CoRe: Contrastive Recurrent State-Space Models


CoRe: Contrastive Recurrent State-Space Models

This code implements the CoRe model and reproduces experimental results found in
Robust Robotic Control from Pixels using Contrastive Recurrent State-Space models
NeurIPS Deep Reinforcement Learning Workshop 2021
Nitish Srivastava, Walter Talbott, Martin Bertran Lopez, Shuangfei Zhai & Joshua M. Susskind




Requirements and Installation

Clone this repository and then execute the following steps. See for an example of how to run these steps on a Ubuntu 18.04 machine.

  • Install dependencies.

    apt install -y libgl1-mesa-dev libgl1-mesa-glx libglew-dev \
            libosmesa6-dev software-properties-common net-tools unzip \
            virtualenv wget xpra xserver-xorg-dev libglfw3-dev patchelf xvfb ffmpeg
  • Download the DAVIS 2017 dataset. Make sure to select the 2017 TrainVal - Images and Annotations (480p). The training images will be used as distracting backgrounds. The DAVIS directory should be in the same directory as the code. Check that ls ./DAVIS/JPEGImages/480p/... shows 90 video directories.

  • Install MuJoCo 2.1.

    • Download MuJoCo version 2.1 binaries for Linux or macOS.
    • Unzip the downloaded mujoco210 directory into ~/.mujoco/mujoco210.
  • Install MuJoCo 2.0 (For robosuite experiments only).

    • Download MuJoCo version 2.0 binaries for Linux or macOS.
    • Unzip the downloaded directory and move it into ~/.mujoco/.
    • Symlink mujoco200_linux (or mujoco200_macos) to mujoco200.
    ln -s ~/.mujoco/mujoco200_linux ~/.mujoco/mujoco200
    • Place the license key at ~/.mujoco/mjkey.txt.
    • Add the MuJoCo binaries to LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/.mujoco/mujoco200/bin:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  • Setup EGL GPU rendering (if a GPU is available).

    • To ensure that the GPU is prioritized over the CPU for EGL rendering
    cp 10_nvidia.json /usr/share/glvnd/egl_vendor.d/
    • Create a dummy nvidia directory so that mujoco_py builds the extensions needed for GPU rendering.
    mkdir -p /usr/lib/nvidia-000
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib/nvidia-000
  • Create a conda environment.

    For Distracting Control Suite

    conda env create -f conda_env.yml

    For Robosuite

    conda env create -f conda_env_robosuite.yml


  • The CoRe model can be trained on the Distracting Control Suite as follows:

    conda activate core
    MUJOCO_GL=egl CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --config configs/dcs/core.yaml 

The training artifacts, including tensorboard logs and videos of validation rollouts will be written in ./artifacts/.

To change the distraction setting, modify the difficulty parameter in configs/dcs/core.yaml. Possible values are ['easy', 'medium', 'hard', 'none', 'hard_bg'].

To change the domain, modify the domain parameter in configs/dcs/core.yaml. Possible values are ['ball_in_cup', 'cartpole', 'cheetah', 'finger', 'reacher', 'walker'].

  • To train on Robosuite (Door Task, Franka Panda Arm)

    • Using RGB image and proprioceptive inputs.
    conda activate core_robosuite
    MUJOCO_GL=egl CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --config configs/robosuite/core.yaml
    • Using RGB image inputs only.
    conda activate core_robosuite
    MUJOCO_GL=egl CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --config configs/robosuite/core_imageonly.yaml


    title={Robust Robotic Control from Pixels using Contrastive Recurrent State-Space Models}, 
    author={Nitish Srivastava and Walter Talbott and Martin Bertran Lopez and Shuangfei Zhai and Josh Susskind},
    journal={NeurIPS Deep Reinforcement Learning Workshop},


This code is released under the LICENSE terms.

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  • Correct Hyperparameter Configuration

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    Hey, I am currently working on reproducing your work and evaluating it on different environments. Unfortunately, the committed hyperparameters seem to differ from the mentioned hyperparameters in the paper.

    Especially, the rendering size and crop size appears to be unrealistic in the code (256, and 84 crop). Another missing information is the decoder, which could be useful for more exact representation of your plots.

    Could you share which configuration you used exactly to achieve the results on DMC?

    Thank you very much in advance!

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  • Releasing results datasets

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    CoRE achieves very impressive results in the Distracting Control Suite. Would it be possible for you to release a dataset of the results that are reported in the paper (i.e., not just the numbers in the tables, but the data used to produce plots such as Figure 8 in Appendix B)?

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