Implementation of the Paper: "Parameterized Hypercomplex Graph Neural Networks for Graph Classification" by Tuan Le, Marco Bertolini, Frank Noé and Djork-Arné Clevert


Parameterized Hypercomplex Graph Neural Networks (PHC-GNNs)

PHC-GNNs (Le et al., 2021):

PHM Linear Layer Illustration PHC-GNN Layer Computation Diagram


Here we provide the implementation of Parameterized Hypercomplex Graph Neural Networks (PHC-GNNs) in PyTorch Geometric, along with 6 minimal execution examples in the benchmarks/ directory.

This repository is organised as follows:

  • phc/hypercomplex/ contains the implementation of the PHC-GNN with all its submodules. This directory resembles the quaternion/ in most cases, with the user-defined phm-dimension n. For more details, check the subdirectory
  • phc/quaternion/ contains the implementation for quaternion GNN with all its submodules. For more details, check the subdirectory
  • benchmarks/ contains the python training-scripts for 3 datasets from Open Graph Benchmark (OGB) and 3 datasets from Benchmarking-GNNs. Additionally, we provide 6 bash-scripts with default arguments to run our models.

Generally speaking, the phc/hypercomplex/ subdirectory also includes the quaternion-valued GNN, with the modification to only work on torch.Tensor objects. The phc/quaternion/ subdirectory was first implemented with the fixed rules of the quaternion-algebra, such as how to perform addition, and multiplication which can be summarized in the quaternion-valued affine transformation. The phc/hypercomplex/ directory generalizes such operations to work directly on torch.Tensor objects, making it applicable to many already existing projects.
For completeness and to share our initial motivation of this project, we also provide the implementations from the phc/quaternion/ subdirectory.



To run our examples, the main requirements are listed in the environment_gpu.yml file. The main requirements used are the following:



Create a new environment:

git clone
cd phc-gnn
conda env create -f environment_gpu.yml
conda activate phc-gnn

Install Pytorch Geometric and this module with pip by executing the bash-script

chmod +x

#install this library
pip install -e .

Run the implemented pytests in the subdirectories, by executing:

pytest .

Getting started

Run our example scripts in the benchmarks/ directory. Make sure to have the phc-gnn environment activated. For more details, please have a look at benchmarks/


If you make use of the implementations of quaternion or parameterized hypercomplex GNN in your research, please cite our manuscript:

      title={Parameterized Hypercomplex Graph Neural Networks for Graph Classification}, 
      author={Tuan Le and Marco Bertolini and Frank Noé and Djork-Arné Clevert},



  • implementing linear layer with  PHM-layer

    implementing linear layer with PHM-layer

    Hi thanks for sharing your codes. I am a bit confused on finding the implementation of PHM-layer and how I can turn a linear layer to the more efficient one using the method in the paper to train the models, could you kindly guide me? I found this line not sure if this is the correct one I am looking for, but this seems that linear layer has 4 matrices of size of the original linear layer, then this is even more parameters, could you kindly comment on this? thanks

    opened by dorost1234 15
  • initialization of PHM layers

    initialization of PHM layers


    I would like to initialize phm_rule and weights in a way that the final weight matrix of PHM layers is initialized with normal(mean=0, std=0.01), could you kindly provide me with some suggestions on how this can be achieved? So which initialization I can use for phm_rules and weight variables.


    opened by dorooddorood606 4
  • kronecker product implementation and difference with torch.kron

    kronecker product implementation and difference with torch.kron

    Hi I tried to test your kronecker product implementation and compare it with torch implementation, for the matrices of the dimension on the example you provided in :

    def kronecker_product1(a, b):
        siz1 = torch.Size(torch.tensor(a.shape[-2:]) * torch.tensor(b.shape[-2:]))
        res = a.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-3) * b.unsqueeze(-2).unsqueeze(-4)
        siz0 = res.shape[:-4]
        out = res.reshape(siz0 + siz1)
        return out
    def kronecker_product2(a, b):
       return torch.kron(a, b)

    Now lets test the two versions:

    a = torch.rand((4, 4, 4))
    b = torch.rand((4, 64, 32))
    result1 = kronecker_product1(a, b)
    print("result 1 ", result1.shape)
    result2 = kronecker_product2(a, b)
    print("result 2 ", result2.shape)

    The results are not the same and even dimension-wise they differ:

    result 1  torch.Size([4, 256, 128])
    result 2  torch.Size([16, 256, 128])

    Could you kindly assist me how I can use the torch.kron implementation and which modifications are needed?


    opened by dorost1234 4
  • assert x_j.size(-1) == edge_attr.size(-1)

    assert x_j.size(-1) == edge_attr.size(-1)


    when I run this code via bash

    I got the following error:

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 634, in main() File "", line 610, in main ogb_bestEpoch_test_metrics, ogb_lastEpoch_test_metric, ogb_val_metrics = do_run(i, model, args, File "", line 327, in do_run train_metrics = train(epoch=epoch, model=model, device=device, transform=transform, File "", line 174, in train logits = model(data) File "/root/miniconda3/envs/phc-gnn/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 727, in _call_impl result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs) File "/ogb/phc-gnn-master/phc/hypercomplex/undirectional/", line 243, in forward x = self.compute_hidden_layer_embedding(conv=self.convs[i], norm=self.norms[i], File "/ogb/phc-gnn-master/phc/hypercomplex/undirectional/", line 208, in compute_hidden_layer_embedding x = conv(x=tmp[0], edge_index=edge_index, edge_attr=edge_attr, size=size) File "/root/miniconda3/envs/phc-gnn/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 727, in _call_impl result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs) File "/ogb/phc-gnn-master/phc/hypercomplex/undirectional/", line 519, in forward return self.transform(x, edge_index, edge_attr, size) File "/root/miniconda3/envs/phc-gnn/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 727, in _call_impl result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs) File "/phc-gnn-master/phc/hypercomplex/undirectional/", line 60, in forward x = self.propagate(edge_index=edge_index, x=x, edge_attr=edge_attr, size=size) File "/root/miniconda3/envs/phc-gnn/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch_geometric/nn/conv/", line 236, in propagate out = self.message(**msg_kwargs) File "/ogb/phc-gnn-master/phc/hypercomplex/undirectional/", line 74, in message assert x_j.size(-1) == edge_attr.size(-1) AssertionError

    Then, I print the shape of both x_j and edge_attr, x_j : [28302, 512] edge_attr : [28302, 2048]

    what caused this error?

    opened by wtzhao1631 3
  • AssertionError: Argument `in_features`=50 is not divisble be `phm_dim`4

    AssertionError: Argument `in_features`=50 is not divisble be `phm_dim`4


    When I run the code via bash

    I get the following error:

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 636, in main() File "", line 569, in main model = UPH_SC_ADD(phm_dim=phm_dim, learn_phm=learn_phm, phm_rule=phm_rule, File "/ogb/phc-gnn-master/phc/hypercomplex/undirectional/", line 134, in init self.convs[i] = PHMMessagePassing(in_features=in_dim, out_features=out_dim, bias=bias, File "/ogb/phc-gnn-master/phc/hypercomplex/undirectional/", line 494, in init self.transform = PHMGINEConvSoftmax(in_features, out_features, phm_dim, phm_rule, learn_phm, File "/ogb/phc-gnn-master/phc/hypercomplex/undirectional/", line 277, in init self.transform = PHMMLP(in_features=in_features, out_features=out_features, phm_dim=phm_dim, File "/phc-gnn-master/phc/hypercomplex/", line 324, in init self.linear1 = PHMLinear(in_features=in_features, out_features=int(factor*out_features), File "/ogb/phc-gnn-master/phc/hypercomplex/", line 231, in init assert in_features % phm_dim == 0, f"Argument in_features={in_features} is not divisble be phm_dim{phm_dim}" AssertionError: Argument in_features=50 is not divisble be phm_dim4

    The default embedding dimension is 200. Does this cause this error?

    opened by wtzhao1631 3
  • serious reproducibility issue with PHMLinear layers

    serious reproducibility issue with PHMLinear layers

    Hi there,

    I am using PHMLinear here [1], then I set all the seeds (torch/torch cuda/numpy/random) once before making a model, and then I use this layer inside the model, I am getting each time a different results, could you guide me please how I can fix this issue with this layer?

    thank you


    opened by dorooddorood606 2
  • making PHM layers faster

    making PHM layers faster

    Hi I observe speed difference between the PHM layers and linear layers, while in the original paper they clarim the running time should be the same, could you kindly let me know if you might know a way I could make the running time faster? greatly appreciated.

    opened by dorooddorood606 1
  • Use cached version of PHM-weight matrix after training.

    Use cached version of PHM-weight matrix after training.

    General idea: When training is finished, the PHM-weight matrix does not have to be constructed by a sum of Kronecker products in every forward pass. One could check for self.train and then use a cached version, e.g. saved in self._cached_weight of the final weight matrix for the linear transformation. Using torch.nn.functional.linear function with inserting the self._cached_weight parameter.

    Advantage: speedup gain in inference, as trainable parameters for PHM-layer are not updated, when running inference, we could just the final weight matrix, which is constructed by the optimized contribution and sub-weight matrices {C_i}_{i=1}^{n} and {W_i}_{i=1}^{n} , respectively.

    opened by tuanle618 0
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