FastAPI on Google Cloud Run

  • Question about the Gunicorn config

    Question about the Gunicorn config

    Hey, thanks for the project and your work. I have a question about the Gunicorn config. The official Cloud Run tutorial for Python applications (in this case Flask and not async) states that this config should be used:

    CMD exec gunicorn --bind :$PORT --workers 1 --threads 8 --timeout 0 main:app

    I understand that this might not be the best config for FastAPI applications but they explicitly say that "Timeout is set to 0 to disable the timeouts of the workers to allow Cloud Run to handle instance scaling."

    So is there a reason to use your timeout value of 60 instead of the recommended one?


    good first issue question 
    opened by pbizimis 5
  • [QUESTION] why using gunicorn?

    [QUESTION] why using gunicorn?

    Hi, FastAPI docs say that when running in a system that manages distributed containers (e.g. K8s) it is better to run a single Uvicorn process. See here:

    I believe Cloud Run falls under that group of systems that manage container clusters, load balancing, etc'... So the question is, why use Gunicron to manage the workload? WDYT?

    opened by H3zi 4
  • Fix dockerignore

    Fix dockerignore

    When deploying to Cloud Run, this error triggered: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named python container tests

    This is because tests/ is in the .dockerignore.

    opened by dhassault 3
  • ModuleNotFoundError


    When deploying to Cloud Run, this error triggered: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named python container tests. tests/ was indeed added to .dockerignore

    opened by dhassault 2
  • View docs when cloud run service is on a custom domain

    View docs when cloud run service is on a custom domain

    Hi! Thanks for this repo.

    Quick q, I am able to view docs on the raw cloud run domain, but I am using a custom domain mapping so all my services are reachable at{service-name}, this works fine for all uses apart from the docs are not available at{service-name}/docs

    Any idea why that could be the case?

    opened by ydennisy 1
  • Cannot migrate to Cloud SQL

    Cannot migrate to Cloud SQL


    When I'm connecting to my cloud SQL instance with psql "sslmode=disable host=/tmp/cloudsql/PROJECT_ID:REGION:INSTANCE_NAME user=postgres dbname=postgres", it works well but when using:

    cloud_sql_proxy -instances=PROJECT_ID:REGION:INSTANCE_NAME -dir=/tmp/cloudsql

    And then doing:

    PYTHONPATH=. alembic revision --autogenerate -m "initial setup"

    I have the error:

    sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: Could not parse rfc1738 URL from string 'PROJECT_ID:REGION:INSTANCE_NAME'

    (PROJECT_ID:REGION:INSTANCE_NAME being my own instance)

    Any idea or documentation to solve this issue?

    opened by dhassault 1
  • Cannot connect to local posgres

    Cannot connect to local posgres


    First, thank you a lot for this template. I'm new to the API world and trying to deploy my own one on GCP. But first I'm developing locally. But I'm struggling using the local db.

    I first run postgres on a container locally with docker run --rm --name pg-docker -e POSTGRES_DB=postgres_test_db -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -d -p 5432:5432 -v $HOME/docker/volumes/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data postgres:12.3-alpine

    Then if I run PYTHONPATH=. alembic revision --autogenerate -m "initial setup", I have the following error message:

    conn = _connect(dsn, connection_factory=connection_factory, **kwasync)
    sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (psycopg2.OperationalError) could not connect to server: No such file or directory
            Is the server running locally and accepting
            connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?

    In I have url = 'postgresql+psycopg2://postgres:postgres@localhost/postgres_test_db'.

    Is there any documentation that could help me?

    I'm running everything on Ubuntu (20.04), use vscode and poetry. If I run psql -U postgres -h localhost it connects to the database as expected.

    opened by dhassault 1
  • Sending Emails with SendGrid

    Sending Emails with SendGrid

    SendGrid is a great choice for sending emails and managing the analytics around them. Checkout their free tier,, to get started. In order to send emails, you will have to verify your sending authentication. You can set that up here

    In this sample, we'll place all templates in the assets/templates/ directory, located in the project root.

    Sample provided from SendGrid:

    from sendgrid import SendGridAPIClient
    from sendgrid.helpers.mail import Mail
    message = Mail(
        from_email='[email protected]',
        to_emails='[email protected]',
        subject='Sending with Twilio SendGrid is Fun',
        html_content='<strong>and easy to do anywhere, even with Python</strong>')
        sg = SendGridAPIClient(api_key=<YOUR_API_KEY>)
        response = sg.send(message=message)
    except Exception as e:
    opened by anthonycorletti 1
  • Feature/sqlmodel


    • [ ] I have added tests to tests to cover my changes.
    • [ ] I have updated docs/, if necessary.
    • [ ] I have updated the, if necessary.

    What existing issue does this pull request close?

    No issue. Adding support for sqlmodel!

    How are these changes tested?



    CI ✨

    Provide additional context.


    opened by anthonycorletti 0
  • doc: update

    doc: update

    Please do not create a pull request without creating an issue first.

    Changes need to be discussed before proceeding, pull requests submitted without linked issues may be rejected.

    Please provide enough information so that others can review your pull request. You can skip this if you're fixing a typo – it happens.

    Please remove all quoted text above and including this line before submitting your pull request.

    • [ ] I have added tests to tests to cover my changes.
    • [ ] I have updated docs/, if necessary.
    • [ ] I have updated the, if necessary.

    What existing issue does this pull request close?

    Put closes #issue-number in this pull request's description to auto-close the issue that this fixes.

    How are these changes tested?

    This pull request includes automated tests for the code it touches and those tests are described below. If no tests are included, reasons why must be provided below. These changes are tested with [...]


    Demonstrate your contribution. For example, what are the exact commands you ran and their output, related screenshots, screen-recordings, test runs, anything that can showcase.

    Provide additional context.

    Provide as much relevant context as you like.

    opened by anthonycorletti 0
  • Bump fastapi from 0.60.1 to 0.65.2

    Bump fastapi from 0.60.1 to 0.65.2

    Bumps fastapi from 0.60.1 to 0.65.2.

    Release notes

    Sourced from fastapi's releases.


    Security fixes

    This change fixes a CSRF security vulnerability when using cookies for authentication in path operations with JSON payloads sent by browsers.

    In versions lower than 0.65.2, FastAPI would try to read the request payload as JSON even if the content-type header sent was not set to application/json or a compatible JSON media type (e.g. application/geo+json).

    So, a request with a content type of text/plain containing JSON data would be accepted and the JSON data would be extracted.

    But requests with content type text/plain are exempt from CORS preflights, for being considered Simple requests. So, the browser would execute them right away including cookies, and the text content could be a JSON string that would be parsed and accepted by the FastAPI application.

    See CVE-2021-32677 for more details.

    Thanks to Dima Boger for the security report! 🙇🔒



    Security fixes


    Breaking Changes - Upgrade

    • ⬆️ Upgrade Starlette to 0.14.2, including internal UJSONResponse migrated from Starlette. This includes several bug fixes and features from Starlette. PR #2335 by @​hanneskuettner.





    ... (truncated)


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    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • Login with Google and other OAuth Providers

    Login with Google and other OAuth Providers

    Regular email auth is great but using other providers would be nice too.

    • [ ] Google
    • [ ] GitHub
    • [ ] Replace username-password with passwordless login
    opened by anthonycorletti 0
Anthony Corletti
Anthony Corletti
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Example app using FastAPI and JWT

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Sander 28 Oct 25, 2022
FastAPI Learning Example,对应中文视频学习教程:

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🤪 FastAPI + Vue构建的Mall项目后台管理

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Backend Skeleton using FastAPI and Sqlalchemy ORM

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FastAPI + Django experiment

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null 59 Dec 11, 2022
JSON-RPC server based on fastapi

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FastAPI Skeleton App to serve machine learning models production-ready.

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row level security for FastAPI framework

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FastAPI framework plugins

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python fastapi example connection to mysql

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