The module that allows the collection of data sampling, which is transmitted with WebSocket via WIFI or serial port for CSV file.



💡 About

The module that allows the collection of data sampling, which is transmitted with WebSocket via WIFI or serial port for CSV file.

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🚀 Technologies


To use this module, remember that data must be transmitted via serial port or WIFI in string where each data has to be separated by a comma.


ℹ️ Getting Started

  1. Fork this repository and clone it on your machine.
  2. Change the directory to python-data-sampling-app where you cloned it.

Module Getting Started

  1. Install requirements.
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  1. Startup
$ python3
  • If you are going to use data transmission via Wifi, when connecting, keep in mind that the WebSocket server IP will be your machine's IP and port 8080.

Made with ♥️ by Nelson Wenner 👋 Get in touch!

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