:speech_balloon: SpeechPy - A Library for Speech Processing and Recognition: http://speechpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/


SpeechPy Official Project Documentation

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Table of Contents


This library provides most frequent used speech features including MFCCs and filterbank energies alongside with the log-energy of filterbanks. If you are interested to see what are MFCCs and how they are generated please refer to this wiki page.


Please refer to the following links for further informations:

SpeechPy Official Project Documentation


Which Python versions are supported

Currently, the package has been tested and verified using Python 2.7, 3.4 and 3.5.


If you used this package, please kindly cite it as follows:

  title={SpeechPy-A Library for Speech Processing and Recognition},
  author={Torfi, Amirsina},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.01094},

How to Install?

There are two possible ways for installation of this package: local installation and PyPi.

Local Installation

For local installation at first the repository must be cloned:

git clone https://github.com/astorfi/speech_feature_extraction.git

After cloning the reposity, root to the repository directory then execute:

python setup.py develop


The package is available on PyPi. For direct installation simply execute the following:

pip install speechpy

What Features are supported?

  • Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients(MFCCs)
  • Filterbank Energies
  • Log Filterbank Energies

Please refer to SpeechPy Official Project Documentation for details about the supported features.

MFCC Features

pic1 pic2

The supported attributes for generating MFCC features can be seen by investigating the related function:

def mfcc(signal, sampling_frequency, frame_length=0.020, frame_stride=0.01,num_cepstral =13,
       num_filters=40, fft_length=512, low_frequency=0, high_frequency=None, dc_elimination=True):
      """Compute MFCC features from an audio signal.
      :param signal: the audio signal from which to compute features. Should be an N x 1 array
      :param sampling_frequency: the sampling frequency of the signal we are working with.
      :param frame_length: the length of each frame in seconds. Default is 0.020s
      :param frame_stride: the step between successive frames in seconds. Default is 0.02s (means no overlap)
      :param num_filters: the number of filters in the filterbank, default 40.
      :param fft_length: number of FFT points. Default is 512.
      :param low_frequency: lowest band edge of mel filters. In Hz, default is 0.
      :param high_frequency: highest band edge of mel filters. In Hz, default is samplerate/2
      :param num_cepstral: Number of cepstral coefficients.
      :param dc_elimination: hIf the first dc component should be eliminated or not.
      :returns: A numpy array of size (num_frames x num_cepstral) containing mfcc features.

Filterbank Energy Features

def mfe(signal, sampling_frequency, frame_length=0.020, frame_stride=0.01,
          num_filters=40, fft_length=512, low_frequency=0, high_frequency=None):
    """Compute Mel-filterbank energy features from an audio signal.
    :param signal: the audio signal from which to compute features. Should be an N x 1 array
    :param sampling_frequency: the sampling frequency of the signal we are working with.
    :param frame_length: the length of each frame in seconds. Default is 0.020s
    :param frame_stride: the step between successive frames in seconds. Default is 0.02s (means no overlap)
    :param num_filters: the number of filters in the filterbank, default 40.
    :param fft_length: number of FFT points. Default is 512.
    :param low_frequency: lowest band edge of mel filters. In Hz, default is 0.
    :param high_frequency: highest band edge of mel filters. In Hz, default is samplerate/2
              features: the energy of fiterbank: num_frames x num_filters
              frame_energies: the energy of each frame: num_frames x 1

log - Filterbank Energy Features

The attributes for log_filterbank energies are the same for filterbank energies too.

def lmfe(signal, sampling_frequency, frame_length=0.020, frame_stride=0.01,
     num_filters=40, fft_length=512, low_frequency=0, high_frequency=None):
    """Compute log Mel-filterbank energy features from an audio signal.
    :param signal: the audio signal from which to compute features. Should be an N x 1 array
    :param sampling_frequency: the sampling frequency of the signal we are working with.
    :param frame_length: the length of each frame in seconds. Default is 0.020s
    :param frame_stride: the step between successive frames in seconds. Default is 0.02s (means no overlap)
    :param num_filters: the number of filters in the filterbank, default 40.
    :param fft_length: number of FFT points. Default is 512.
    :param low_frequency: lowest band edge of mel filters. In Hz, default is 0.
    :param high_frequency: highest band edge of mel filters. In Hz, default is samplerate/2
              features: the energy of fiterbank: num_frames x num_filters
              frame_log_energies: the log energy of each frame: num_frames x 1

Stack Frames

In Stack_Frames function, the stack of frames will be generated from the signal.

def stack_frames(sig, sampling_frequency, frame_length=0.020, frame_stride=0.020, Filter=lambda x: numpy.ones((x,)),
    """Frame a signal into overlapping frames.
    :param sig: The audio signal to frame of size (N,).
    :param sampling_frequency: The sampling frequency of the signal.
    :param frame_length: The length of the frame in second.
    :param frame_stride: The stride between frames.
    :param Filter: The time-domain filter for applying to each frame. By default it is one so nothing will be changed.
    :param zero_padding: If the samples is not a multiple of frame_length(number of frames sample), zero padding will
                         be done for generating last frame.
    :returns: Array of frames. size: number_of_frames x frame_len.

Post Processing

There are some post-processing operation that are supported in speechpy.

Global cepstral mean and variance normalization (CMVN)

This function performs global cepstral mean and variance normalization (CMVN) to remove the channel effects. The code assumes that there is one observation per row.

def cmvn(vec, variance_normalization=False):
    This function is aimed to perform global ``cepstral mean and variance normalization``
    (CMVN) on input feature vector "vec". The code assumes that there is one observation per row.

          vec: input feature matrix (size:(num_observation,num_features))
          variance_normalization: If the variance normilization should be performed or not.
          The mean(or mean+variance) normalized feature vector.

Local cepstral mean and variance normalization (CMVN) over a sliding window

This function performs local cepstral mean and variance normalization (CMVN) over sliding windows. The code assumes that there is one observation per row.

def cmvnw(vec, win_size=301, variance_normalization=False):
    This function is aimed to perform local cepstral mean and variance normalization on a sliding window.
    (CMVN) on input feature vector "vec". The code assumes that there is one observation per row.
          vec: input feature matrix (size:(num_observation,num_features))
          win_size: The size of sliding window for local normalization and should be odd.
                    default=301 which is around 3s if 100 Hz rate is considered(== 10ms frame stide)
          variance_normalization: If the variance normilization should be performed or not.

    :return: The mean(or mean+variance) normalized feature vector.


SpeechPy includes some unit tests. To run the tests, cd into the speechpy/tests directory and run:

python -m pytest

For installing the requirements you only need to install pytest.


The test example can be seen in test/test.py as below:

import scipy.io.wavfile as wav
import numpy as np
import speechpy
import os

file_name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),'Alesis-Sanctuary-QCard-AcoustcBas-C2.wav')
fs, signal = wav.read(file_name)
signal = signal[:,0]

# Example of pre-emphasizing.
signal_preemphasized = speechpy.processing.preemphasis(signal, cof=0.98)

# Example of staching frames
frames = speechpy.processing.stack_frames(signal, sampling_frequency=fs, frame_length=0.020, frame_stride=0.01, filter=lambda x: np.ones((x,)),

# Example of extracting power spectrum
power_spectrum = speechpy.processing.power_spectrum(frames, fft_points=512)
print('power spectrum shape=', power_spectrum.shape)

############# Extract MFCC features #############
mfcc = speechpy.feature.mfcc(signal, sampling_frequency=fs, frame_length=0.020, frame_stride=0.01,
             num_filters=40, fft_length=512, low_frequency=0, high_frequency=None)
mfcc_cmvn = speechpy.processing.cmvnw(mfcc,win_size=301,variance_normalization=True)
print('mfcc(mean + variance normalized) feature shape=', mfcc_cmvn.shape)

mfcc_feature_cube = speechpy.feature.extract_derivative_feature(mfcc)
print('mfcc feature cube shape=', mfcc_feature_cube.shape)

############# Extract logenergy features #############
logenergy = speechpy.feature.lmfe(signal, sampling_frequency=fs, frame_length=0.020, frame_stride=0.01,
             num_filters=40, fft_length=512, low_frequency=0, high_frequency=None)
logenergy_feature_cube = speechpy.feature.extract_derivative_feature(logenergy)
print('logenergy features=', logenergy.shape)

For ectracting the feature at first, the signal samples will be stacked into frames. The features are computed for each frame in the stacked frames collection.


Two packages of Scipy and NumPy are the required dependencies which will be installed automatically by running the setup.py file.


This work is based upon a work supported by the Center for Identification Technology Research and the National Science Foundation under Grant #1650474.


When contributing to this repository, you are more than welcome to discuss your feedback with any of the owners of this repository. For typos, please do not create a pull request. Instead, declare them in issues or email the repository owner. For technical and conceptual questions please feel free to directly contact the repository owner. Before asking general questions related to the concepts and techniques provided in this project, please make sure to read and understand its associated paper.

Pull Request Process

Please consider the following criterions in order to help us in a better way:

  1. The pull request is mainly expected to be a code script suggestion or improvement.
  2. A pull request related to non-code-script sections is expected to make a significant difference in the documentation. Otherwise, it is expected to be announced in the issues section.
  3. Ensure any install or build dependencies are removed before the end of the layer when doing a build and creating a pull request.
  4. Add comments with details of changes to the interface, this includes new environment variables, exposed ports, useful file locations and container parameters.
  5. You may merge the Pull Request in once you have the sign-off of at least one other developer, or if you do not have permission to do that, you may request the owner to merge it for you if you believe all checks are passed.

Declaring issues

For declaring issues, you can directly email the repository owner. However, preferably please create an issue as it might be the issue that other repository followers may encounter. That way, the question to other developers will be answered as well.

Final Note

We are looking forward to your kind feedback. Please help us to improve this open source project and make our work better. For contribution, please create a pull request and we will investigate it promptly. Once again, we appreciate your kind feedback and elaborate code inspections.


Although by dramatic chages, some portion of this library is inspired by the python speech features library.

We clain the following advantages for our library:

  1. More accurate operations have been performed for the mel-frequency calculations.
  2. The package supports different Python versions.
  3. The feature are generated in a more organized way as cubic features.
  4. The package is well-tested and integrated.
  5. The package is up-to-date and actively developing.
  6. The package has been used for research purposes.
  7. Exceptions and extreme cases are handled in this library.
  • Handle small signal sizes better

    Handle small signal sizes better

    Currently, passing a signal size equal to or less than the frame length throws an exception. This changes it so that when a signal of the same length is given, it gives a result like normal, and when a signall smaller than that is given, it outputs an empty array of the correct dimensions.

    With change:

    import numpy as np
    from speechpy.main import mfcc
    mfcc(np.ones((999)), 1000, 1, 1, 2)  # array([], shape=(0, 2), dtype=float64)
    mfcc(np.ones((1000)), 1000, 1, 1, 2)  # array([[ 6.23832463,  0.        ]])
    mfcc(np.ones((1999)), 1000, 1, 1, 2)  # array([[ 6.23832463,  0.        ]])
    mfcc(np.ones((2000)), 1000, 1, 1, 2)  # array([[ 6.23832463,  0.        ], [ 6.23832463,  0.        ]])


    import numpy as np
    from speechpy.main import mfcc
    mfcc(np.ones((999)), 1000, 1, 1, 2)  # UnboundLocalError: local variable 'signal' referenced before assignment
    mfcc(np.ones((1000)), 1000, 1, 1, 2)  # UnboundLocalError: local variable 'signal' referenced before assignment
    mfcc(np.ones((1999)), 1000, 1, 1, 2)  # array([[ 6.23832463,  0.        ]])
    mfcc(np.ones((2000)), 1000, 1, 1, 2)  # array([[ 6.23832463,  0.        ], [ 6.23832463,  0.        ]])
    opened by MatthewScholefield 10
  • no module main

    no module main

    Hi tryinig to use this in windows 7 64 bits 3.5 python by pip or by git no errors during the pip install

    when i import pyspeech got this one :

    import speechpy

    ImportError Traceback (most recent call last) in () ----> 1 import speechpy

    c:\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\speechpy_init_.py in () ----> 1 from main import * 2 from processing import *

    ImportError: No module named 'main'

    opened by alain2208 10
  • cmvnw: Division by zero

    cmvnw: Division by zero

    In encountered the following warning during the variance normalization of the speech features:

    RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in true_divide

    cmvnw This is probably not the desired behavior, I don't know what the best solution in this case is though.

    opened by thomasZen 6
  • Fixed a small bug rarely causing type mismatch

    Fixed a small bug rarely causing type mismatch

    when you use the derivative_extraction function, you are likely to concatenate it with your features, and your features' type might be chosen carefully in a manner sensitive to memory usage.

    for example in my project i have a large dataset (which is normal for the use case of this library) which i use float32 as the datatype of it's values, since it's accuracy is enough and it reduces the memory footprint by half compared to float64, but when i used the derivative_extraction it calculated it's values in float64 and when i concatenated the derivatives and the original features all the values where converted to float64 and the system's memory usage was doubled, which wasn't immediately apparent.

    this is not that critical and it could be fixed by converting types from outside the library call, but why bother with the inconvenience when changing the datatype of the derivatives array from the incoming feature's datatype is not needed.

    opened by omaraltayyan 4
  • Re-add speed improvements without error

    Re-add speed improvements without error

    This pulls in #11 again, but disabling the caching in Python 2 rather than trying to use a backport of it. The reason is that in some installations, despite being installed, Python 2 will fail on the backports.functools_lru_cache import. This fixes #15.

    @astorfi Let me know if you still see the error with this. Thanks

    opened by MatthewScholefield 4
  • Speed improvements

    Speed improvements

    • Add function caching to speed up computation of functions called with the same parameters
    • Remove use of np.round since it's slower for primitives

    From testing in my use case, I get the following speed increases relative to the given function:


    • Removing np.round: 20%
    • Adding create_indices lru: 60%


    • Adding lru to filterbank: 310%
    opened by MatthewScholefield 4
  • Installing release 2.3 appears to install 2.2

    Installing release 2.3 appears to install 2.2

    I have installed SpeechPy as part of my review of the package. Installing the package, I found a minor issue with the version number: I explicitly checked out the '2.3' release for installation whereas the install script output refers to version 2.2:

    $ python setup.py develop
    running develop
    running egg_info
    creating speechpy.egg-info
    writing speechpy.egg-info/PKG-INFO
    writing dependency_links to speechpy.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
    writing requirements to speechpy.egg-info/requires.txt
    writing top-level names to speechpy.egg-info/top_level.txt
    writing manifest file 'speechpy.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
    reading manifest file 'speechpy.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
    reading manifest template 'MANIFEST.in'
    writing manifest file 'speechpy.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
    running build_ext
    Creating /home/tha/.conda/envs/joss-review-tmp/lib/python3.6/site-packages/speechpy.egg-link (link to .)
    Adding speechpy 2.2 to easy-install.pth file
    Installed /home/tha/other-repo/speechpy
    Processing dependencies for speechpy==2.2
    Searching for numpy==1.14.3
    Best match: numpy 1.14.3
    Adding numpy 1.14.3 to easy-install.pth file
    Using /home/tha/.conda/envs/joss-review-tmp/lib/python3.6/site-packages
    Searching for scipy==1.1.0
    Best match: scipy 1.1.0
    Adding scipy 1.1.0 to easy-install.pth file
    Using /home/tha/.conda/envs/joss-review-tmp/lib/python3.6/site-packages
    Finished processing dependencies for speechpy==2.2

    I suspect this is just some configuration text string that was not properly updated for the 2.3 release?

    opened by ThomasA 3
  • Correct wav format?

    Correct wav format?

    Im trying to extract mfcc features from audio of a video file.

    I tried FFMPEG:

    def extractAudioFromVideo(video, audio_out="out.wav"):
    	cmd="ffmpeg -i {} -acodec pcm_s16le -ac 1 -ar 16000 {}".format(video, audio_out)
    	return audio_out
    def extractAudioMFCC(file_name="out.wav"):
    	fs, signal = wav.read(file_name)
    	signal = signal[:,0]
    	############# Extract MFCC features #############
    	mfcc = speechpy.feature.mfcc(signal, sampling_frequency=fs, frame_length=0.020, frame_stride=0.01,num_filters=40, fft_length=512, low_frequency=0, high_frequency=None)
    	mfcc_cmvn = speechpy.processing.cmvnw(mfcc,win_size=301,variance_normalization=True)
    	print('mfcc(mean + variance normalized) feature shape=', mfcc_cmvn.shape)
    extractAudioMFCC("test.mp4", audio_out="out.wav")

    The error I get:

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "TWK.py", line 99, in extractAudioMFCC() File "TWK.py", line 22, in extractAudioMFCC signal = signal[:,0] IndexError: too many indices for array

    Am I using the wrong wav format?

    opened by taewookim 3
  • Update citation. Closes issue #2.

    Update citation. Closes issue #2.

    As per issue #2. The citation text content is from https://zenodo.org/record/840395/export/hx via https://zenodo.org/badge/latestdoi/87262342, which is the link of the button you mentioned in your comment on issue #2.

    opened by yarwelp 3
  • MFCC Feature

    MFCC Feature

    Respected Sir, Greetings of the day !!!

    Sir first of all thank you so much for such amazing library you shared with us.

    Sir I am using SpeechPy library for extracting the MFCC of audio signal.

    Sir I have an audio signal of 16kHz, 32bit float PCM, Mono channel. I am using framelength 100ms with 50% overlapping.

    I used below code for extraction of MFCC,

    fs, signal = wav.read("b0.wav") signal = signal / abs(max(signal)) #Convert into double mfcc = speechpy.feature.mfcc (signal , sampling_frequency=fs, frame_length=0.1, frame_stride=0.05, num_filters=40, fft_length=2048, low_frequency=0, high_frequency=None)

    Respected Sir, I got confusion because I used python_speech_features library also to extract mfcc and for verification of my result. But both are giving different result.

    mfcc1 = python_speech_features.base.mfcc(signal, samplerate=fs, winlen=0.1, winstep=0.05, numcep=13, nfilt=26, nfft=2048, lowfreq=0, highfreq=None, preemph=0.97, ceplifter=22, appendEnergy=True)

    I wanted to know where I am doing mistake.

    My Questions Are:

    1. Is the above code sequence is correct to extract mfcc using speechpy library ?

    2. While using speechpy.feature.mfcc function, preemphasis operation is not performed? That is the reason both library are giving different result.

    Should we have to perform seprately preemphasis using below code then we have to give the output of preemphasis to mfcc?

    signal_preemphasized = speechpy.processing.preemphasis(signal, cof=0.98)

    1. Why both library are giving different result ?

    Its my humble request respected Sir Please response to my query. I am not getting clarification. What to use and which is correct.

    I am sorry for my poor English.

    opened by ghost 2
  • A feature request:How can I judge user intentions ?

    A feature request:How can I judge user intentions ?

    Hello, I have a need for speech recognition now, and I have read many documents of this project, but I am still not sure whether this project can meet my need:

    Now I have hundreds of thousands of wav audio files, which are only one to five seconds and divided into two categories, one is positive answer, the other is negative answer, but I do not have the text information corresponding to each wav file, now my demand is whether I can use this project to make intention judgment?

    For example, if I input an audio data, then I can get the intention expressed by this audio, but there is no text corresponding to this audio

    Any help will be greatly appreciated!

    opened by gangyahaidao 2
  • Fixed some bugs in mel filterbanks.

    Fixed some bugs in mel filterbanks.

    I wrote some code to compare the mel filterbanks in librosa, python speech feature and speechpy, and found two problems.

      1. The initialization of the band edge of the Mel filterbanks may be wrong.
      1. The calculation to convert frequency to fft bin number is wrong.
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    import librosa
    import python_speech_features as psf
    import speechpy
    n_fft = 256        # The number of FFT components
    n_filter = 20      # The number of filters in the filterbank
    samplerate = 16000 # The samplerate of the signal
    low_freq = 0       # The lowest band edge of the filters
    high_freq = 8000   # The highest band edge of the filters
    librosa_fbanks = librosa.filters.mel(
        sr=samplerate, n_fft=n_fft, n_mels=n_filter, fmin=low_freq, fmax=high_freq, norm=None)
    print("Librosa mel fbanks shape:{}".format(librosa_fbanks.shape))
    psf_fbanks = psf.base.get_filterbanks(
        nfilt=n_filter, nfft=n_fft, samplerate=samplerate, lowfreq=low_freq, highfreq=high_freq)
    print("PSF mel fbanks shape:{}".format(psf_fbanks.shape))
    coefficients = int(n_fft/2 + 1)
    speechpy_fbanks = speechpy.feature.filterbanks(
        n_filter, coefficients, sampling_freq=samplerate, low_freq=low_freq, high_freq=high_freq)
    print("Speechpy mel fbanks shape:{}".format(speechpy_fbanks.shape))
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=1, figsize=(10, 10))
    x = np.array(list(range(speechpy_fbanks.shape[1])))
    x = x * (samplerate / (n_fft + 1))
    for i in range(librosa_fbanks.shape[0]):
        axes[0].plot(x, librosa_fbanks[i])
    axes[0].set_title("librosa mel fbanks")
    for i in range(psf_fbanks.shape[0]):
        axes[1].plot(x, psf_fbanks[i])
    axes[1].set_title("psf mel fbanks")
    for i in range(speechpy_fbanks.shape[0]):
        axes[2].plot(x, speechpy_fbanks[i])
    axes[2].set_title("speechpy mel fbanks")


    As shown in the figure, the parameter setting of low_freq of filterbanks of speechpy is invalid, and the filterbanks only covers half of the frequency band.

    The first problem is caused by

    low_freq = low_freq or 300.

    When low_freq is 0, low_freq or 300 will return 300 instead of 0.

    The second problem is a calculation error.

    freq_index = (
            (coefficients +
             1) *
            hertz /

    coefficients is equal to fftpoints/2 +1, which cannot cover the complete frequency band. We should use fftpoints instead of coefficients for calculation.

    As shown in my code,I have fixed the above two bugs and hope to get your review and merge. Thank you!

    opened by yorange1 3
  • stack frames calculation

    stack frames calculation

    Hi Amirsina,

    First of all, great project!

    I noticed in the mfcc the last frame_length of the signal buffer is always missing. When the number of stack frames is calculated (in the function stack_frames), the sample_buffer is decreased with the frame_length before it is divided in a number of stack frames.

    See snippet: https://github.com/astorfi/speechpy/blob/4ece793cc52e36decd60dd89aca25233d773afe6/speechpy/processing.py#L103-L104

    On a 1 second sample buffer this is hardly noticeable, but if we run the mfcc on smaller buffers this becomes significant.

    If the calculation is done in this way:

        numframes = (int(math.ceil((length_signal
                                      - (frame_sample_length - frame_stride)) / frame_stride)))

    The full sample buffer is used if frame_sample_length equals the frame_stride and adjusted correctly on differences between the frame_length and frame_stride.

    opened by automatiek 0
Amirsina Torfi
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Expressive Digital Signal Processing (DSP) package for Python

AudioLazy Development Last release PyPI status Real-Time Expressive Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Package for Python! Laziness and object representa

Danilo de Jesus da Silva Bellini 642 Dec 26, 2022
An audio digital processing toolbox based on a workflow/pipeline principle

AudioTK Audio ToolKit is a set of audio filters. It helps assembling workflows for specific audio processing workloads. The audio workflow is split in

Matthieu Brucher 238 Oct 18, 2022
Pyroomacoustics is a package for audio signal processing for indoor applications. It was developed as a fast prototyping platform for beamforming algorithms in indoor scenarios.

Summary Pyroomacoustics is a software package aimed at the rapid development and testing of audio array processing algorithms. The content of the pack

Audiovisual Communications Laboratory 1k Jan 9, 2023
Expressive Digital Signal Processing (DSP) package for Python

AudioLazy Development Last release PyPI status Real-Time Expressive Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Package for Python! Laziness and object representa

Danilo de Jesus da Silva Bellini 573 Feb 8, 2021
Accompanying code for our paper "Point Cloud Audio Processing"

Point Cloud Audio Processing Krishna Subramani1, Paris Smaragdis1 1UIUC Paper For the necessary libraries/prerequisites, please use conda/anaconda to

Krishna Subramani 17 Nov 17, 2022
Audio fingerprinting and recognition in Python

dejavu Audio fingerprinting and recognition algorithm implemented in Python, see the explanation here: How it works Dejavu can memorize audio by liste

Will Drevo 6k Jan 6, 2023
Implementation of "Slow-Fast Auditory Streams for Audio Recognition, ICASSP, 2021" in PyTorch

Auditory Slow-Fast This repository implements the model proposed in the paper: Evangelos Kazakos, Arsha Nagrani, Andrew Zisserman, Dima Damen, Slow-Fa

Evangelos Kazakos 57 Dec 7, 2022