Understanding the Generalization Benefit of Model Invariance from a Data Perspective
This is the code for our NeurIPS2021 paper "Understanding the Generalization Benefit of Model Invariance from a Data Perspective". There are two major parts in our code: sample covering number estimation and generalization benefit evaluation.
- Python 3.8
- PyTorch
- torchvision
- scikit-learn-extra
- scipy
- robustness package (already included in our code)
Our code is based on robustness package.
- CIFAR-10 Download and extract the data into /data/cifar10
- R2N2 Download the ShapeNet rendered images and put the data into /data/r2n2
The randomly sampled R2N2 images used for computing sample covering numbers and indices of examples for different sample sizes could be found here.
Estimation of sample covering numbers
To estimate the sample covering numbers of different data transformations, run the following script in /scn.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python run_scn.py --epsilon 3 --transformation crop --cover_number_method fast --data-path /path/to/dataset
Note that the input is a N x C x H x W tensor where N is sample size.
Evaluation of generalization benefit
To train the model with data augmentation method, run the following script in /learn_invariance for R2N2 dataset
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py \
--dataset r2n2 \
--data ../data/2n2/ShapeNetRendering \
--metainfo-path ../data/r2n2/metainfo_all.json \
--transforms view \
--inv-method aug \
--out-dir /path/to/out_dir \
--arch resnet18 --epoch 110 --lr 1e-2 --step-lr 50 \
--workers 30 --batch-size 128 --exp-name view
or the following script for CIFAR-10 dataset
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py \
--dataset cifar \
--data ../data/cifar10 \
--n-per-class all \
--transforms crop \
--inv-method aug \
--out-dir /path/to/out_dir \
--arch resnet18 --epoch 110 --lr 1e-2 --step-lr 50 \
--workers 30 --batch-size 128 --exp-name crop
By setting --transforms to be one of {none, flip, crop, rotate, view}, the specific transformation will be considered.
To train the model with regularization method, run the following script. Currently, the code only support 3d-view transformation on R2N2 dataset.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py \
--dataset r2n2 \
--data ../data/r2n2/ShapeNetRendering \
--metainfo-path ../data/r2n2/metainfo_all.json \
--transforms view \
--inv-method reg \
--inv-method-beta 1 \
--out-dir /path/to/out_dir \
--arch resnet18 --epoch 110 --lr 1e-2 --step-lr 50 \
--workers 30 --batch-size 128 --exp-name reg_view
To evaluate the model with invariance loss and worst-case consistency accuracy, run the following script.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py \
--dataset r2n2 \
--data ../data/r2n2/ShapeNetRendering \
--metainfo-path ../data/r2n2/metainfo_all.json \
--inv-method reg \
--arch resnet18 \
--resume /path/to/checkpoint.pt.best \
--eval-only 1 \
--transforms view \
--adv-eval 0 \
--batch-size 2 \
Note that to have the worst-case consistency accuracy we need to load 24 view images in R2N2RenderingsTorch class in dataset_3d.py.