Implementation of "Slow-Fast Auditory Streams for Audio Recognition, ICASSP, 2021" in PyTorch


Auditory Slow-Fast

This repository implements the model proposed in the paper:

Evangelos Kazakos, Arsha Nagrani, Andrew Zisserman, Dima Damen, Slow-Fast Auditory Streams for Audio Recognition, ICASSP, 2021

Project's webpage

arXiv paper


When using this code, kindly reference:

   title={Slow-Fast Auditory Streams For Audio Recognition},
   author={Kazakos, Evangelos and Nagrani, Arsha and Zisserman, Andrew and Damen, Dima},
           journal   = {CoRR},
           volume    = {abs/2103.03516},
           year      = {2021},
           ee        = {},

Pretrained models

You can download our pretrained models on VGG-Sound and EPIC-KITCHENS-100:

  • Slow-Fast (EPIC-KITCHENS-100) link
  • Slow (EPIC-KITCHENS-100) link
  • Fast (EPIC-KITCHENS-100) link
  • Slow-Fast (VGG-Sound) link
  • Slow (VGG-Sound) link
  • Fast (VGG-Sound) link


  • Requirements:
    • PyTorch 1.7.1
    • librosa: conda install -c conda-forge librosa
    • h5py: conda install h5py
    • wandb: pip install wandb
    • fvcore: pip install 'git+'
    • simplejson: pip install simplejson
    • psutil: pip install psutil
    • tensorboard: pip install tensorboard
  • Add this repository to $PYTHONPATH.
export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/auditory-slow-fast/slowfast:$PYTHONPATH
  • VGG-Sound:
    1. Download the audio. For instructions see here
    2. Download train.pkl (link) and test.pkl (link). I converted the original train.csv and test.csv (found here) to pickle files with column names for easier use
    1. From the annotation repository of EPIC-KITCHENS-100 (link), download: EPIC_100_train.pkl, EPIC_100_validation.pkl, and EPIC_100_test_timestamps.pkl. EPIC_100_train.pkl and EPIC_100_validation.pkl will be used for training/validation, while EPIC_100_test_timestamps.pkl can be used to obtain the scores to submit in the AR challenge.
    2. Download all the videos of EPIC-KITCHENS-100 using the download scripts found here, where you can also find detailed instructions on using the scripts.
    3. Extract audio from the videos by running:
    python audio_extraction/ /path/to/videos /output/path 
    1. Save audio in HDF5 format by running:
    python audio_extraction/ /path/to/audio /output/hdf5/EPIC-KITCHENS-100_audio.hdf5

Training/validation on EPIC-KITCHENS-100

To train the model run (fine-tuning from VGG-Sound pretrained model):

python tools/ --cfg configs/EPIC-KITCHENS/SLOWFAST_R50.yaml NUM_GPUS num_gpus 
OUTPUT_DIR /path/to/output_dir EPICKITCHENS.AUDIO_DATA_FILE /path/to/EPIC-KITCHENS-100_audio.hdf5 
EPICKITCHENS.ANNOTATIONS_DIR /path/to/annotations TRAIN.CHECKPOINT_FILE_PATH /path/to/VGG-Sound/pretrained/model

To train from scratch remove TRAIN.CHECKPOINT_FILE_PATH /path/to/VGG-Sound/pretrained/model.

You can also train the individual streams. For example, for training Slow run:

python tools/ --cfg configs/EPIC-KITCHENS/SLOW_R50.yaml NUM_GPUS num_gpus 
OUTPUT_DIR /path/to/output_dir EPICKITCHENS.AUDIO_DATA_FILE /path/to/EPIC-KITCHENS-100_audio.hdf5 
EPICKITCHENS.ANNOTATIONS_DIR /path/to/annotations TRAIN.CHECKPOINT_FILE_PATH /path/to/VGG-Sound/pretrained/model

To validate the model run:

python tools/ --cfg configs/EPIC-KITCHENS/SLOWFAST_R50.yaml NUM_GPUS num_gpus 
OUTPUT_DIR /path/to/experiment_dir EPICKITCHENS.AUDIO_DATA_FILE /path/to/EPIC-KITCHENS-100_audio.hdf5 
TEST.CHECKPOINT_FILE_PATH /path/to/experiment_dir/checkpoints/checkpoint_best.pyth

To obtain scores on the test set run:

python tools/ --cfg configs/EPIC-KITCHENS/SLOWFAST_R50.yaml NUM_GPUS num_gpus 
OUTPUT_DIR /path/to/experiment_dir EPICKITCHENS.AUDIO_DATA_FILE /path/to/EPIC-KITCHENS-100_audio.hdf5 
TEST.CHECKPOINT_FILE_PATH /path/to/experiment_dir/checkpoints/checkpoint_best.pyth 

Training/validation on VGG-Sound

To train the model run:

python tools/ --cfg configs/VGG-Sound/SLOWFAST_R50.yaml NUM_GPUS num_gpus 
OUTPUT_DIR /path/to/output_dir VGGSOUND.AUDIO_DATA_DIR /path/to/dataset 
VGGSOUND.ANNOTATIONS_DIR /path/to/annotations 

To validate the model run:

python tools/ --cfg configs/VGG-Sound/SLOWFAST_R50.yaml NUM_GPUS num_gpus 
OUTPUT_DIR /path/to/experiment_dir VGGSOUND.AUDIO_DATA_DIR /path/to/dataset 
TEST.CHECKPOINT_FILE_PATH /path/to/experiment_dir/checkpoints/checkpoint_best.pyth


The code is published under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, found here.

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    EPIC-KITCHENS-100 dataset request !

    Thank you for your great contributions! Just one small problem in this project dataset prepared, download all the videos of EPIC-KITCHENS-100 is too big and the academic torrents does not work well. So could you please send me a copy of the EPIC-KITCHENS-100 dataset(audio part of the dataset, all parts are best) if possible? I appreciate it if you can update it sometime. Thanks so much!!

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