Dependency Combobulator is an Open-Source, modular and extensible framework to detect and prevent dependency confusion leakage and potential attacks.


Dependency Combobulator

BHEU BADGE python maintained

Dependency Combobulator is an Open-Source, modular and extensible framework to detect and prevent dependency confusion leakage and potential attacks. This facilitates a holistic approach for ensuring secure application releases that can be evaluated against different sources (e.g., GitHub Packages, JFrog Artifactory) and many package management schemes (e.g., ndm, maven).

Intendend Audiances

The framework can be used by security auditors, pentesters and even baked into an enterprise's application security program and release cycle in an automated fashion.

Main features

  • Pluggable - interject on commit level, build, release steps in SDLC.
  • Expandable - easily add your own package management scheme or code source of choice
  • General-purpose Heuristic-Engine - an abstract package data model provides agnostic heuristic approach
  • Supporting wide range of technologies
  • Flexible - decision trees can be determined upon insights or verdicts provided by the toolkit

Easly exstensible

The project is putting practicionar's ability to extend and fit the toolkit to her own specific needs. As such, it is designed to be able to extend it to other sources, public registries, package management schemes and extending the abstract model and accompnaied heuristics engine.


Dependency Combobulator is ready to work with as it is - just git clone or download the package from

Arguments (--help)

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t {npm,NuGet,maven}, --type {npm,NuGet,maven}
                        Package Manager Type, i.e: npm, NuGet, maven
                        Load list of dependencies from a file
  -d FROM_SRC, --directory FROM_SRC
                        Extract dependencies from local source repository
  -p--package SINGLE    Name a single package.
  -c CSV, --csv CSV     Export packages properties onto CSV file
                        GitHub Access Token (Overrides .env file setting)
  -a {compare,comp,heuristics,heur}, --analysis {compare,comp,heuristics,heur}
                        Required analysis level - compare (comp), heuristics
                        (heur) (default: compare)



Supported package types (-t, --t): npm, maven

Supported source dependency assessment:

  • From file containing the dependency identifiers line-by-line. (-l, --load_list)
  • By analyzing the appropriate repo's software bill-of-materials (e.g. package.json, pom.xml) (-d, --directory)
  • Naming a single identifier (-p, --package)

Analysis level is customizable as you can build your own preferred analysis profile in seconds. Dependency Combobulator does come with several analysis levels out-of-the-box, selected by -a, --analysis

Supported output format:

  • Screen stdout (default)
  • CSV export to designated file -(-CSV)

Usage examples



The project is maintained and sponsored by Apiiro with đź’ś

We honor great developers & AppSec practitioners with a passion for change 🙏

  • installation failed using Python 3.10.4 at Ubuntu 22.04

    installation failed using Python 3.10.4 at Ubuntu 22.04

    System and Python versions

    $ lsb_release -a
    No LSB modules are available.
    Distributor ID:	Ubuntu
    Description:	Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
    Release:	22.04
    Codename:	jammy
    $ python3 --version
    Python 3.10.4

    Installation: (steps for reproduce)

    $ git clone
    Cloning into 'combobulator'...
    remote: Enumerating objects: 85, done.
    remote: Counting objects: 100% (85/85), done.
    remote: Compressing objects: 100% (72/72), done.
    remote: Total 85 (delta 34), reused 46 (delta 11), pack-reused 0
    Receiving objects: 100% (85/85), 213.21 KiB | 2.11 MiB/s, done.
    Resolving deltas: 100% (34/34), done.
    $ cd combobulator/
    $ virtualenv venv
    created virtual environment in 419ms
    $ source venv/bin/activate
    $ pip install -r requirements.txt
    Collecting requests==2.12.1
      Using cached requests-2.12.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (574 kB)
    Collecting gql==2.0.0
      Using cached gql-2.0.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (10 kB)
    Collecting python-dotenv==0.19.2
      Using cached python_dotenv-0.19.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (17 kB)
    Collecting six>=1.10.0
      Using cached six-1.16.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (11 kB)
    Collecting promise<3,>=2.3
      Using cached promise-2.3-py3-none-any.whl
    Collecting graphql-core<3,>=2.3.2
      Using cached graphql_core-2.3.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (252 kB)
    Collecting rx<2,>=1.6
      Using cached Rx-1.6.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (179 kB)
    Installing collected packages: rx, requests, six, python-dotenv, promise, graphql-core, gql
    Successfully installed gql-2.0.0 graphql-core-2.3.2 promise-2.3 python-dotenv-0.19.2 requests-2.12.1 rx-1.6.1 six-1.16.0
    $ combobulator --help
    combobulator: command not found

    I can't run combobulator directly, I must search python file for this.

    $  find ../combobulator/ -iname combobulato*
    $ python src/ --help
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "combobulator/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/requests/packages/urllib3/", line 2, in <module>
        from collections import Mapping, MutableMapping
    ImportError: cannot import name 'Mapping' from 'collections' (/usr/lib/python3.10/collections/
    During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "combobulator/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/requests/packages/", line 29, in <module>
        import urllib3
    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'urllib3'

    module urllib3 used, but missed at reqirements. So i install it manually

    $ pip install urllib3
    Successfully installed urllib3-1.26.9

    try launch script again

    $ python src/ --help
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "temp_for_tool/combobulator/src/", line 7, in <module>
        import registry.npm as npm
      File "temp_for_tool/combobulator/src/registry/", line 2, in <module>
        import requests
      File "temp_for_tool/combobulator/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/requests/", line 63, in <module>
        from . import utils
      File "temp_for_tool/combobulator/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/requests/", line 29, in <module>
        from .cookies import RequestsCookieJar, cookiejar_from_dict
      File "temp_for_tool/combobulator/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/requests/", line 174, in <module>
        class RequestsCookieJar(cookielib.CookieJar, collections.MutableMapping):
    AttributeError: module 'collections' has no attribute 'MutableMapping'
    opened by sv-atoslav 2
  • getting issue no module named dotenv in cli following cmds run in video

    getting issue no module named dotenv in cli following cmds run in video

    04:29 PM (main=) $ python3 ./ --help
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/.../combobulator/src/./", line 3, in <module>
        from dotenv import load_dotenv
    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dotenv'
    opened by noahehall 2
  • Circular dependency conflict on installation

    Circular dependency conflict on installation

    requirements.txt specifies a pinned version of requests as a dependency requests==2.11.1 however it also calls for gql. gql 2.0.0 has it's own dependency on a higher version of requests requests<3,>=2.12 ![dependency conflict example](

    opened by JennyCide 1
  • Safer dependencies collector

    Safer dependencies collector

    some improvements such as using path.join, fix scan source dev and peer dependencies were not analyzed

    related to

    opened by efratas 0
  • failed when try launch scan

    failed when try launch scan

    System and Python versions

    $ lsb_release -a
    No LSB modules are available.
    Distributor ID:	Ubuntu
    Description:	Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
    Release:	22.04
    Codename:	jammy
    $ python3 --version
    Python 3.10.4

    steps to reproduse:

    $ cd ~/Downloads
    $ git clone
    Cloning into 'vulnerable-app'...
    Resolving deltas: 100% (237/237), done.
    $ git clone
    Cloning into 'DSVW'...
    Resolving deltas: 100% (68/68), done.
    $ git clone
    Cloning into 'VulnerableJavaWebApplication'...
    Resolving deltas: 100% (66/66), done.
    • scan targets:
    $ cd *path_to_combobulator_folder*
    $ python src/ --type npm --directory ~/Downloads/vulnerable-app/
      ____  _____ ____  _____ _   _ ____  _____ _   _  ______   __
     |  _ \| ____|  _ \| ____| \ | |  _ \| ____| \ | |/ ___\ \ / /
     | | | |  _| | |_) |  _| |  \| | | | |  _| |  \| | |    \ V / 
     | |_| | |___|  __/| |___| |\  | |_| | |___| |\  | |___  | |  
     |____/|_____|_|   |_____|_| \_|____/|_____|_| \_|\____| |_|  
       ____ ____  __  __ ____   ____  ____  _   _ _        _  _____ ____  ____  
      / ___/ /\ \|  \/  | __ ) / /\ \| __ )| | | | |      / \|_   _/ /\ \|  _ \ 
     | |  / /  \ \ |\/| |  _ \/ /  \ \  _ \| | | | |     / _ \ | |/ /  \ \ |_) |
     | |__\ \  / / |  | | |_) \ \  / / |_) | |_| | |___ / ___ \| |\ \  / /  _ < 
      \____\_\/_/|_|  |_|____/ \_\/_/|____/ \___/|_____/_/   \_\_| \_\/_/|_| \_
    [PROC] Arguments parsed.
    [PROC] Package list imported....  ['body-parser', 'cookie-parser', 'express', 'morgan', 'serve-favicon', dict_keys(['browser-sync', 'chai', 'chai-as-promised', 'chalk', 'dateformat', 'debug', 'del', 'glob', 'gulp', 'gulp-angular-templatecache', 'gulp-autoprefixer', 'gulp-bump', 'gulp-bytediff', 'gulp-concat', 'gulp-filter', 'gulp-header', 'gulp-if', 'gulp-imagemin', 'gulp-inject', 'gulp-jscs', 'gulp-jshint', 'gulp-less', 'gulp-load-plugins', 'gulp-minify-css', 'gulp-minify-html', 'gulp-ng-annotate', 'gulp-nodemon', 'gulp-order', 'gulp-plumber', 'gulp-print', 'gulp-rev', 'gulp-rev-replace', 'gulp-sourcemaps', 'gulp-task-listing', 'gulp-uglify', 'gulp-useref', 'gulp-util', 'jshint-stylish', 'karma', 'karma-chai', 'karma-chai-sinon', 'karma-chrome-launcher', 'karma-coverage', 'karma-firefox-launcher', 'karma-growl-reporter', 'karma-mocha', 'karma-phantomjs-launcher', 'karma-safari-launcher', 'karma-sinon', 'lodash', 'method-override', 'minimist', 'mocha', 'node-notifier', 'phantomjs-prebuilt', 'plato', 'q', 'sinon', 'sinon-chai', 'wiredep', 'yargs'])]
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "combobulator/src/", line 195, in <module>
      File "combobulator/src/", line 173, in main
        metapkg(x, args.package_type)
      File "combobulator/src/", line 7, in __init__
        if len(pkgname.split(':')) == 2:
    AttributeError: 'dict_keys' object has no attribute 'split'
    $ python src/ --type pypi --directory ~/Downloads/DSVW/
      ____  _____ ____  _____ _   _ ____  _____ _   _  ______   __
     |  _ \| ____|  _ \| ____| \ | |  _ \| ____| \ | |/ ___\ \ / /
     | | | |  _| | |_) |  _| |  \| | | | |  _| |  \| | |    \ V / 
     | |_| | |___|  __/| |___| |\  | |_| | |___| |\  | |___  | |  
     |____/|_____|_|   |_____|_| \_|____/|_____|_| \_|\____| |_|  
       ____ ____  __  __ ____   ____  ____  _   _ _        _  _____ ____  ____  
      / ___/ /\ \|  \/  | __ ) / /\ \| __ )| | | | |      / \|_   _/ /\ \|  _ \ 
     | |  / /  \ \ |\/| |  _ \/ /  \ \  _ \| | | | |     / _ \ | |/ /  \ \ |_) |
     | |__\ \  / / |  | | |_) \ \  / / |_) | |_| | |___ / ___ \| |\ \  / /  _ < 
      \____\_\/_/|_|  |_|____/ \_\/_/|____/ \___/|_____/_/   \_\_| \_\/_/|_| \_
    [PROC] Arguments parsed.
    [ERROR]  Selected package type doesn't support import scan.
    $ python src/ --type maven --directory ~/Downloads/VulnerableJavaWebApplication/
      ____  _____ ____  _____ _   _ ____  _____ _   _  ______   __
     |  _ \| ____|  _ \| ____| \ | |  _ \| ____| \ | |/ ___\ \ / /
     | | | |  _| | |_) |  _| |  \| | | | |  _| |  \| | |    \ V / 
     | |_| | |___|  __/| |___| |\  | |_| | |___| |\  | |___  | |  
     |____/|_____|_|   |_____|_| \_|____/|_____|_| \_|\____| |_|  
       ____ ____  __  __ ____   ____  ____  _   _ _        _  _____ ____  ____  
      / ___/ /\ \|  \/  | __ ) / /\ \| __ )| | | | |      / \|_   _/ /\ \|  _ \ 
     | |  / /  \ \ |\/| |  _ \/ /  \ \  _ \| | | | |     / _ \ | |/ /  \ \ |_) |
     | |__\ \  / / |  | | |_) \ \  / / |_) | |_| | |___ / ___ \| |\ \  / /  _ < 
      \____\_\/_/|_|  |_|____/ \_\/_/|____/ \___/|_____/_/   \_\_| \_\/_/|_| \_
    [PROC] Arguments parsed.
    [PROC] Package list imported....  ['org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web', 'org.apache.tomcat.embed:tomcat-embed-jasper', 'javax.servlet:jstl', 'org.springframework:spring-jdbc', 'com.h2database:h2']
    [PROC] Maven checker engaged.
    [ANALYSIS] Package:  spring-boot-starter-web   is present on public provider.
    [ANALYSIS] Package:  tomcat-embed-jasper   is present on public provider.
    [ANALYSIS] Package:  jstl   is present on public provider.
    [ANALYSIS] Package:  spring-jdbc   is present on public provider.
    [ANALYSIS] Package:  h2   is present on public provider.


    Only java scan are stable. Please, fix it. Also, please, update a

    opened by sv-atoslav 0
  • Introduce a keyword list to mark internal only package scheme

    Introduce a keyword list to mark internal only package scheme

    For dependency confusion use case - a keyword list option for marking risky packages that should follow a scheme for internal-facing only. That way - the user will be able to designate dependencies that are to be highlighted if found to be present on the public repo

    cc @rotemreiss

    opened by moshe-apiiro 0
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