Django REST Client API
Client data provider API.
You can check this application working at:
GET /clients -> Display all the clients data registered in the database.
POST /clients -> Create a new client.
GET /clients/cpf_filter/{cpf} -> Display the client with the specified cpf. - example: /clients/cpf_filter/94099913236
GET /clients/gender_filter/{gender} -> Display all the clients with the specified gender. - example: /clients/gender_filter/F
GET /clients/state_filter/{state} -> Display all the clients that live in the specified state. - example: /clients/state_filter/Acre
GET /clients/{id}/ -> Display the client with the specified id. - example: /clients/350
Searching and ordering
It is possible to search for a clients name by using the search tool located on the top right corner. On the same menu it is also possible to order the clients data by their date of birth.
This API has the pagination resource implemented, which means that dont matter how many clientes are registered, only 100 will be displayed per page.
Query Parameter Versioning
This API has 2 versions. When adding the query parameter "?version=v2" to the URL, two more fields will be displayed for each client: RG and cellphone number.
When creating a new client using POST, each field has its own validation criteria, which must be respected in order for the creation to work.