Pythone Script will generate a (.)sh file with reverse shell codes then you can execute the script on the targetPythone Script will generate a (.)sh file with reverse shell codes then you can execute the script on the target
WebApp Maker make web apps (Duh). It is open source and make with python and shell. This app can take any website and turn it into an app. I highly recommend turning these few websites into webapps: - (Fps Game) - (Minigame Arcade) - Your Own Website If You Have One Apart from that enjoy my app By 220735540 (a.k.a RP400)
Standalone script written in Python 3 for generating Reverse Shell one liner snippets and handles the communication between target and client using custom Netcat binaries. It automates the boring stuff like URL encoding the command and setting up a listener.
Bear-Shell is a shell based in the terminal or command prompt. You can navigate files, run python files, create files via the BearUtils text editor, and a lot more coming up!
Bear-Shell is a shell based in the terminal or command prompt. You can navigate files, run python files, create files via the BearUtils text editor, and a lot more coming up!