project #2: bootleg password generator; capable of randomly generating any password between lengths of 8 to 12 characters.
how it works:
firstly, the user selects however long a password they desire, from 8-12 characters.
secondly, i assign a variable called "original" to the value "".
thirdly, i set three lists; numbers (1-9), lowercase letters (a-z), and uppercase letters (A-Z). then utilise random.choice() in a set loop to pick and add characters to "original" until the length of "original" reaches the maximum length set by initial user input at the start.
finally, print "original".
side note: i added slight "guarantee" of one random number, one random lowercase alphabet, and one random uppercase alphabet, to the variable "original" before other characters are added to ensure the printed password fits the normal criteria.
Source code(tar.gz)
Source code(zip) KB)