Tensorflow AffordanceNet and AffContext implementations


AffordanceNet and AffContext

This is tensorflow AffordanceNet and AffContext implementations. Both are implemented and tested with tensorflow 2.3.

The main objective of both architectures is to identify action affordances, so that they can be used in real robotic applications to understand the diverse objects present in the environment.

Both models have been trained on IIT-AFF and UMD datasets.

Detections on novel image

Novel image

Example of ground truth affordances compared with the affordance detection results by AffordanceNet and AffContext on the IIT-AFF dataset.

IIT results

IIT colours

Example of ground truth affordances compared with the affordance detection results by AffordanceNet and AffContext on the UMD dataset.

UMD results

UMD colours

AffordanceNet simultaneously detects multiple objects with their corresponding classes and affordances. This network mainly consists of two branches: an object detection branch to localise and classify the objects in the image, and an affordance detection branch to predict the most probable affordance label for each pixel in the object.


AffContext correctly predicts the pixel-wise affordances independently of the class of the object, which allows to infer the affordances for unseen objects. The structure of this network is similar to AffordanceNet, but the object detection branch only performs binary classification into foreground and background areas, and it includes two new blocks: an auxiliary task to infer the affordances in the region and a self-attention mechanism to capture rich contextual dependencies through the region.



The results of the tensorflow implementation are contrasted with the values provided in the papers from AffordanceNet and AffContext. However, since the procedure of how the results are processed to obtain the final metrics in both networks may be different, the results are also compared with the values obtained by running the original trained models, but processing the outputs and calculating the measures with the code from this repository. These results are denoted with * in the comparison tables.

Affordances AffordanceNet
AffordanceNet* AffordanceNet
contain 79.61 73.68 74.17
cut 75.68 64.71 66.97
display 77.81 82.81 81.84
engine 77.50 81.09 82.63
grasp 68.48 64.13 65.49
hit 70.75 82.13 83.25
pound 69.57 65.90 65.73
support 69.57 74.43 75.26
w-grasp 70.98 77.63 78.45
Average 73.35 74.06 74.87
Affordances AffContext
AffContext* AffContext
grasp 0.60 0.51 0.55
cut 0.37 0.31 0.26
scoop 0.60 0.52 0.52
contain 0.61 0.55 0.57
pound 0.80 0.68 0.64
support 0.88 0.69 0.21
w-grasp 0.94 0.88 0.85
Average 0.69 0.59 0.51

Setup guide


  • Python 3
  • CUDA 10.1


  1. Clone the repository into your $AffordanceNet_ROOT folder.

  2. Install the required Python3 packages with: pip3 install -r requirements.txt


  1. Download the pretrained weights:

    • AffordanceNet weights trained on IIT-AFF dataset.
    • AffContext weights trained on UMD dataset.
  2. Extract the file into $AffordanceNet_ROOT/weights folder.

  3. Visualize results for AffordanceNet trained on IIT-AFF dataset:

python3 affordancenet_predictor.py --config_file config_iit_test
  1. Visualize results for AffContext trained on UMD dataset:
python3 affcontext_predictor.py --config_file config_umd_test


  1. Download the IIT-AFF or UMD datasets in Pascal-VOC format following the instructions in AffordanceNet (IIT-AFF) and AffContext(UMD).

  2. Extract them into the $AffordanceNet_ROOT/data folder and make sure to have the following folder structure for IIT-AFF dataset:

    • cache/
    • VOCdevkit2012/

The same applies for UMD dataset, but folder names should be cache_UMD and VOCdevkit2012_UMD

  1. Run the command to train AffordanceNet on IIT-AFF dataset:
python3 affordancenet_trainer.py --config_file config_iit_train
  1. Run the command to train AffContext on UMD dataset:
python3 affcontext_trainer.py --config_file config_umd_train


This repo used source code from AffordanceNet and Faster-RCNN

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  • AffordanceNet architecture implementation

    AffordanceNet architecture implementation

    Hi, I have few questions about the AffordanceNet implementation:

    • Could you please list the differences or design choices with respect to the original Caffe implementation?
    • Concerning the available checkpoint, was the initial model or some of its component (e.g. VGG) pretrained on COCO or some other dataset?
    • In the README the results of AffordanceNet are the ones in the paper or did you run again the model installing Caffe?
    • What are the differences between the performance measure of this repository and the one used in the original paper?

    Thank you very much

    opened by apicis 3
  • Dataset Structure updated

    Dataset Structure updated

    Hello @beapc18,

    I am trying to re-train your re-implementation of AffordanceNet model. After a few trials that I have noticed that you are using the VOC2012 dataset structures/xml files. I have update the dataset folders as the code setup.

    However, I see the annotation files are all in xml format. The IIT dataset come with txt files for both bounding boxes and masks. I am wondering if you could share a sample dataset bbox and mask with us, so we can try to convert them ourselves.

    Beside above request, I am wondering if there is any other modifications on the dataset?


    opened by Roboticyang 1
Beatriz Pérez
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