This library is an ongoing effort towards bringing the data exchanging ability between Java/Scala and Python



This library is an ongoing effort towards bringing the data exchanging ability between Java/Scala and Python. PyJava introduces Apache Arrow as the exchanging data format, this means we can avoid ser/der between Java/Scala and Python which can really speed up the communication efficiency than traditional way.

When you invoke python code in Java/Scala side, PyJava will start some python workers automatically and send the data to python worker, and once they are processed, send them back. The python workers are reused
by default.

The initial code in this lib is from Apache Spark.


Setup python(>= 3.6) Env(Conda is recommended):

pip uninstall pyjava && pip install pyjava

Setup Java env(Maven is recommended):

For Scala 2.11/Spark 2.4.3


For Scala 2.12/Spark 3.1.1


Build Mannually

Install Build Tool:

pip install mlsql_plugin_tool

Build for Spark 3.1.1:

mlsql_plugin_tool spark311
mvn clean install -DskipTests -Pdisable-java8-doclint -Prelease-sign-artifacts

Build For Spark 2.4.3

mlsql_plugin_tool spark243
mvn clean install -DskipTests -Pdisable-java8-doclint -Prelease-sign-artifacts

Using python code snippet to process data in Java/Scala

With pyjava, you can run any python code in your Java/Scala application.

sourceEnconder.toRow(irow).copy() }.iterator // run the code and get the return result val javaConext = new JavaContext val commonTaskContext = new AppContextImpl(javaConext, batch) val columnarBatchIter = batch.compute(Iterator(newIter), TaskContext.getPartitionId(), commonTaskContext) //f.copy(), copy function is required columnarBatchIter.flatMap { batch => batch.rowIterator.asScala }.foreach(f => println(f.copy())) javaConext.markComplete javaConext.close ">
val envs = new util.HashMap[String, String]()
// prepare python environment
envs.put(str(PythonConf.PYTHON_ENV), "source activate dev && export ARROW_PRE_0_15_IPC_FORMAT=1 ")

// describe the data which will be transfered to python 
val sourceSchema = StructType(Seq(StructField("value", StringType)))

val batch = new ArrowPythonRunner(
      |import pandas as pd
      |import numpy as np
      |def process():
      |    for item in context.fetch_once_as_rows():
      |        item["value1"] = item["value"] + "_suffix"
      |        yield item
    """.stripMargin, envs, "python", "3.6")))), sourceSchema,
  "GMT", Map()

// prepare data
val sourceEnconder = RowEncoder.apply(sourceSchema).resolveAndBind()
val newIter = Seq(Row.fromSeq(Seq("a1")), Row.fromSeq(Seq("a2"))).map { irow =>

// run the code and get the return result
val javaConext = new JavaContext
val commonTaskContext = new AppContextImpl(javaConext, batch)
val columnarBatchIter = batch.compute(Iterator(newIter), TaskContext.getPartitionId(), commonTaskContext)

//f.copy(), copy function is required 
columnarBatchIter.flatMap { batch =>
}.foreach(f => println(f.copy()))

Using python code snippet to process data in Spark

val enconder = RowEncoder.apply(struct).resolveAndBind() val envs = new util.HashMap[String, String]() envs.put(str(PythonConf.PYTHON_ENV), "source activate streamingpro-spark-2.4.x") val batch = new ArrowPythonRunner( Seq(ChainedPythonFunctions(Seq(PythonFunction( """ |import pandas as pd |import numpy as np |for item in data_manager.fetch_once(): | print(item) |df = pd.DataFrame({'AAA': [4, 5, 6, 7],'BBB': [10, 20, 30, 40],'CCC': [100, 50, -30, -50]}) |data_manager.set_output([[df['AAA'],df['BBB']]]) """.stripMargin, envs, "python", "3.6")))), struct, timezoneid, Map() ) val newIter = { irow => enconder.toRow(irow) } val commonTaskContext = new SparkContextImp(TaskContext.get(), batch) val columnarBatchIter = batch.compute(Iterator(newIter), TaskContext.getPartitionId(), commonTaskContext) columnarBatchIter.flatMap { batch => } } val wow = SparkUtils.internalCreateDataFrame(session, abc, StructType(Seq(StructField("AAA", LongType), StructField("BBB", LongType))), false) ">
val session = spark
import session.implicits._
val timezoneid = session.sessionState.conf.sessionLocalTimeZone
val df = session.createDataset[String](Seq("a1", "b1")).toDF("value")
val struct = df.schema
val abc = df.rdd.mapPartitions { iter =>
  val enconder = RowEncoder.apply(struct).resolveAndBind()
  val envs = new util.HashMap[String, String]()
  envs.put(str(PythonConf.PYTHON_ENV), "source activate streamingpro-spark-2.4.x")
  val batch = new ArrowPythonRunner(
        |import pandas as pd
        |import numpy as np
        |for item in data_manager.fetch_once():
        |    print(item)
        |df = pd.DataFrame({'AAA': [4, 5, 6, 7],'BBB': [10, 20, 30, 40],'CCC': [100, 50, -30, -50]})
      """.stripMargin, envs, "python", "3.6")))), struct,
    timezoneid, Map()
  val newIter = { irow =>
  val commonTaskContext = new SparkContextImp(TaskContext.get(), batch)
  val columnarBatchIter = batch.compute(Iterator(newIter), TaskContext.getPartitionId(), commonTaskContext)
  columnarBatchIter.flatMap { batch =>

val wow = SparkUtils.internalCreateDataFrame(session, abc, StructType(Seq(StructField("AAA", LongType), StructField("BBB", LongType))), false)

Run Python Project

With Pyjava, you can tell the system where is the python project and which is then entrypoint, then you can run this project in Java/Scala.

"/tmp/data", "tempModelLocalPath" -> "/tmp/model" )) output.foreach(println) ">
import tech.mlsql.arrow.python.runner.PythonProjectRunner

val runner = new PythonProjectRunner("./pyjava/examples/pyproject1", Map())
val output ="bash", "-c", "source activate dev && python"), Map(
  "tempDataLocalPath" -> "/tmp/data",
  "tempModelLocalPath" -> "/tmp/model"

Example In MLSQL

None Interactive Mode:

!python env "PYTHON_ENV=source activate streamingpro-spark-2.4.x";
!python conf "schema=st(field(a,long),field(b,long))";

select 1 as a as table1;

!python on table1 '''

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
for item in data_manager.fetch_once():
df = pd.DataFrame({'AAA': [4, 5, 6, 8],'BBB': [10, 20, 30, 40],'CCC': [100, 50, -30, -50]})

''' named mlsql_temp_table2;

select * from mlsql_temp_table2 as output; 

Interactive Mode:

!python start;

!python env "PYTHON_ENV=source activate streamingpro-spark-2.4.x";
!python env "schema=st(field(a,integer),field(b,integer))";

!python '''
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

!python  '''
for item in data_manager.fetch_once():
df = pd.DataFrame({'AAA': [4, 5, 6, 8],'BBB': [10, 20, 30, 40],'CCC': [100, 50, -30, -50]})
!python close;

Using PyJava as Arrow Server/Client

Java Server side:

enconder.toRow(irow) }.iterator val javaConext = new JavaContext val commonTaskContext = new AppContextImpl(javaConext, null) val Array(_, host, port) = socketRunner.serveToStreamWithArrow(newIter, dataSchema, 10, commonTaskContext) println(s"${host}:${port}") Thread.currentThread().join() ">
val socketRunner = new SparkSocketRunner("wow", NetUtils.getHost, "Asia/Harbin")

val dataSchema = StructType(Seq(StructField("value", StringType)))
val enconder = RowEncoder.apply(dataSchema).resolveAndBind()
val newIter = Seq(Row.fromSeq(Seq("a1")), Row.fromSeq(Seq("a2"))).map { irow =>
val javaConext = new JavaContext
val commonTaskContext = new AppContextImpl(javaConext, null)

val Array(_, host, port) = socketRunner.serveToStreamWithArrow(newIter, dataSchema, 10, commonTaskContext)

Python Client side:

import os
import socket

from pyjava.serializers import \

out_ser = ArrowStreamPandasSerializer(None, True, True)

out_ser = ArrowStreamPandasSerializer("Asia/Harbin", False, None)
HOST = ""
PORT = -1
with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as sock:
    sock.connect((HOST, PORT))
    buffer_size = int(os.environ.get("SPARK_BUFFER_SIZE", 65536))
    infile = os.fdopen(os.dup(sock.fileno()), "rb", buffer_size)
    outfile = os.fdopen(os.dup(sock.fileno()), "wb", buffer_size)
    kk = out_ser.load_stream(infile)
    for item in kk:

Python Server side:

import os

import pandas as pd

os.environ["ARROW_PRE_0_15_IPC_FORMAT"] = "1"
from pyjava.api.serve import OnceServer

ddata = pd.DataFrame(data=[[1, 2, 3, 4], [2, 3, 4, 5]])

server = OnceServer("", 11111, "Asia/Harbin")
server.serve([{'id': 9, 'label': 1}])

Java Client side:

println(enconder.fromRow(i.copy()))) javaConext.close ">
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.encoders.RowEncoder
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{LongType, StringType, StructField, StructType}
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, FunSuite}
import tech.mlsql.arrow.python.iapp.{AppContextImpl, JavaContext}
import tech.mlsql.arrow.python.runner.SparkSocketRunner

val enconder = RowEncoder.apply(StructType(Seq(StructField("a", LongType),StructField("b", LongType)))).resolveAndBind()
val socketRunner = new SparkSocketRunner("wow", NetUtils.getHost, "Asia/Harbin")
val javaConext = new JavaContext
val commonTaskContext = new AppContextImpl(javaConext, null)
val iter = socketRunner.readFromStreamWithArrow("", 11111, commonTaskContext)
iter.foreach(i => println(enconder.fromRow(i.copy())))

How to configure python worker runs in Docker (todo)

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