🍊 :bar_chart: :bulb: Orange: Interactive data analysis


Orange Data Mining

Orange Data Mining

Orange is a data mining and visualization toolbox for novice and expert alike. To explore data with Orange, one requires no programming or in-depth mathematical knowledge. We believe that workflow-based data science tools democratize data science by hiding complex underlying mechanics and exposing intuitive concepts. Anyone who owns data, or is motivated to peek into data, should have the means to do so.

Example Workflow


Easy installation

For easy installation, Download the latest released Orange version from our website. To install an add-on, head to Options -> Add-ons... in the menu bar.

Installing with Conda

First, install Miniconda for your OS.

Then, create a new conda environment, and install orange3:

# Add conda-forge to your channels for access to the latest release
conda config --add channels conda-forge

# Create and activate an environment for Orange
conda create python=3 --yes --name orange3
conda activate orange3

# Install Orange
conda install orange3

For installation of an add-on, use:

conda install orange3-<addon name>

See specific add-on repositories for details.


Activate the environment,

conda activate orange3

and run either orange-canvas or python3 -m Orange.canvas.

Add --help for a list of program options.

Starting up for the first time may take a while.

Installing with pip

To install Orange with pip, run the following.

# Install build requirements via your system's package manager
sudo apt install virtualenv build-essential python3-dev

# Create an environment for Orange and its dependencies
virtualenv --python=python3 --system-site-packages orange3venv

# Activate the environment
source orange3venv/bin/activate

# Install Orange
pip install orange3


Activate the environment by source orange3venv/bin/activate. Then run orange-canvas or python3 -m Orange.canvas. Add --help for a list of program options.

Starting up for the first time may take a while.

Installing with winget (Windows only)

To install Orange with winget, run:

winget install --id  UniversityofLjubljana.Orange 


GitHub Actions codecov Contributor count Latest GitHub commit

Want to write a widget? Use the Orange3 example add-on template.

Want to get involved? Join us on Discord, introduce yourself in #general!

Take a look at our contributing guide and style guidelines.

Check out our widget development docs for a comprehensive guide on writing Orange widgets.

The Orange ecosystem

The development of core Orange is primarily split into three repositories:

biolab/orange-canvas-core implements the canvas,
biolab/orange-widget-base is a handy widget GUI library,
biolab/orange3 brings it all together and implements the base data mining toolbox.

Additionally, add-ons implement additional widgets for more specific use cases. Anyone can write an add-on. Some of our first-party add-ons:

Setting up for core Orange development

First, fork the repository by pressing the fork button in the top-right corner of this page.

Set your GitHub username,

export MY_GITHUB_USERNAME=replaceme

create a conda environment, clone your fork, and install it:

conda create python=3 --yes --name orange3
conda activate orange3

git clone ssh://git@github.com/$MY_GITHUB_USERNAME/orange3

pip install -e orange3

Now you're ready to work with git. See GitHub's guides on pull requests, forks if you're unfamiliar. If you're having trouble, get in touch on Discord.


Run Orange with python -m Orange.canvas (after activating the conda environment).

python -m Orange.canvas -l 2 --no-splash --no-welcome will skip the splash screen and welcome window, and output more debug info. Use -l 4 for more.

Add --clear-widget-settings to clear the widget settings before start.

To explore the dark side of the Orange, try --style=fusion:breeze-dark

Argument --help lists all available options.

To run tests, use unittest Orange.tests Orange.widgets.tests

Setting up for development of all components

Should you wish to contribute Orange's base components (the widget base and the canvas), you must also clone these two repositories from Github instead of installing them as dependencies of Orange3.

First, fork all the repositories to which you want to contribute.

Set your GitHub username,

export MY_GITHUB_USERNAME=replaceme

create a conda environment, clone your forks, and install them:

conda create python=3 --yes --name orange3
conda activate orange3

git clone ssh://git@github.com/$MY_GITHUB_USERNAME/orange-widget-base
pip install -e orange-widget-base

git clone ssh://git@github.com/$MY_GITHUB_USERNAME/orange-canvas-core
pip install -e orange-canvas-core

git clone ssh://git@github.com/$MY_GITHUB_USERNAME/orange3
pip install -e orange3

# Repeat for any add-on repositories

It's crucial to install orange-base-widget and orange-canvas-core before orange3 to ensure that orange3 will use your local versions.

  • [WIP] Selection of a single sheet from Excel

    [WIP] Selection of a single sheet from Excel

    @janezd I didn't added recentFile support due to recent merge in owfile.py , i therefore made a mechanism to get multiple sheets if any from a single file and update in combobox Please help in context switching and maintaining and triggering recent paths for sheets ! Thanks !

    screenshot from 20160308 05-20-05

    opened by rahulroxx 86
  • Web based version

    Web based version

    Hi, not sure this is really an issue so much as an 'epic' but are there any plans for a web based version that one could host sometime in the future? A big job I know but that would be awesome.

    opened by okohll 45
  • Getting an Internet error with Options_Add Ons

    Getting an Internet error with Options_Add Ons

    Describe the bug When I click Options and then choose Add-Ons I obtain the Warning "There's an issue with your Internet connection ..." and then the list is empty.

    Windows 10 with Internet fully working.


    bug report 
    opened by I-Zapp 35
  • allows_cycle flag

    allows_cycle flag


    Can't create loop inside a workflow

    Description of changes

    Add the 'allows_cycle' flag into OWWidget.

    • If False won't change the current behavior.
    • If True then the widget will allow connection bringing cycle in the workflow. This is why if set to True, the widget/user has to know how to handle cycling on his workflow.
    • [X] Code changes
    • [x] add unit test
    • [x] check for 8 cycle
    • [x] check for sub cycle
    opened by payno 33
  • Integrate Orange with OpenML.org

    Integrate Orange with OpenML.org

    The OpenML.org website provides buttons to export flows for Weka, MOA, and RapidMiner. E.g. http://www.openml.org/t/1940

    As an Orange user, how do I import a data-flow from OpenML.org into an Orange data flow graph?

    Related issues

    • #1264 OpenML Authentication widget
    • #1265 OpenML Data Set widget
    opened by brylie 31
  • Orange not notarized for Catalina (was: ... not opening on Mojave)

    Orange not notarized for Catalina (was: ... not opening on Mojave)

    Orange version

    Orange 3.20.1

    Expected behavior

    Downloaded Orange3-3.20.1.dmg and installed into Applications directory. Opened as detailed using Finder, right click on Orange3 and Open. Orange 3 icon bounces up and down whilst "verifying Orange3..." and prompting "Orange3 is an app downloaded from the internet - Do you wish to Open it" which I confirm. The Orange 3 icon stops bouncing but no Orange3 user interface appears.

    Actual behavior

    No User Interface appears on the screen.

    Steps to reproduce the behavior

    I have tried deleting and reinstalling the app, and restarting the Mac but to no avail

    Additional info (worksheets, data, screenshots, ...)

    I have also tried the following as suggested on Mac App Store / Orange

    Install the App

    Press Command+Space and type Terminal and press enter/return key. Run in Terminal app: ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" < /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask 2> /dev/null and press enter/return key. If the screen prompts you to enter a password, please enter your Mac's user password to continue. When you type the password, it won't be displayed on screen, but the system would accept it. So just type your password and press ENTER/RETURN key. Then wait for the command to finish. Run: brew cask install orange

    Just the same result as before with the icon bouncing and then stopping with nothing opening.

    needs discussion 
    opened by andrewpeace 28
  • [Feature/Documentation Request]: Workflow -> Python Script option?

    [Feature/Documentation Request]: Workflow -> Python Script option?

    Orange version


    Expected behavior

    The ability to convert a widget/gui workflow directly to an equivalent Python Script file. Even if it's ugly.

    Actual behavior

    As it seems right now, Orange supports either the GUI workflows OR directly using/writing python scripts that access the orange data-mining suite.

    OR... if this is possible... it doesn't seem to be documented clearly anywhere that I could find.

    Steps to reproduce the behavior


    Additional info (worksheets, data, screenshots, ...)

    I'm an instructor at a university, and teach some of our data mining and introduction to data science courses. I've used Weka before, but rather dislike it's interface and mechanisms. I also usually teach R as part of the data-mining, but would really like something with a much lower learning curve as an introductory software piece. Possibly to avoid even some of the initial issue of actually teaching PROGRAMMING instead of the bigger data-science picture.

    Orange almost perfectly fits that bill with the GUI and being able to actually write python scripts directly to do the data-mining. HOWEVER.... there's a huge downside of needing to write it a 2nd time once you've figured out the work-flow AND of correctly using the python back-end.

    Ideally, I'd love the option to turn on a 2nd "window" (or at least a widget or save option) that shows the equivalent python script calling the Orange mining procedures. I think this might also be very useful for actual USERS of Orange, as it would let them design a workflow at a high-level of abstraction and editing, then output to a python script. This would allow minor tweaking directly in the code or work to merge/enhance things outside of options available in a given widget.

    opened by Pelonza 27
  • Cannot open on Mac os Big Sur (Mac os 11.0)

    Cannot open on Mac os Big Sur (Mac os 11.0)

    Bug reports that do not sufficiently describe a bug are not helpful and will most likely be ignored.

    • [ ] A clear and concise description. "I'm getting an error when I open a tree viewer" is far from enough (what kind of error? what kind of data you give it?). "I'm getting an error" is even worse.

    • [ ] How to reproduce the problem. Upload a zip with a workflow and data, or describe the steps (open this widget, click there, then add this ...)

    • [x] Which version of Orange are you using? How did you install it? 0.9 I download from website and installed it.

    • [x] What is your operating system? Mac OS big Sur(11.0)

    bug report 
    opened by Richard195666 25
  • Icons and buttons not visible after installing Orange 3.3.7 on Ubuntu 16.04 with Anaconda 3.x

    Icons and buttons not visible after installing Orange 3.3.7 on Ubuntu 16.04 with Anaconda 3.x

    After installing Orange 3.3.7 on Ubuntu 16.04, the user interface icons and buttons fail to render correctly.

    Orange version

    Orange 3.3.7

    Expected bahavior

    Icons and buttons would render.

    Actual behavior

    Icons and buttons do not render

    Steps to reproduce the behavior

    On Ubuntu 16.04 with Anaconda distribution 3.x

    1. follow installation instructions
    2. launch Orange
    3. load sample project

    Additional info (worksheets, data, screenshots, ...)

    screenshot from 2016-07-05 15-43-02


    • Ubuntu 16.04
    • Orange 3.3.7
    • Anaconda 3.x
    • Python 3.5
    • libqt4-svg 4:4.8.7+dfsg-5ubuntu2
    opened by brylie 25
  • [ENH] New widget: Group By

    [ENH] New widget: Group By


    Orange is missing group by - aggregate widget with similar behaviour than Panda groupby - aggregate

    Description of changes
    • Aggregate module and function on the Table inspired by Pandas. One can call gropuby on the table:
      gb =  table.groupby([list of variables])

      It is implemented on Table such that alternative implementation of the table can override it and do some extra stuff, e.g. Corpus would like to keep tokens.

    • New groupby widget

    Documentation will be added when we agree on the widget's functionality.

    • [X] Code changes
    • [x] Tests
    • [x] Documentation
    opened by PrimozGodec 24
  • Orange Canvas empty

    Orange Canvas empty

    What's wrong? The Orange Canvas is empty. I can click and open the menus, but that's it.

    See output from terminal output below:

    (C:\Users\rgt0227\AppData\Local\Programs\Orange) H:>python -m Orange.canvas -l 4 C:\Users\rgt0227\AppData\Local\Programs\Orange\lib\site-packages\Orange\canvas_main_.py:420: DeprecationWarning: 'orangecanvas.main.fix_macos_nswindow_tabbing()' is deprecated. Use 'orangecanvas.gui.utils.macos_set_nswindow_tabbing()' instead fix_macos_nswindow_tabbing() INFO:main:Starting 'Orange Canvas' application. DEBUG:main:Starting CanvasApplicaiton with argv = ['C:\Users\rgt0227\AppData\Local\Programs\Orange\lib\site-packages\Orange\canvas\main.py']. INFO:qasync:Using Qt Implementation: PyQt5 DEBUG:asyncio:Using proactor: IocpProactor INFO:main:Setting pyqtgraph background to #ffffff INFO:main:Setting pyqtgraph foreground to #000000 C:\Users\rgt0227\AppData\Local\Programs\Orange\lib\site-packages\Orange\canvas_main.py:491: DeprecationWarning: fix_set_proxy_env is deprecated fix_set_proxy_env() INFO:main:Adding search path 'orange' for prefix, 'canvas_icons' DEBUG:orangecanvas.config:Activating configuration for <Orange.canvas.config.Config object at 0x0000024B6AC56100> DEBUG:orangewidget.workflow.widgetsscheme:Scheme node properties sync (changed: False) DEBUG:orangecanvas.gui.stackedwidget:Stack transition start () DEBUG:orangecanvas.gui.stackedwidget:Stack transition finished () DEBUG:orangecanvas.registry.cache:Loading widget registry cache ('C:/Users/rgt0227/AppData/Local/Orange/cache\3.30.2\registry-cache.pck'). INFO:main:Running widget discovery process. INFO:orangecanvas.registry.discovery:Ignoring 'C:\Users\rgt0227\AppData\Local\Programs\Orange\lib\site-packages\Orange\widgets\visualize\owscatterplotgraph.py'. INFO:orangecanvas.registry.discovery:Ignoring 'C:\Users\rgt0227\AppData\Local\Programs\Orange\lib\site-packages\Orange\widgets\visualize\owtreeviewer2d.py'. INFO:orangecanvas.registry.discovery:Ignoring 'C:\Users\rgt0227\AppData\Local\Programs\Orange\lib\site-packages\Orange\widgets\visualize\pythagorastreeviewer.py'. INFO:orangecanvas.registry.discovery:Ignoring 'C:\Users\rgt0227\AppData\Local\Programs\Orange\lib\site-packages\Orange\widgets\evaluate\contexthandlers.py'. INFO:orangecanvas.registry.discovery:Ignoring 'C:\Users\rgt0227\AppData\Local\Programs\Orange\lib\site-packages\Orange\widgets\evaluate\utils.py'. INFO:orangecanvas.registry.discovery:Could not import 'orangecontrib.bioinformatics.widgets.OWGenialisExpressions'. Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\rgt0227\AppData\Local\Programs\Orange\lib\site-packages\orangecanvas\registry\discovery.py", line 294, in iter_widget_descriptions module = asmodule(name) File "C:\Users\rgt0227\AppData\Local\Programs\Orange\lib\site-packages\orangecanvas\registry\discovery.py", line 537, in asmodule return import(module, fromlist=[""]) File "C:\Users\rgt0227\AppData\Local\Programs\Orange\lib\site-packages\orangecontrib\bioinformatics\widgets\OWGenialisExpressions.py", line 8, in import resdk ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'resdk' DEBUG:sql_log:Logging started: 2021-12-21 13:07:35 INFO:orangecanvas.registry.discovery:Could not import 'orangecontrib.bioinformatics.widgets.OWdictyExpress'. Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\rgt0227\AppData\Local\Programs\Orange\lib\site-packages\orangecanvas\registry\discovery.py", line 294, in iter_widget_descriptions module = asmodule(name) File "C:\Users\rgt0227\AppData\Local\Programs\Orange\lib\site-packages\orangecanvas\registry\discovery.py", line 537, in asmodule return import(module, fromlist=[""]) File "C:\Users\rgt0227\AppData\Local\Programs\Orange\lib\site-packages\orangecontrib\bioinformatics\widgets\OWdictyExpress.py", line 16, in from orangecontrib.bioinformatics import resolwe File "C:\Users\rgt0227\AppData\Local\Programs\Orange\lib\site-packages\orangecontrib\bioinformatics\resolwe_init_.py", line 4, in from .resapi import ResolweAPI File "C:\Users\rgt0227\AppData\Local\Programs\Orange\lib\site-packages\orangecontrib\bioinformatics\resolwe\resapi.py", line 6, in from resdk import Resolwe ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'resdk' INFO:orangecanvas.registry.discovery:Ignoring 'C:\Users\rgt0227\AppData\Local\Programs\Orange\lib\site-packages\_textable\widgets\TextableUtils.py'. INFO:orangecanvas.registry.discovery:Could not import 'orangecontrib.text.widgets.owwikipedia'. Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\rgt0227\AppData\Local\Programs\Orange\lib\site-packages\orangecanvas\registry\discovery.py", line 294, in iter_widget_descriptions module = asmodule(name) File "C:\Users\rgt0227\AppData\Local\Programs\Orange\lib\site-packages\orangecanvas\registry\discovery.py", line 537, in asmodule return import(module, fromlist=[""]) File "C:\Users\rgt0227\AppData\Local\Programs\Orange\lib\site-packages\orangecontrib\text\widgets\owwikipedia.py", line 11, in from orangecontrib.text.wikipedia import WikipediaAPI ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'orangecontrib.text.wikipedia' INFO:orangecanvas.registry.discovery:Ignoring 'C:\Users\rgt0227\AppData\Local\Programs\Orange\lib\site-packages\orangecontrib\network\widgets\graphview.py'. INFO:orangecanvas.registry.discovery:Ignoring 'C:\Users\rgt0227\AppData\Local\Programs\Orange\lib\site-packages\orangecontrib\single_cell\widgets\contingency_table.py'. INFO:orangecanvas.registry.discovery:Ignoring 'C:\Users\rgt0227\AppData\Local\Programs\Orange\lib\site-packages\orangecontrib\single_cell\widgets\load_data.py'. INFO:orangecanvas.registry.discovery:Ignoring 'C:\Users\rgt0227\AppData\Local\Programs\Orange\lib\site-packages\orangecontrib\single_cell\widgets\owloaddata.py'. INFO:orangecanvas.registry.discovery:Ignoring 'C:\Users\rgt0227\AppData\Local\Programs\Orange\lib\site-packages\orangecontrib\spectroscopy\widgets\gui.py'. INFO:orangecanvas.registry.discovery:Ignoring 'C:\Users\rgt0227\AppData\Local\Programs\Orange\lib\site-packages\orangecontrib\spectroscopy\widgets\line_geometry.py'. INFO:orangecanvas.registry.discovery:Ignoring 'C:\Users\rgt0227\AppData\Local\Programs\Orange\lib\site-packages\orangecontrib\spectroscopy\widgets\peak_editors.py'. INFO:orangecanvas.registry.discovery:Ignoring 'C:\Users\rgt0227\AppData\Local\Programs\Orange\lib\site-packages\orangecontrib\spectroscopy\widgets\peakfit_compute.py'. INFO:orangecanvas.registry.discovery:Ignoring 'C:\Users\rgt0227\AppData\Local\Programs\Orange\lib\site-packages\orangecontrib\spectroscopy\widgets\utils.py'. INFO:orangecanvas.registry.discovery:Ignoring 'C:\Users\rgt0227\AppData\Local\Programs\Orange\lib\site-packages\orangecontrib\explain\widgets\owexplainfeaturebase.py'. INFO:orangecanvas.registry.discovery:Ignoring 'C:\Users\rgt0227\AppData\Local\Programs\Orange\lib\site-packages\orangecontrib\timeseries\widgets\_owmodel.py'. INFO:orangecanvas.registry.discovery:Ignoring 'C:\Users\rgt0227\AppData\Local\Programs\Orange\lib\site-packages\orangecontrib\timeseries\widgets\_rangeslider.py'. INFO:orangecanvas.registry.discovery:Could not import 'orangecontrib.timeseries.widgets.owyahoofinance'. Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\rgt0227\AppData\Local\Programs\Orange\lib\site-packages\orangecanvas\registry\discovery.py", line 294, in iter_widget_descriptions module = asmodule(name) File "C:\Users\rgt0227\AppData\Local\Programs\Orange\lib\site-packages\orangecanvas\registry\discovery.py", line 537, in asmodule return import(module, fromlist=[""]) File "C:\Users\rgt0227\AppData\Local\Programs\Orange\lib\site-packages\orangecontrib\timeseries\widgets\owyahoofinance.py", line 10, in from orangecontrib.timeseries.datasources import finance_data File "C:\Users\rgt0227\AppData\Local\Programs\Orange\lib\site-packages\orangecontrib\timeseries\datasources.py", line 4, in import pandas_datareader.data as web ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pandas_datareader' INFO:orangecanvas.registry.discovery:Ignoring 'C:\Users\rgt0227\AppData\Local\Programs\Orange\lib\site-packages\orangecontrib\timeseries\widgets\utils.py'. INFO:orangecanvas.registry.discovery:Ignoring 'C:\Users\rgt0227\AppData\Local\Programs\Orange\lib\site-packages\orangecontrib\geo\widgets\plotutils.py'. DEBUG:orangecanvas.registry.cache:Saving widget registry cache with 257 entries ('C:/Users/rgt0227/AppData/Local/Orange/cache\3.30.2\registry-cache.pck'). DEBUG:orangecanvas.registry:'set_global_registry()' - setting registry. [9308:9168:1221/130737.888:ERROR:cache_util_win.cc(19)] Unable to move the cache: 5 [9308:9168:1221/130737.888:ERROR:cache_util.cc(140)] Unable to move cache folder C:\Users\rgt0227\AppData\Local\Orange\QtWebEngine\Default\GPUCache to C:\Users\rgt0227\AppData\Local\Orange\QtWebEngine\Default\old_GPUCache_000 [9308:9168:1221/130737.892:ERROR:disk_cache.cc(168)] Unable to create cache [9308:9168:1221/130737.892:ERROR:shader_disk_cache.cc(620)] Shader Cache Creation failed: -2 INFO:main:Not sending usage statistics (preferences setting). INFO:main:Entering main event loop.

    What's your environment? Installed the latest version of Orange on a virtual machine with the following environment: Processor Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6134 CPU @ 3.20GHz 3.19 GHz (2 processorer) RAM 16,0 GB System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

    bug report 
    opened by slimebob1975 23
  • Resolve Edit Domain (datetime to epoch) timebomb

    Resolve Edit Domain (datetime to epoch) timebomb


    In Edit Domain has a timebomb suggesting increasing the minimum version of Pandas and removing a workaround for features not supported in older versions.

    Description of changes
    • Removing timebomb
    • Removing extra code in the Edit domain and the Group By widgets, that changed time to UTC, which is not required anymore since Pandas from version 1.4 supports subtracting different timezones.
    • [X] Code changes
    • [X] Tests
    • [ ] Documentation
    opened by PrimozGodec 0
  • Scorer registration and Table

    Scorer registration and Table

    • ScoreTable, which is used in Test and Score, and in Predictions, has a hard coded list of scorers, which defines the (default) visibility and the order. New scores are thus invisible by default.
    • The names of classes are used for names of columns. It is thus impossible to translate them. A name attribute exists, but is not defined and defaults to class name.
    • The user may not be aware that (s)he can choose additional scores by right-clicking the header.
    Description of changes
    • Scorers define default visibility and priority as class attributes.

    • Visibility settings are stored as "hints", so new scorers (e.g. from add-ons) may be visible if they that's their default.

    • The name attribute is now defined, but in settings the scorers are referred to by their class names, so settings "survive" the change of language.

    • Add an indicator that can be clicked and opens a popup for selection of scores (fixes #6131).

      Although currently in Orange.widgets.evaluate.utils, the class SelectableColumnsHeader is general and can be moved somewhere else and used, e.g. in OWRanks.

    • [X] Code changes
    • [X] Tests
    • [ ] Documentation
    opened by janezd 0
  • Random Forest, Gradient Boosting: Handle deprecated parameters

    Random Forest, Gradient Boosting: Handle deprecated parameters


    Fixes #6217, #6218, #6219

    Description of changes
    • set default RandomForestLearner.max_features to 1.0
    • set default RandomForestRegressionLearner.max_features to 1.0
    • set default GBClassifier.loss to 'log_loss'
    • remove 'use_label_encoder' parameter from XGBClassifier
    • remove 'use_label_encoder' parameter from XGBRFClassifier
    • [X] Code changes
    • [X] Tests
    • [ ] Documentation
    opened by VesnaT 0
  • Fixes for translations

    Fixes for translations

    Description of changes

    Fix messages that can't be translated (mostly because of plural forms) and some other minor related corrections.

    • [X] Code changes
    • [ ] Tests
    • [ ] Documentation
    opened by janezd 0
  • OWKmeans: basic dask functionality

    OWKmeans: basic dask functionality

    Add dask_ml.cluster.KMeans as an alternative to sklearn.cluster.KMeans for dask arrays.

    Note, dask_ml adds "k-means||" init option for better scaling and defaults to sklearn for "k-means++" and "random" initialization. There is a marked performance increase for large arrays, especially with memory management. However, for smaller arrays it seems to still be much faster to just use sklearn. Is this something we worry about? Also dask_ml does not accept n_init as an argument, should it be disabled in the gui or just ignored?

    opened by noahnovsak 0
  • Orange sw and notebook fatal crash - widget Topic Modeling

    Orange sw and notebook fatal crash - widget Topic Modeling

    Windows 11 Home Orange 3.34

    Anytime I try to use the "Topic Modeling" widget, pc crashes and have to restart the notebook. A few weeks ago had a fatal crash and spent hours with pc manufacturer customer service to reset the (new) notebook.

    Have re-installed Orange from scratch and restarted the full (educational) project for data-mining but again have same issue and can move forward with the project.

    Thanks, Mirco

    bug report 
    opened by MircoUNIMIB 1
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TAPO-And-Govee-Controller I made this so I can control my Tapo L510 light bulb and Govee H6159 light strip using the PyP100 module and the Govee publi

James Westhead 0 Nov 23, 2021
CKAN is an open-source DMS (data management system) for powering data hubs and data portals. CKAN makes it easy to publish, share and use data. It powers catalog.data.gov, open.canada.ca/data, data.humdata.org among many other sites.

CKAN: The Open Source Data Portal Software CKAN is the world’s leading open-source data portal platform. CKAN makes it easy to publish, share and work

ckan 3.6k Dec 27, 2022
Ghdl-interactive-sim - Interactive GHDL simulation of a VHDL adder using Python, Cocotb, and pygame

GHDL Interactive Simulation This is an interactive test bench for a simple VHDL adder. It uses GHDL to elaborate/run the simulation. It is coded in Py

Chuck Benedict 2 Aug 11, 2022
TickerRain is an open-source web app that stores and analysis Reddit posts in a transparent and semi-interactive manner.

TickerRain is an open-source web app that stores and analysis Reddit posts in a transparent and semi-interactive manner

GonVas 180 Oct 8, 2022
leafmap - A Python package for geospatial analysis and interactive mapping in a Jupyter environment.

A Python package for geospatial analysis and interactive mapping with minimal coding in a Jupyter environment

Qiusheng Wu 1.4k Jan 2, 2023
HyperSpy is an open source Python library for the interactive analysis of multidimensional datasets

HyperSpy is an open source Python library for the interactive analysis of multidimensional datasets that can be described as multidimensional arrays o

HyperSpy 411 Dec 27, 2022
Image transformations designed for Scene Text Recognition (STR) data augmentation. Published at ICCV 2021 Workshop on Interactive Labeling and Data Augmentation for Vision.

Data Augmentation for Scene Text Recognition (ICCV 2021 Workshop) (Pronounced as "strog") Paper Arxiv Why it matters? Scene Text Recognition (STR) req

Rowel Atienza 152 Dec 28, 2022
Statistical Analysis πŸ“ˆ focused on statistical analysis and exploration used on various data sets for personal and professional projects.

Statistical Analysis ?? This repository focuses on statistical analysis and the exploration used on various data sets for personal and professional pr

Andy Pham 1 Sep 3, 2022
Web scraped S&P 500 Data from Wikipedia using Pandas and performed Exploratory Data Analysis on the data.

Web scraped S&P 500 Data from Wikipedia using Pandas and performed Exploratory Data Analysis on the data. Then used Yahoo Finance to get the related stock data and displayed them in the form of charts.

Samrat Mitra 3 Sep 9, 2022