Vector tile server for the Wildfire Predictive Services Unit



Vector tile server for the Wildfire Predictive Services Unit



The intention of this project is to:

  • provide tools to easily spin up a vector tile server in openshift, in a project agnostic manner.
  • provide tools to manually pull data from an esri arc server into a postgis database.
  • provide tools that periodically synchronize data from an esri arc server into postgis.


  • postgis database server. (it is assumed you have a working postgis database server)
  • pg_tileserv - serves up vector tiles from postgis server.
  • proxy server (varnish?) - caches responses.
  • sync cronjob - updates database periodically.


Local development


  • postgresql server with postgis running locally

Configure pg_tile server

Download the latest pg_tileserver, unzip and start.

mkdir pg_tileserv
cd pg_tileserv
unzip pg_tileserv
export DATABASE_URL=postgresql://tileserv:tileserv@localhost/tileserv

Install binary requirements

Install gdal


sudo apt install gdal-bin

Install python requirements

This step only required if you're going to be using the python scripts in this repo to load data. If you're loading directly from shapefiles, then skip this step.


  • appropriate python version is install
  • python poetry is installed

Install python requirements

poetry install

Loading data

Create a user and database for your tileserver

create user tileserv with password 'tileserv';
create database tileserv with owner tileserv;
\c tileserv

Using an arcserver rest endpoint

Given some arcserver layer endpoint, e.g.:

poetry run python

Using a shapefile

ogr2ogr -f "PostgreSQL" PG:"dbname=tileserv host=localhost user=tileserv password=tileserv" "my_shapefile.shp" -lco precision=NO -nln fire_area_thessian_polygons



  • You have the oc command line installed and you're logged in.
  • You have docker installed locally.
  • You have a postgres database in your target openshift environment that can be accessed by pg_tileserv (you made need to add additional rules to allow your tile server to communicate with your database.)


Prepare your openshift environment

# we have docker limits, so pull the images local - then put them in openshift

# pull local
docker pull eeacms/varnish
docker pull pramsey/pg_tileserv

# tag for upload
docker tag eeacms/varnish
docker tag pramsey/pg_tileserv

# log in to openshift docker
docker login -u developer -p $(oc whoami -t)

# push it
docker push
docker push

Deploy pg_tilserver

# deploy pg_tileserv
oc -n e1e498-dev process -f tileserv.yaml | oc -n e1e498-dev apply -f -

Manually Loading data into your openshift hosted postgis database

The easiest way to achieve this, is to tunnel to your database server and then run the import scripts as if your database was local.

oc port-forward patroni-wps-mapserver-prototype-1 5432:5432
  • Geometry labels

    Geometry labels

    Create a separate table for each layer, that contains only the centroid of the source layer. This allows for a separate layer that only contains labels, not entire geometries and thus avoiding duplication of labels that may occur when serving up geometries that span multiple tiles.

    opened by Sybrand 1
  • Custom feature import

    Custom feature import

    Replace ogr2ogr in order to account for:

    • bc gov column standards (create_date and update_date)
    • specify geom type (ogr2ogr has param -nlt which does the same though)
    • updating features (if id matches, will to an update instead of an insert - again ogr2ogr probably supports this with -update)
    • remove gdal-bin as a binary requirement (does however then introduce psycopg2, GeoAlchemy2 and Shapely as python requirements)
    opened by Sybrand 1
  • It's Been a While Since This Repository has Been Updated

    It's Been a While Since This Repository has Been Updated

    This issue is a kind reminder that your repository has been inactive for 181 days. Some repositories are maintained in accordance with business requirements that infrequently change thus appearing inactive, and some repositories are inactive because they are unmaintained.

    To help differentiate products that are unmaintained from products that do not require frequent maintenance, repomountie will open an issue whenever a repository has not been updated in 180 days.

    • If this product is being actively maintained, please close this issue.
    • If this repository isn't being actively maintained anymore, please archive this repository. Also, for bonus points, please add a dormant or retired life cycle badge.

    Thank you for your help ensuring effective governance of our open-source ecosystem!

    opened by repo-mountie[bot] 0
  • Add missing compliance audit file

    Add missing compliance audit file

    TL;DR 🏎️

    Your repo is missing a compliance audit file so I've created this PR with a template that you can update with the correct PIA and STRA status (status options in the table below). If you'd like me to do this for you, skip to the commands section below.


    Projects in our organization (bcgov) need to complete a Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) and Security Threat & Risk Assessment (STRA) before they go live in production. Since every ministry has their own way of doing both the STRA and PIA we don't enforce that projects do them, only that they report on the current status.

    To help with reporting, I've added a compliance audit file as part of this pull request. Please checkout this branch and edit update status as needed. Here is a table of possible states:

    | Status | Description | | ----------- | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | TBD | If you're surprised by this news, use this state. I'll let you talk to your MISO and check back later. | | in-progress | Use this state when your assessment(s) are underway. | | completed | Use this state when your assessment(s) are completed. 🙌 🎉 | | not-required | You have consulted with your MISO or Privacy Officer and they agree that no PIA or STRA is required.|

    Here is what a completed audit file might look like:

    name: compliance
    description: |
      This document is used to track a projects PIA and STRA
      - name: PIA
        status: in-progress
        last-updated: '2019-11-22T00:03:52.138Z'
      - name: STRA
        status: completed
        last-updated: '2019-11-22T00:03:52.138Z'

    For more information check out the BC Policy Framework for GitHub.

    Pro Tip 🤓

    • If you're not sure what to do add a comment below with the command @repo-mountie help in it; a real-live-person will reply back to help you out.
    • Leverage this PR to document the history of your PIA and STRA thus far by adding a comment or two.

    Commands 🤖

    I can update the status of the PIA and STRA for you; you'll just need to merge the PR when I'm done. You can find the available status values in the table above. Below are some commands I understand:

    | Command | Description | | :------------------------------- | :------------------------------------------------ | | @repo-mountie help | You're freaking out and want to talk to a person. | | @repo-mountie update-pia STATUS | You want me to update the PIA status. | | @repo-mountie update-stra STATUS | You want me to update the STRA status. |


    @repo-mountie update-pia completed
    @repo-mountie update-stra in-progress
    opened by repo-mountie[bot] 0
  • Add project lifecycle badge

    Add project lifecycle badge

    No Project Lifecycle Badge found in your readme!

    Hello! I scanned your readme and could not find a project lifecycle badge. A project lifecycle badge will provide contributors to your project as well as other stakeholders (platform services, executive) insight into the lifecycle of your repository.

    What is a Project Lifecycle Badge?

    It is a simple image that neatly describes your project's stage in its lifecycle. More information can be found in the project lifecycle badges documentation.

    What do I need to do?

    I suggest you make a PR into your and add a project lifecycle badge near the top where it is easy for your users to pick it up :). Once it is merged feel free to close this issue. I will not open up a new one :)

    opened by repo-mountie[bot] 0
  • Add missing topics

    Add missing topics


    Topics greatly improve the discoverability of repos; please add the short code from the table below to the topics of your repo so that ministries can use GitHub's search to find out what repos belong to them and other visitors can find useful content (and reuse it!).

    Why Topic

    In short order we'll add our 800th repo. This large number clearly demonstrates the success of using GitHub and our Open Source initiative. This huge success means it's critical that we work to make our content as discoverable as possible. Through discoverability, we promote code reuse across a large decentralized organization like the Government of British Columbia as well as allow ministries to find the repos they own.

    What to do

    Below is a table of abbreviation a.k.a short codes for each ministry; they're the ones used in all email addresses. Please add the short codes of the ministry or organization that "owns" this repo as a topic.

    add a topic

    That's it, you're done!!!

    How to use

    Once topics are added, you can use them in GitHub's search. For example, enter something like org:bcgov topic:citz to find all the repos that belong to Citizens' Services. You can refine this search by adding key words specific to a subject you're interested in. To learn more about searching through repos check out GitHub's doc on searching.

    Pro Tip 🤓

    • If your org is not in the list below, or the table contains errors, please create an issue here.

    • While you're doing this, add additional topics that would help someone searching for "something". These can be the language used javascript or R; something like opendata or data for data only repos; or any other key words that are useful.

    • Add a meaningful description to your repo. This is hugely valuable to people looking through our repositories.

    • If your application is live, add the production URL.

    Ministry Short Codes

    | Short Code | Organization Name | | :--------- | :------------ | | AEST | Advanced Education, Skills & Training | | AGRI | Agriculture | | ALC | Agriculture Land Commission | | AG | Attorney General | | MCF | Children & Family Development | | CITZ | Citizens' Services | | DBC | Destination BC | | EMBC | Emergency Management BC | | EAO | Environmental Assessment Office | | EDUC | Education | | EMPR | Energy, Mines & Petroleum Resources | | ENV | Environment & Climate Change Strategy | | FIN | Finance | | FLNR | Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations & Rural Development | | HLTH | Health | | IRR | Indigenous Relations & Reconciliation | | JEDC | Jobs, Economic Development & Competitiveness | | LBR | Labour Policy & Legislation | | LDB | BC Liquor Distribution Branch | | MMHA | Mental Health & Addictions | | MAH | Municipal Affairs & Housing | | BCPC | Pension Corporation | | PSA | Public Service Agency | | PSSG | Public Safety and Solicitor General | | SDPR | Social Development & Poverty Reduction | | TCA | Tourism, Arts & Culture | | TRAN | Transportation & Infrastructure |

    NOTE See an error or omission? Please create an issue here to get it remedied.

    opened by repo-mountie[bot] 0
  • Lets use common phrasing

    Lets use common phrasing

    TL;DR 🏎️

    Teams are encouraged to favour modern inclusive phrasing both in their communication as well as in any source checked into their repositories. You'll find a table at the end of this text with preferred phrasing to socialize with your team.

    Words Matter

    We're aligning our development community to favour inclusive phrasing for common technical expressions. There is a table below that outlines the phrases that are being retired along with the preferred alternatives.

    During your team scrum, technical meetings, documentation, the code you write, etc. use the inclusive phrasing from the table below. That's it - it really is that easy.

    For the curious mind, the Public Service Agency (PSA) has published a guide describing how Words Matter in our daily communication. Its an insightful read and a good reminder to be curious and open minded.

    What about the master branch?

    The word "master" is not inherently bad or non-inclusive. For example people get a masters degree; become a master of their craft; or master a skill. It's generally when the word "master" is used along side the word "slave" that it becomes non-inclusive.

    Some teams choose to use the word main for the default branch of a repo as opposed to the more commonly used master branch. While it's not required or recommended, your team is empowered to do what works for them. If you do rename the master branch consider using main so that we have consistency among the repos within our organization.

    Preferred Phrasing

    | Non-Inclusive | | Inclusive | | :------------- |:--:| :-------- | | Whitelist | => | Allowlist | | Blacklist | => | Denylist | | Master / Slave | => | Leader / Follower; Primary / Standby; etc | | Grandfathered | => | Legacy status | | Sanity check | => | Quick check; Confidence check; etc | | Dummy value | => | Placeholder value; Sample value; etc |

    Pro Tip 🤓

    This list is not comprehensive. If you're aware of other outdated nomenclature please create an issue (PR preferred) with your suggestion.

    opened by repo-mountie[bot] 0
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