AnimationKit: AI Upscaling & Interpolation using Real-ESRGAN+RIFE


ALPHA 2.5: Frostbite Revival (Released 12/23/21)


[ UI ] Chained design. All steps link to one another! Use the master override toggles to skip processes.
[ Upscaling ] GFPGAN face-enhance toggle (embedded in Real-ESRGAN)
[ Interpolation ] Practical-RIFE implementation; 4.0 model
[ File mgmt ] Compatibility with padded filenames, File overwrite protection, verification of completion
[ Misc ] Forked essential dependencies for long-term backwards compatibility; if needed.

*This updates brings AnKit back to a functioning state. Upcoming updates will make use of recent prerequisite updates and coinciding AI advances. *

AnimationKit - AI Upscaling & Interpolation using Real-ESRGAN+RIFE

Your (eventual) all-in-one AI post-processing tool!

Early Alpha Google Colab Notebook

  1. AnimationKit Colab Notebook for Real-ESRGAN google colab logo.


  • Real-ESRGAN video upscaling (Raise your resolution by up to 4x!)
  • Practical-RIFE motion smoothing / video interpolation (Make choppy footage smooth)
  • Chained design - No need to sort through multiple cells! Set your options and forget it.
  • Google Colab (with basic UI) & Google Drive support
  • Import either mp4 files or an individual frame folder

Real-ESRGAN video upscaling, RIFE interpolation/motion smoothing, and FFMPEG hevc_nvenc (h265) compression

Credits: Motion smoothing conceived from "Zoom animation processing and motion interpolation" added by This part of the script uses RIFE real-time video interpolation to smooth out the resulting video.

Upscaling uses Real-ESRGAN ( A demo notebook for static images can be found here: The demo was based on the following paper: ''Real-ESRGAN: Training Real-World Blind Super-Resolution with Pure Synthetic Data''.

Feature additions & bugfixes:

Feel free to report bugs and/or help with developments! See the "Issues" page for documentation and development notes-

#Prior Changelog (Incomplete)

##ALPHA 2: Released 9/4/21 Feature additions

  • : 🔻 : Deflickering [Depcrecated]
  • Upscaling from individual frames (P2)
  • Target length (in seconds) for RIFE interpolation - Replaces old length_multiplier option

#Alpha 1 release: All major bugs have (hopefully) been patched. New functions will be released in the testing branch until debugged.

  • Anime model for realesrgan
  • 2x model
  • target output path
  • omission of outscaling (note, may need to check defaults in
  • target fps no longer causes duplicates prior to ffmpeg end-phase (prevents upscaler from wasting gpu cycles on duplicate frames; major speed increase)
  • notebook set to high memory - necessary for RIFE
  • AnKit 2022 Barebones Revival Progress

    AnKit 2022 Barebones Revival Progress

    Since my temporary departure from developments 2-3 months ago, a variety of bugs have sprung up, likely as a result of ever-changing dependencies. This thread will track the status of bringing AnKit back to its previous functioning state.

    opened by sadnow 7
  • AnKit: Fix filename sorting for individual frame processing

    AnKit: Fix filename sorting for individual frame processing

    Some programs output as 1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg etc. whereas others output as 001.jpg, 002.jpg. etc.

    Right now, the non-botched build does the former.

    I need to make it auto-recognize the flow of a directory and have it sort accordingly.

    bug enhancement 
    opened by sadnow 7
  • AnKit 2.6 Dev Logs - Adding Real-ESRGAN video models, Sound, Preserving Old Methods

    AnKit 2.6 Dev Logs - Adding Real-ESRGAN video models, Sound, Preserving Old Methods

    a16434f41a8998b6efd9f64b813269ffd8aa5a81 hides the following options:


    Originally posted by @sadnow in

    These newer Real-ESRGAN's functions will be tested and integrated. Prior functions will be preserved and left as a toggle for users.

    • [x] differentiate AnKit chained process into 2 methods, recognized by vars method_a and method_b
    • [x] #14
    • [ ] Outscale option for Method B (possibly mixed w/ with rife_scale) - intended for lower-power gpu's
    • [x] #11
    • [x] RIFE sound support in method B
    • [ ] Compare current splitframes, frames2video methods to the examples listed in
    • [ ] #17
    • [ ] c:v hevc_nvenc support for new_method inference_py file
    • [ ] fps detection occurs before RIFE
    • [ ] source_fps option for individual_frames (with a default being "default" (24fps)

    For documentation, I guess I could refer to this as Method-A & Method-B AnKit Chaining. Sounds fancy.

    Reference links:

    --- Code overhaul

    • [ ] #20
    documentation enhancement 
    opened by sadnow 5
  • Nixing netscale

    Nixing netscale

    Hurdle: "error: unrecognized arguments: --netscale 4"

    Originally posted by @sadnow in

    opened by sadnow 2
  • Model_path needs changed to model_name

    Model_path needs changed to model_name

    " error: unrecognized arguments: --model_path /content/Real-ESRGAN/experiments/pretrained_models/RealESRGAN_x4plus.pth --netscale 4 /content/Real-ESRGAN/results"

    Re-evaluating available params

    Originally posted by @sadnow in

    opened by sadnow 2
  • ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gfpgan.archs.stylegan2_cleanonnx_arch'

    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gfpgan.archs.stylegan2_cleanonnx_arch'

    hmm, getting the following error since this afternoon:

    Creating /content/frames_storage/upscaled_frame_storage ...
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 128, in <module>
      File "", line 84, in main
        from gfpgan import GFPGANer
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/gfpgan/", line 2, in <module>
        from .archs import *
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/gfpgan/archs/", line 10, in <module>
        _arch_modules = [importlib.import_module(f'gfpgan.archs.{file_name}') for file_name in arch_filenames]
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/gfpgan/archs/", line 10, in <listcomp>
        _arch_modules = [importlib.import_module(f'gfpgan.archs.{file_name}') for file_name in arch_filenames]
      File "/usr/lib/python3.7/importlib/", line 127, in import_module
        return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/gfpgan/archs/", line 8, in <module>
        from .stylegan2_cleanonnx_arch import StyleGAN2GeneratorCleanONNX
    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gfpgan.archs.stylegan2_cleanonnx_arch'


    opened by danielpuglisi 0
  • Final Video Output Compression Error?

    Final Video Output Compression Error?

    I LOVE THIS NOTEBOOK! Major props. One question, the first few videos came out H265 and perfect, but after a few times running the notebook with different videos/input frame folders, the video fails to compress properly? Example, the video will save to my drive and will be available for download, but once I download and attempt to play the video, it won't open on any media player, yet will play while still loaded in my drive? I'm thinking that it could be a compression issue, but any help will be appreciated as I LOVE this notebook, if I haven't said it again. Thanks in advance, and amazing work!

    opened by AIManifest 0
  • I'm getting out of memory on cuda, and I want to specify the tile size, but I need to know what code to insert where!

    I'm getting out of memory on cuda, and I want to specify the tile size, but I need to know what code to insert where!

    I'm using the animation kit-AI on google colab and cuda is running out of memory, I want to specify the tile size, please tell me where to insert the code! -I want to specify the tile size, but I need to know where to insert the code! What code do I put it in? ↓URL

    Error message " Error CUDA out of memory.Tried to allocate 7.91 GiB (GPU 0; 14.76 GiB total capacity; 2.51 GiB already allocated; 2.81 GiB free; 10.90 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch) If reserved memory is more than allocated memory, try setting max_split_size_mb to prevent fragmentation. See the documentation on memory management and PYTORCH_CUDA_ALLOC_CONF. If CUDA runs out of memory, try setting -tile to a smaller number. Test 428 A00429 "

    opened by tom21001112 1
  • Include RIFE model in repo

    Include RIFE model in repo

    The google drive version of the RIFE model can no longer be downloaded programatically, so the notebook fails to run. This PR mirrors the RIFE model here and uses the mirrored version instead.

    opened by chigozienri 0
  • SadKit class: handles specific Path, Audio, Video, Image functions

    SadKit class: handles specific Path, Audio, Video, Image functions

    This is an evolution of the previous classes and functions AnKit utilized pre-2.5.

    Rough draft:

    class SadKit:
      def __init__(self):
        ## instantiating the 'Inner' class
        #self.debug = self.Debug()
        self.path = self.Path()
        self.image_tools = self.Image_tools()
        #Ank = self.AnimationKit_colab
        # self.dprint = self.dprint
        #dprint = self.debug_print
        import os.path
        from os import path
      def debug_print(self, msg): #debug print
        print(msg)  #make this colored eventually
        #code to clear screen
      class Image_tools:
        def frames2video(self, input):
          #!ffmpeg -framerate $_target_fps -pattern_type glob -i '*.png' -y '/content/frames2video.mp4' #old method
          !ffmpeg -r 24 -pattern_type glob -i '*.png' -c:v libx264 -r 23.98 -pix_fmt yuv420p '/content/frames_storage/init_frame_storage/frames2video.mp4'  #documented example
            #note: detect_fps might be wonky
      class Path:
        #intent(s): detect, create, insert, type_id, remove_extension, append_prefix, append_suffix
        def detect_dir(self, input):  #/content/example.mp4 would become /content/
          dir = os.path.dirname(input)
          return dir
        def make(self, input):
          !mkdir -p $input
        def type_id(self, input): #determine whether file or directory
          #types: file,dir
          import os.path
          from os import path
          input = self.sanitize(input)
          if os.path.isdir(input):  type = 'dir'
          elif os.path.isfile(input): type = 'file'
          else: type = 'error'
          return type
          #else: print("ERROR: Your input file is neither an mp4 nor a frame directory.")
        def sanitize(self, input):
          import os.path
          input = os.path.normpath(input)
          return input
        def filter_by_extension(self, input_dir, output_dir, file_ext): #sorts a dir's files by extension and copies matching files to new dir
          #print("\n Beginning sortFrames... ")
          if not self.query(output_dir):
          #print("\n Copying frames to "+'/content/frames_storage/init_frame_storage'+" for processing...\n")
          %cd $input
          #!find -maxdepth 1 -name '*.png' -print0 | xargs -0 cp -t '/content/frames_storage/init_frame_storage'
          !find -maxdepth 1 -name '*.'$file_ext -print0 | xargs -0 cp -t $output
          %cd $output
          !find . -type f -name "*."$file_ext -execdir bash -c 'mv "$0" "${0##*_}"' {} \;  #removes anything not numbered (junk files) from new dir
          print("\n Finished copying frames to "+'/content/frames_storage/init_frame_storage'+".\n")
          print("Completed sortFrames... \n")
        def dir_file_suffix_padding(input_dir): #pads all filenames within a dir
          %cd $input_dir
          !rename 's/\d+/sprintf("%05d",$&)/e' *  #adds padding to numbers
        def query(self, input):
          if self.type_id(input) == 'file' or self.type_id(input) == 'dir': 
            return True
          else: return False
        def upload(self, input):
          import os
          from google.colab import files
          import shutil
          # upload images
          upload_folder = 'upload'
          result_folder = 'results'
          if os.path.isdir(upload_folder):
          if os.path.isdir(result_folder):
          uploaded = files.upload()
          for filename in uploaded.keys():
            dst_path = os.path.join(upload_folder, filename)
            print(f'move {filename} to {dst_path}')
            shutil.move(filename, dst_path)
    documentation enhancement 
    opened by sadnow 0
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