is a very simple library (<300 lines) to help you more easily implement lattice attacks, the library is inspired by Z3Py
(python interface for Z3). Manually constructing lattices for LLL attacks is usually a messy process of debugging list comprehensions, LeLeLe
solves this by allowing you to simply require that a linear combination of variables is .short()
and then .solve()
for concrete values, the solution is assigned to the variables and can be retrieved by using int(var)
. LeLeLe
turns a hard to understand/debug mess like (example from H1@ Google 2021 Writeup):
cols = (L // B) * 2 + 1
M = []
# short mod n, so first column should contain a vector (n, 0, ..., 0)
M.append([n] + (cols - 1) * [0])
# require that |v_i| are short and add ti[i] * v to the short linear combination
# using a vector (ti[i], 0, ..., 0, 1, 0, ..., 0)
for i, v in enumerate(ti[1:]):
M.append([v] + [0] * i + [1] + [0] * (cols - i - 2))
# add the final u term which should occure at most once
# to do this add (u*inv, 0, ..., 0, 2^8)
M.append([int(u * inv)] + [0] * (cols - 2) + [K])
# print the matrix for debugging
M = Matrix(M)
# run LLL
row = M.LLL()[0]
# print solution
row[0] = -row[0]
Into a more readable:
from lelele import *
le = LeLeLe()
q = le.var()
V = [le.short_var() for _ in range(len(ti))] # short variables (sugar for .is_short on a var)
# define short linear combination mod n
w = sum([t*v for (v, t) in zip(V, ti)]) + inv * u * q
w %= n
# q should be taken at most once: require that q * <
> is small
(q * 0x100).short()
# prints a description of the system
# find a solution
# print values assigned in solution
print(-int(w), [int(v) for v in V])
It is recommended to install fpylll
, such that LeLeLe
can also be used to solve the system and automatically assign the solution to all the free variables. LeLeLe
does not require SageMath.
Without fpylll
, LeLeLe
can still be used to construct the lattices using .system()
and you can then apply LLL to the resulting lattice using another tool:
from lelele import *
le = LeLeLe()
q = le.var()
V = [le.short_var() for _ in range(len(ti))] # short variables (sugar for .is_short on a var)
# define short linear combination mod n
w = sum([t*v for (v, t) in zip(V, ti)]) + inv * u * q
w %= n
# q should be taken at most once: require that q * <
> is small
(q * 0x100).short()
# export lattice, a list of lists of ints: [[int]]
M = le.system()