Wifi-jammer - Continuously perform deauthentication attacks on all detectable stations



Continuously perform deauthentication attacks on all detectable stations.

DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible for the misuse of this software for illicit purposes. Remember: with great power comes great responsibility.


  • Python 3
  • Debian-based Linux (preferably Kali Linux)
  • Wi-fi adapter that supports monitor mode

The following utilities are utilized:

  • airodump-ng
  • aireplay-ng
  • airmon-ng


  • IFACE: name of the wi-fi interface
  • airodump_output: name of the output .csv file for monitoring
  • num_packets: number of deauthentication packets sent to the target


Just run python3 main.py and see the magic happens!

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    The program needs to handle the kill signal when it is running a wifi jamming attack on infinite loop, by deleting the *.csv files and restarting the Network Manager.

    bug enhancement good first issue 
    opened by araujo88 0
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