BoxEL: Box EL++ Embedding
This is the official pytorch implementation of the BoxEL for the description logic EL++. BoxEL++ is a geometric approach based on box embedding to generate embeddings for the description logic EL++
You need CUDA installed to use a GPU, and need to install python libraries with:
pip install -r requirements.txt
We have preprocessed all the data in /data directory. In particular, we have normalized the ontologies into normal forms and splited the data into train/valid/test sets.
For original data, refer for protein-protein interaction and for subsumption reasoning.
How to run Box EL++
We provide two ways to run our BoxEL++ embeddings: python scripts and jupyter notebooks. Since different dataset/tasks have different features, we provide specific files for each datasts/tasks
Jupyter notebooks
We provided specific jupyter notebooks files for all the tasks used in our paper.
e.g, to run and visualize our family domain example, simply open and run
You could get the the following results
Python scripts
We also provided python scripts to run the tasks.
e.g. to run BoxEL on Gene Ontology, simply run
python scripts/
The settings of the used hyperparameters is given in the python files.
Pretrained models
We provided some pretrained models in ./models/