python fastapi example connection to mysql




Then run the following commands to bootstrap your environment with poetry:

git clone
cd fastapi-realworld-example-app-mysql
poetry install
poetry shell

Then create .env file (or rename and modify .env.example) in project root and set environment variables for application:

HOST=mysql host
PORT=mysql port 3306
USER=mysql user root
PWD=mysql pwd root
DB=mysql db fastapi

To run the web application in debug use init mysql db:

uvicorn app.main:app --reload

Deployment with Docker

You must have docker and docker-compose tools installed to work with material in this section. First, create .env file like in Quickstart section or modify .env.example. POSTGRES_HOST must be specified as db or modified in docker-compose.yml also. Then just run:

docker-compose up -d db
docker-compose up -d app

Application will be available on localhost in your browser.

Web routes

All routes are available on /docs or /redoc paths with Swagger or ReDoc.

Project structure

Files related to application are in the app or tests directories. Application parts are:

├── api              - web related stuff.
│   ├── dependencies - dependencies for routes definition.
│   ├── errors       - definition of error handlers.
│   └── routes       - web routes.
├── core             - application configuration, startup events, logging.
├── db               - db related stuff.
│   ├── migrations   - manually written alembic migrations.
│   └── repositories - all crud stuff.
├── models           - pydantic models for this application.
│   ├── domain       - main models that are used almost everywhere.
│   └── schemas      - schemas for using in web routes.
├── resources        - strings that are used in web responses.
├── services         - logic that is not just crud related.
└──          - FastAPI application creation and configuration.
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