Address Book
A simple REST API to manage postal addresses, written in Python/Django.
Table of Contents
Up and Running
Assuming you have Python 3 installed, you have to follow the below steps to get the application running.
First, make sure to install the required dependencies via pip:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then, set up the database:
python migrate
Optionally, add a user to the database:
python createsuperuser
Now you're all set to fire up the server:
python runserver
Rock 'n' Roll!
Available Endpoints
The following endpoints are available:
- Address
- Create
- Retrieve
- Update and Partial Update
- Delete and Batch Delete
- List (filtered and paginated)
- Token
- Create Access and Refresh Token
- Refresh Access Token
- User
- Get Current User
For details (such as request/response schemas), please refer to the OpenAPI documentation which is, by default, served at
Notes, Assumptions
Throughout the codebase you will find documentation comments detailing a few decisions (regarding the model, the URIs and such). Here I also provide notes and assumptions regarding things that might not have an exact codebase location.
Assumption: Address vs Postal Address
In the requirements, one can mostly find the term "address". However, "postal address" also makes an appearance. Is there any difference between these two, or they refer to the same domain concept?
I assumed they are the same.
Assumption: runserver
Since there was no need to deploy the code to a server, I assumed, it is enough that the application can be run via runserver
Assumption: Practical retrieval of multiple entries
The requirements stated that users shall be able to retrieve a larege number of addresses in a practical way. I assumed pagination is one such practical way. I used simple page-number pagination with a page size of 10. By adding pagination to the application, clients can retrieve multiple addresses without placing too much load on the server.
Assumption: SQLite is fine
Since we're not deploying the application anywhere, I simply used SQLite. However, if we expect a large number of users and operations, of course, a standalone database backend would be necessary. Here, I opted for easy setup.
Assumption: Token-based authentication is fine
As clients can hold state, and we are expecting a variety of clients, I thought token-based authentication is best because of its flexibility. From CLIs to mobile apps, token-based authentication work well. I did not implement logout, as I did not want to bother with token blacklisting :(
Assumption: Default password constraints are fine
Usually, each site has its own constraints passwords must adhere to. In this case, I assumed, the default validation constraints are just fine.
Note: Package-by-feature
Not sure if this is idiomatic Python/Django, but I used a package-by-feature approach to separate my Address and User endpoints.
Address Book is available under The MIT License.