore, this modifies visualize() signature to only accept two arguments: 1) the input batch and 2) the tag ("train" or "validation"). Outputs to be visualized are now saved to self, e.g. self.p_rendered.



    Though there is a bug when I tried this with UNetMask model though. Any idea what might cause this, @gauravkuppa? I'm having trouble figuring it out.

    $ python --name DELETEME_unet_validation_vis -j 8  --model unet_mask  --person_inputs agnostic densepose --cloth_inputs cloth --self_attn --flow --n_frames_total 1 -b 4  --ngf 16 --val_check 0.0005
    logger | 2020-08-17 11:14:07 | ERROR | Traceback (most recent call last):                                                                                                                                          
      File "", line 69, in main
      File "/home/andrew/.miniconda3/envs/sams/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytorch_lightning/trainer/", line 1003, in fit
        results = self.single_gpu_train(model)
      File "/home/andrew/.miniconda3/envs/sams/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytorch_lightning/trainer/", line 186, in single_gpu_train
        results = self.run_pretrain_routine(model)
      File "/home/andrew/.miniconda3/envs/sams/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytorch_lightning/trainer/", line 1193, in run_pretrain_routine
        eval_results = self._evaluate(model,
      File "/home/andrew/.miniconda3/envs/sams/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytorch_lightning/trainer/", line 337, in _evaluate
        eval_results = model.validation_end(outputs)
      File "/home/andrew/Development/2021-wacv-video-vton_deploy/models/", line 110, in validation_end
        self.visualize(self.batch, "validation")
      File "/home/andrew/Development/2021-wacv-video-vton_deploy/models/", line 195, in visualize
        tensor = tensor_list_for_board(visuals)
      File "/home/andrew/Development/2021-wacv-video-vton_deploy/", line 22, in tensor_list_for_board
        batch_size, channel, height, width = tensor_for_board(img_tensors_list[0][0]).size()
      File "/home/andrew/Development/2021-wacv-video-vton_deploy/", line 13, in tensor_for_board
        tensor = tensor.repeat(1, 3, 1, 1)
    RuntimeError: Number of dimensions of repeat dims can not be smaller than number of dimensions of tensor
    opened by andrewjong 2
  • Sams Intermediary

    Sams Intermediary

    Intermediary update to stay on the same page.

    Changes that affect other things:

    • CPVtonDataset --> TryonDataset. Cuz we ain't CPVton anyjmore.
    • Instead of passing individually --densepose, --flow, we now just have --person_inputs agnostic densepose flow etc.. flag, that will grab those keys from the return dict. It will also find the correct channels via the constants defined at the top of TryonDataset.
      • to add flow, add the "flow" key to the return dict, and also add FLOW_CHANNELS=2 const to TryonDataset for the channels
    opened by andrewjong 2
  • [5.3] UNet, Attn, Flow, Activation: Swish

    [5.3] UNet, Attn, Flow, Activation: Swish


    Run Flow with Swish

    Planned Start Date: 9/17 10am PST

    Depends on Previous Experiment? N

    Train Command

    python \
    --name flow_swish \
    --model unet \ 
    -j 8 \
    --batch 16 \
    --accumulated_batches 4 \
    --person_inputs densepose agnostic \
    --cloth_inputs cloth \ 
    --val_check_interval 0.05 \
    --self_attn \
    --activation swish \
    --n_frames_total 2 \
    --n_frames_now 2 \

    Report Results

    To report a result, copy this into a comment below:

    # Result Description
    For Experiment Number, use "Major.minor.patch", e.g. 1.2.0.
    Major.minor should match the [M.m] in the title. 
    Patch describes a bug fix (change in the code or branch).
    **Experiment Number:** 1.2.0
    **Branch:** `master`
    **Timestamp:** MM/DD/YYYY 9pm PT
    # Architecture
    **Model Layers:**
    <!-- Paste the printed Model Layers -->
    **Module Parameters:**
    <!-- Paste the Params table -->
    # Loss Graphs
    <!--- Put detailed loss graphs here. Please include all graphs! -->
    # Image Results
    <!--- Put detailed image results here. Please include all images! Multiple screenshots is good. -->
    # Comments, Observations, or Insights
    <!--- Optional -->
    • [x] Open GitHub Issue
    • [ ] Start training with tmux (tensorboard and training)
    • [ ] Upload scalars, train, and validation images to GitHub
    • [ ] Upload checkpoints to Google Drive
    • [ ] Generate test results from latest epoch
    • [ ] Calculate metrics (PSNR, SSIM)
    • [ ] Visualize metrics
    opened by gauravkuppa 1
  • Error when runing

    Error when runing "bash"

    ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/headless/anaconda3/envs/sams-pt1.6/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/utils/", line 1509, in _run_ninja_build File "/headless/anaconda3/envs/sams-pt1.6/lib/python3.8/", line 512, in run raise CalledProcessError(retcode, process.args, subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['ninja', '-v']' returned non-zero exit status 1.

    During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 21, in setup( File "/headless/anaconda3/envs/sams-pt1.6/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/", line 163, in setup return distutils.core.setup(**attrs) File "/headless/anaconda3/envs/sams-pt1.6/lib/python3.8/distutils/", line 148, in setup dist.run_commands() File "/headless/anaconda3/envs/sams-pt1.6/lib/python3.8/distutils/", line 966, in run_commands self.run_command(cmd) File "/headless/anaconda3/envs/sams-pt1.6/lib/python3.8/distutils/", line 985, in run_command File "/headless/anaconda3/envs/sams-pt1.6/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/command/", line 67, in run self.do_egg_install() File "/headless/anaconda3/envs/sams-pt1.6/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/command/", line 109, in do_egg_install self.run_command('bdist_egg') File "/headless/anaconda3/envs/sams-pt1.6/lib/python3.8/distutils/", line 313, in run_command self.distribution.run_command(command) File "/headless/anaconda3/envs/sams-pt1.6/lib/python3.8/distutils/", line 985, in run_command File "/headless/anaconda3/envs/sams-pt1.6/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/command/", line 175, in run cmd = self.call_command('install_lib', warn_dir=0) File "/headless/anaconda3/envs/sams-pt1.6/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/command/", line 161, in call_command self.run_command(cmdname) File "/headless/anaconda3/envs/sams-pt1.6/lib/python3.8/distutils/", line 313, in run_command self.distribution.run_command(command) File "/headless/anaconda3/envs/sams-pt1.6/lib/python3.8/distutils/", line 985, in run_command File "/headless/anaconda3/envs/sams-pt1.6/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/command/", line 11, in run File "/headless/anaconda3/envs/sams-pt1.6/lib/python3.8/distutils/command/", line 107, in build self.run_command('build_ext') File "/headless/anaconda3/envs/sams-pt1.6/lib/python3.8/distutils/", line 313, in run_command self.distribution.run_command(command) File "/headless/anaconda3/envs/sams-pt1.6/lib/python3.8/distutils/", line 985, in run_command File "/headless/anaconda3/envs/sams-pt1.6/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/command/", line 87, in run File "/headless/anaconda3/envs/sams-pt1.6/lib/python3.8/distutils/command/", line 340, in run self.build_extensions() File "/headless/anaconda3/envs/sams-pt1.6/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/utils/", line 649, in build_extensions build_ext.build_extensions(self) File "/headless/anaconda3/envs/sams-pt1.6/lib/python3.8/distutils/command/", line 449, in build_extensions self._build_extensions_serial() File "/headless/anaconda3/envs/sams-pt1.6/lib/python3.8/distutils/command/", line 474, in _build_extensions_serial self.build_extension(ext) File "/headless/anaconda3/envs/sams-pt1.6/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/command/", line 208, in build_extension _build_ext.build_extension(self, ext) File "/headless/anaconda3/envs/sams-pt1.6/lib/python3.8/distutils/command/", line 528, in build_extension objects = self.compiler.compile(sources, File "/headless/anaconda3/envs/sams-pt1.6/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/utils/", line 469, in unix_wrap_ninja_compile _write_ninja_file_and_compile_objects( File "/headless/anaconda3/envs/sams-pt1.6/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/utils/", line 1228, in _write_ninja_file_and_compile_objects _run_ninja_build( File "/headless/anaconda3/envs/sams-pt1.6/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/utils/", line 1529, in _run_ninja_build raise RuntimeError(message) RuntimeError: Error compiling objects for extension

    I use the cuda-9.0 and cudnn-7.4. I've tried a few things, but it still doesn't work. Has anyone solved this error?

    opened by Vannaz 0
  • Did you mean `` insted of ``?

    Did you mean `` insted of ``?

    I think you have a bug here

    import os
    import os.path as osp
    home = "/path/to/fw_gan_vvt/test/test_frames"
    schp = "/path/to/Self-Correction-Human-Parsing"
    output = "/path/to/fw_gan_vvt/test/test_frames_parsing"
    paths = os.listdir('.')
    for vid in paths:
        os.chdir(osp.join(home, vid))
        input_dir = os.getcwd()
        output_dir = osp.join(output, vid)
        generate_seg = "python --dataset lip --restore-weight 
            checkpoints/exp-schp-201908261155-lip.pth --input " + input_dir + 
            " --output " + output_dir

    I think you meant instead of because there is no such arguments in

    Also where to get this "/path/to/fw_gan_vvt/test/test_frames.

    opened by shruti-bt 0
  • Try-on module pre-trained model is not valid

    Try-on module pre-trained model is not valid

    @andrewjong Hi. When I try to load your Try-On model (Unet model) from Google Drive, I get the following error:

      File "", line 10, in <module>
      File "/code/", line 44, in main
        model = model_class.load_from_checkpoint(
      File "/root/miniconda3/envs/sams-pt1.6/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytorch_lightning/core/", line 153, in load_from_checkpoint
        model = cls._load_model_state(checkpoint, *args, strict=strict, **kwargs)
      File "/root/miniconda3/envs/sams-pt1.6/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytorch_lightning/core/", line 192, in _load_model_state
        model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict'], strict=strict)
      File "/root/miniconda3/envs/sams-pt1.6/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 1044, in load_state_dict
        raise RuntimeError('Error(s) in loading state_dict for {}:\n\t{}'.format(
    RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for UnetMaskModel:
            Missing key(s) in state_dict: "unet.model.model.1.model.3.model.1.weight", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.model.1.bias", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.model.3.model.1.weight", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.model.3.model.1.bias", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.model.3.model.3.model.1.weight", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.model.3.model.3.model.1.bias", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.model.3.model.3.model.3.gamma", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.model.3.model.3.model.3.query_conv.weight", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.model.3.model.3.model.3.query_conv.bias", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.model.3.model.3.model.3.key_conv.weight", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.model.3.model.3.model.3.key_conv.bias", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.model.3.model.3.model.3.value_conv.weight", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.model.3.model.3.model.3.value_conv.bias", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.model.3.model.3.model.4.model.1.weight", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.model.3.model.3.model.4.model.1.bias", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.model.3.model.3.model.4.model.2.gamma", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.model.3.model.3.model.4.model.2.query_conv.weight", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.model.3.model.3.model.4.model.2.query_conv.bias", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.model.3.model.3.model.4.model.2.key_conv.weight", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.model.3.model.3.model.4.model.2.key_conv.bias", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.model.3.model.3.model.4.model.2.value_conv.weight", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.model.3.model.3.model.4.model.2.value_conv.bias", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.model.3.model.3.model.4.model.5.weight", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.model.3.model.3.model.4.model.5.bias", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.model.3.model.3.model.4.model.7.gamma", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.model.3.model.3.model.4.model.7.query_conv.weight", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.model.3.model.3.model.4.model.7.query_conv.bias", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.model.3.model.3.model.4.model.7.key_conv.weight", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.model.3.model.3.model.4.model.7.key_conv.bias", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.model.3.model.3.model.4.model.7.value_conv.weight", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.model.3.model.3.model.4.model.7.value_conv.bias", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.model.3.model.3.model.7.weight", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.model.3.model.3.model.7.bias", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.model.3.model.3.model.9.gamma", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.model.3.model.3.model.9.query_conv.weight", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.model.3.model.3.model.9.query_conv.bias", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.model.3.model.3.model.9.key_conv.weight", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.model.3.model.3.model.9.key_conv.bias", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.model.3.model.3.model.9.value_conv.weight", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.model.3.model.3.model.9.value_conv.bias", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.model.3.model.6.weight", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.model.3.model.6.bias", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.model.6.weight", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.model.6.bias", "unet.model.model.1.model.6.weight", "unet.model.model.1.model.6.bias".
            Unexpected key(s) in state_dict: "unet.model.model.1.model.9.gamma", "unet.model.model.1.model.9.query_conv.weight", "unet.model.model.1.model.9.query_conv.bias", "unet.model.model.1.model.9.key_conv.weight", "unet.model.model.1.model.9.key_conv.bias", "unet.model.model.1.model.9.value_conv.weight", "unet.model.model.1.model.9.value_conv.bias", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.gamma", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.query_conv.weight", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.query_conv.bias", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.key_conv.weight", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.key_conv.bias", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.value_conv.weight", "unet.model.model.1.model.3.value_conv.bias", "unet.model.model.1.model.4.model.1.weight", "unet.model.model.1.model.4.model.1.bias", "unet.model.model.1.model.4.model.3.gamma", "unet.model.model.1.model.4.model.3.query_conv.weight", "unet.model.model.1.model.4.model.3.query_conv.bias", "unet.model.model.1.model.4.model.3.key_conv.weight", "unet.model.model.1.model.4.model.3.key_conv.bias", "unet.model.model.1.model.4.model.3.value_conv.weight", "unet.model.model.1.model.4.model.3.value_conv.bias", "unet.model.model.1.model.4.model.4.model.1.weight", "unet.model.model.1.model.4.model.4.model.1.bias", "unet.model.model.1.model.4.model.4.model.3.model.1.weight", "unet.model.model.1.model.4.model.4.model.3.model.1.bias", "unet.model.model.1.model.4.model.4.model.3.model.3.model.1.weight", "unet.model.model.1.model.4.model.4.model.3.model.3.model.1.bias", "unet.model.model.1.model.4.model.4.model.3.model.3.model.4.weight", "unet.model.model.1.model.4.model.4.model.3.model.3.model.4.bias", "unet.model.model.1.model.4.model.4.model.3.model.6.weight", "unet.model.model.1.model.4.model.4.model.3.model.6.bias", "unet.model.model.1.model.4.model.4.model.6.weight", "unet.model.model.1.model.4.model.4.model.6.bias", "unet.model.model.1.model.4.model.7.weight", "unet.model.model.1.model.4.model.7.bias", "unet.model.model.1.model.4.model.9.gamma", "unet.model.model.1.model.4.model.9.query_conv.weight", "unet.model.model.1.model.4.model.9.query_conv.bias", "unet.model.model.1.model.4.model.9.key_conv.weight", "unet.model.model.1.model.4.model.9.key_conv.bias", "unet.model.model.1.model.4.model.9.value_conv.weight", "unet.model.model.1.model.4.model.9.value_conv.bias", "unet.model.model.1.model.7.weight", "unet.model.model.1.model.7.bias".

    It seems that the checkpoint was recorded before the last changes were made to the model architecture. Could you help with that?

    opened by Lehsuby 1
  • Warp module pre-trained model

    Warp module pre-trained model

    Hi, really interesting approach to virtual try-on here. Have you published pre-trained weights for the warping module? The ShineOn checkpoint published seems to only be for the try-on Unet.

    opened by arvind-iyer 2
Andrew Jong
Master's student at Carnegie Mellon in Robotics and AI. Studies multi-agent UAVs for wildfire applications.
Andrew Jong
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