A simple and easy to use Python's PIP configuration manager, similar to the Arch Linux's Java manager.


PIPCONF - The PIP configuration manager

If you need to manage multiple configurations containing indexes and trusted hosts for PIP, this project was made for you.


The pipconf is based in pip.conf files in $HOME/.pip folder. But you won't create it with this name. So, you need to create your configuration files following the template config-file-name.conf.

For the first steps, create a $HOME/.pip folder.

# Create the folder, and enter it
$ mkdir $HOME/.pip
$ cd $HOME/.pip

# Create 2 files inside .pip folder
$ touch personal-config.conf company-config.conf

Inside the files, you can put the configurations like index-url, timeout, extra-index-url, trusted-host, etc. You can confer here all the options.

<!-- personal-config.conf -->

index-url = https://pypi.org/simple/
trusted-host = pypi.org
<!-- company-config.conf -->

index-url = http://mycompany.com/artifactory/api/pypi/pypi/simple
extra-index-url = http://mycompany.com/artifactory/api/pypi/pypi-local/simple/
trusted-host = mycompany.com


The package is available at pypi.org. Then, you can install it using pip.

$ pip install pipconf

If you prefet to install from code, try this. This project uses only pure Python. So, you don't need to install any project dependencies. Just run the setuptools installer.

$ python setup.py install


$ pipconf --help

The expected output should be something like the following content.

usage: pipconf [-h] [--current] [--list] [--set FILENAME] [--local]

______ ___________  _____ _____ _   _ ______
| ___ \_   _| ___ \/  __ \  _  | \ | ||  ___|
| |_/ / | | | |_/ /| /  \/ | | |  \| || |_
|  __/  | | |  __/ | |   | | | | . ` ||  _|
| |    _| |_| |    | \__/\ \_/ / |\  || |
\_|    \___/\_|     \____/\___/\_| \_/\_|  v0.1.0

Under BSD-2-Clause License, by @jjpaulo2
Contribute at https://github.com/jjpaulo2/pipconf

optional arguments:
-h, --help      show this help message and exit

display informations:
--current       show the current pip configuration file
--list          list all user configurations avaliable at $HOME/.pip

change configuration:
--set FILENAME  set the global configuration for pip from a file in $HOME/.pip
--local         set the pip configuration for the current directory file

Querying the current configuration file

$ pipconf --current

This command will show the current file used. If you are not using anyone, it will show it too.

The current pip configuration file is /home/jjpaulo2/.pip/personal-config.conf

Querying the avaliable configuration files in $HOME/.pip

$ pipconf --list

This command will show the avaliable configuration files in $HOME/.pip folder. If someone of then is being used, you will see a * simbol at it left.

* personal-config (/home/jjpaulo2/.pip/personal-config.conf)
  company-config (/home/jjpaulo2/.pip/company-config.conf)

Setting a file from $HOME/.pip as current configuration file

$ pipconf --set company-config

This will update the current file used, and will output the following message.

Current pip configuration successfully updated.
The active config file is /home/jjpaulo2/.pip/company-config.conf

Setting a pip.conf file from the current working directory

$ ls
pip.conf ...

If the current directory you are in, have a pip.conf file, then you can just active it.

pipconf --local

The output should be something like the following content.

Geting configuration file from current directory.
The active config file is /home/jjpaulo2/dev/myproject/pip.conf
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