Backprop makes it simple to use, finetune, and deploy state-of-the-art ML models.



Backprop makes it simple to use, finetune, and deploy state-of-the-art ML models.

Solve a variety of tasks with pre-trained models or finetune them in one line for your own tasks.

Out of the box tasks you can solve with Backprop:

  • Conversational question answering in English
  • Text Classification in 100+ languages
  • Image Classification
  • Text Vectorisation in 50+ languages
  • Image Vectorisation
  • Summarisation in English
  • Emotion detection in English
  • Text Generation

For more specific use cases, you can adapt a task with little data and a single line of code via finetuning.

Getting started Installation, few minute introduction
💡 Examples Finetuning and usage examples
📙 Docs In-depth documentation about task inference and finetuning
⚙️ Models Overview of available models

Getting started


Install Backprop via PyPi:

pip install backprop

Basic task inference

Tasks act as interfaces that let you easily use a variety of supported models.

import backprop

context = "Take a look at the examples folder to see use cases!"

qa = backprop.QA()

# Start building!
answer = qa("Where can I see what to build?", context)

# Prints
"the examples folder"

You can run all tasks and models on your own machine, or in production with our inference API, simply by specifying your api_key.

See how to use all available tasks.

Basic finetuning and uploading

Each task implements finetuning that lets you adapt a model for your specific use case in a single line of code.

A finetuned model is easy to upload to production, letting you focus on building great applications.

import backprop

tg = backprop.TextGeneration("t5-small")

# Any text works as training data
inp = ["I really liked the service I received!", "Meh, it was not impressive."]
out = ["positive", "negative"]

# Finetune with a single line of code
tg.finetune({"input_text": inp, "output_text": out})

# Use your trained model
prediction = tg("I enjoyed it!")

# Prints

# Upload to Backprop for production ready inference
# Describe your model
name = "t5-sentiment"
description = "Predicts positive and negative sentiment"

tg.upload(name=name, description=description, api_key="abc")

See finetuning for other tasks.

Why Backprop?

  1. No experience needed

    • Entrance to practical AI should be simple
    • Get state-of-the-art performance in your task without being an expert
  2. Data is a bottleneck

    • Solve real world tasks without any data
    • With transfer learning, even a small amount of data can adapt a task to your niche requirements
  3. There are an overwhelming amount of models

    • We offer a curated selection of the best open-source models and make them simple to use
    • A few general models can accomplish more with less optimisation
  4. Deploying models cost effectively is hard work

    • If our models suit your use case, no deployment is needed: just call our API
    • Adapt and deploy your own model with just a few lines of code
    • Our API scales, is always available, and you only pay for usage



Check out our docs for in-depth task inference and finetuning.

Model Hub

Curated list of state-of-the-art models.


Zero-shot image classification with CLIP.


Backprop relies on many great libraries to work, most notably:


Found a bug or have ideas for new tasks and models? Open an issue.

  • Finetuning & Cuda

    Finetuning & Cuda

    Hello Backprop Team!

    Great job on the library.

    I was trying to replicate the Generate Questions Fine-tuning example:

    However, I'm facing the following error:

    Exception: You need a cuda capable (Nvidia) GPU for fine-tuning.


    When I add the following line to my code while calling the TextGeneration Model device="cuda" the error changes to No CUDA GPUs are available


    I'm using the following AWS EC2 instance which claims to have NVIDIA CUDA:

    Moreover, when I run the command nvcc --version, I see the following output: image

    Please help. Where am I going wrong?

    Best, Karan

    opened by karan-jgu 6
  • self._tokenizer.no_truncation() RuntimeError: Already borrowed`

    self._tokenizer.no_truncation() RuntimeError: Already borrowed`


    I am running the emotion service on cuda and I get this following RuntimeError:

    I am sending a batch_size of 256 to extract emotions.
    and generate(text, do_sample=False, max_length=512)
    Is this something related to max seq length?

    File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/flask/", line 2447, in wsgi_app response = self.full_dispatch_request() File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/flask/", line 1952, in full_dispatch_request rv = self.handle_user_exception(e) File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/flask/", line 1821, in handle_user_exception reraise(exc_type, exc_value, tb) File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/flask/", line 39, in reraise raise value File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/flask/", line 1950, in full_dispatch_request rv = self.dispatch_request() File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/flask/", line 1936, in dispatch_request return self.view_functionsrule.endpoint File "/root/sales_emotion/", line 34, in task_level_emotion response = emotion_task_to_db(task_id) File "/root/sales_emotion/src/services/", line 67, in emotion_task_to_db df_insert = task_level_emo(task_id) File "/root/sales_emotion/src/services/", line 40, in task_level_emo emotion_labels.extend(kiri.emotion(text)) File "/root/sales_emotion/", line 50, in emotion return self._emotion(input_text) File "/root/sales_emotion/models/tasks/", line 42, in call return self.model.emotion(text) File "/root/sales_emotion/models/", line 25, in emotion return self.generate(text, do_sample=False, max_length=512) File "/root/sales_emotion/models/", line 138, in generate features = self.tokenizer(text, return_tensors="pt") File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/transformers/", line 2356, in call **kwargs, File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/transformers/", line 2426, in encode_plus **kwargs, File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/transformers/", line 465, in _encode_plus **kwargs, File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/transformers/", line 372, in _batch_encode_plus pad_to_multiple_of=pad_to_multiple_of, File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/transformers/", line 325, in set_truncation_and_paddi ng self._tokenizer.no_truncation() RuntimeError: Already borrowed

    Please help.

    Chirag Sanghvi

    opened by chiragsanghvi10 6
  • Documentation of training on Emotion

    Documentation of training on Emotion


    First of all thanks a ton for this repository, the results that I am looking for is quite promising without any down-stream task training. :)

    Are you planning to publish the paper/documentation on the data T5 is trained for emotion ?

    Best, Chirag Sanghvi

    opened by chiragsanghvi10 4
  • How can I execute this on GPU?

    How can I execute this on GPU?


    I am trying to run this code below on GPU, where should I specify device and what is the command like ?

    device='gpu' or device='cuda' and where should I be mentioning it ?

    This is your old code bit :

    from transformers import T5ForConditionalGeneration, T5Tokenizer
    MODEL = "kiri-ai/t5-base-qa-summary-emotion"
    TOKENIZER = "t5-base"
    def generate(input_text, model_name: str = None, tokenizer_name: str = None):
        # Refer to global variables
        global model
        global tokenizer
        # Setup
        # Initialise model
        if model == None:
            # Use the default model
            if model_name == None:
                model = T5ForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained(MODEL)
            # Use the user defined model
                model = T5ForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained(model_name)
        # Initialise tokenizer
        if tokenizer == None:
            # Use the default tokenizer
            if tokenizer_name == None:
                tokenizer = T5Tokenizer.from_pretrained(TOKENIZER)
            # Use the user defined tokenizer
                tokenizer = T5Tokenizer.from_pretrained(tokenizer_name)
        is_list = False
        if isinstance(input_text, list):
            is_list = True
        features = tokenizer(input_text, padding=True, return_tensors='pt')
        tokens = model.generate(input_ids=features['input_ids'],
                                attention_mask=features['attention_mask'], max_length=512)
        if is_list:
            return [tokenizer.decode(tokens, skip_special_tokens=True) for tokens in tokens]
            return tokenizer.decode(tokens[0], skip_special_tokens=True)
    def process_item(item):
        return f"emotion: {item}"
    def emotion(input_text, model_name: str = None, tokenizer_name: str = None):
        if isinstance(input_text, list):
            input_text = [process_item(item) for item in input_text]
            input_text = process_item(input_text)
        return generate(input_text, model_name=model_name,

    Best, Chirag

    opened by chiragsanghvi10 2
  • Can't use the ai

    Can't use the ai

    Hello, whenever i go to and put a picture with some labels and click on "Predict image" i get "something went wrong, try again". Why is that?

    Thank you

    opened by Mattdinina 0
  • Finetuning Image Text Vectorizer with CLIP

    Finetuning Image Text Vectorizer with CLIP

    Hello, I tried finetuning Image-Text Vectorizer CLIP model using above approach. But I get stuck with the error -


    Link to full code - Colab

    What I need is something which gives cosine similarity between an image and a text, shall I finetune with triplet, or with cosine similarity? if its cosine similarity, then how will I get those cosine similarity?

    The triplet variant takes text and image and gives one normalised vector, I am bit confused because I thought it would give a cosine similarity.

    opened by singularity014 1
  • Example for Fine Tuning of CLIP

    Example for Fine Tuning of CLIP

    Hi, thank you for the amazing work.

    Could you please add the example notebook/code for fine-tuning of the CLIP model?

    How can I finetune the CLIP model for the image classification task? could you please add an example notebook other than EfficientNet finetuning?

    opened by singularity014 1
  • PDF issue

    PDF issue

    Hello, I have multiple PDFs and I convert them from pdftotext library, I have 2 questions:

    1. QA: If I pass the entire PDF object it shows unknown whereas checking each page shows the correct result i.e for page in pdf works if page is context for QA whereas pdf itself as the context shows 'unknown' as result
    2. Is there a way to use multiple docs/PDF in some way and generate the result based on the most likely answer?
    opened by VaibhavDS19 0
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