BiNE: Bipartite Network Embedding

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Text Data & NLP BiNE

BiNE: Bipartite Network Embedding

This repository contains the demo code of the paper:

BiNE: Bipartite Network Embedding. Ming Gao, Leihui Chen, Xiangnan He & Aoying Zhou

which has been accepted by SIGIR2018.

Note: Any problems, you can contact me at [email protected]. Through email, you will get my rapid response.

Environment settings

  • python==2.7.11
  • numpy==1.13.3
  • sklearn==0.17.1
  • networkx==1.11
  • datasketch==1.2.5
  • scipy==0.17.0
  • six==1.10.0

Basic Usage

Main Parameters:

Input graph path. Defult is '../data/rating_train.dat' (--train-data)
Test dataset path. Default is '../data/rating_test.dat' (--test-data)
Name of model. Default is 'default' (--model-name)
Number of dimensions. Default is 128 (--d)
Number of negative samples. Default is 4 (--ns)
Size of window. Default is 5 (--ws)
Trade-off parameter $\alpha$. Default is 0.01 (--alpha)
Trade-off parameter $\beta$. Default is 0.01 (--beta)
Trade-off parameter $\gamma$. Default is 0.1 (--gamma)
Learning rate $\lambda$. Default is 0.01 (--lam)
Maximal iterations. Default is 50 (--max-iters)
Maximal walks per vertex. Default is 32 (--maxT)
Minimal walks per vertex. Default is 1 (--minT)
Walk stopping probability. Default is 0.15 (--p)
Calculate the recommendation metrics. Default is 0 (--rec)
Calculate the link prediction. Default is 0 (--lip)
File of training data for LR. Default is '../data/wiki/case_train.dat' (--case-train)
File of testing data for LR. Default is '../data/wiki/case_test.dat' (--case-test)
File of embedding vectors of U. Default is '../data/vectors_u.dat' (--vectors-u)
File of embedding vectors of V. Default is '../data/vectors_v.dat' (--vectors-v)
For large bipartite, 1 do not generate homogeneous graph file; 2 do not generate homogeneous graph. Default is 0 (--large)
Mertics of centrality. Default is 'hits', options: 'hits' and 'degree_centrality' (--mode)


We provide two processed dataset:

  • DBLP (for recommendation). It contains:

    • A training dataset ./data/dblp/rating_train.dat
    • A testing dataset ./data/dblp/rating_test.dat
  • Wikipedia (for link prediction). It contains:

    • A training dataset ./data/wiki/rating_train.dat
    • A testing dataset ./data/wiki/rating_test.dat
  • Each line is a instance: userID (begin with 'u')\titemID (begin with 'i') \t weight\n

    For example: u0\ti0\t1

Please run the './model/'

cd model
python --train-data ../data/dblp/rating_train.dat --test-data ../data/dblp/rating_test.dat --lam 0.025 --max-iter 100 --model-name dblp --rec 1 --large 2 --vectors-u ../data/dblp/vectors_u.dat --vectors-v ../data/dblp/vectors_v.dat

The embedding vectors of nodes are saved in file '/model-name/vectors_u.dat' and '/model-name/vectors_v.dat', respectively.




cd model
python --train-data ../data/dblp/rating_train.dat --test-data ../data/dblp/rating_test.dat --lam 0.025 --max-iter 100 --model-name dblp --rec 1 --large 2 --vectors-u ../data/dblp/vectors_u.dat --vectors-v ../data/dblp/vectors_v.dat

Output (training process)

======== experiment settings =========
alpha : 0.0100, beta : 0.0100, gamma : 0.1000, lam : 0.0250, p : 0.1500, ws : 5, ns : 4, maxT :  32, minT : 1, max_iter : 100
========== processing data ===========
constructing graph....
number of nodes: 6001
number of nodes: 1177
getting context and negative samples....
negative samples is ok.....
============== training ==============
[*************************************************************************************************** ]100.00%

Output (testing process)

============== testing ===============
recommendation metrics: F1 : 0.1132, MAP : 0.2041, MRR : 0.3331, NDCG : 0.2609

Link Prediction


cd model
python --train-data ../data/wiki/rating_train.dat --test-data ../data/wiki/rating_test.dat --lam 0.01 --max-iter 100 --model-name wiki --lip 1 --large 2 --gamma 1 --vectors-u ../data/wiki/vectors_u.dat --vectors-v ../data/wiki/vectors_v.dat --case-train ../data/wiki/case_train.dat --case-test ../data/wiki/case_test.dat

Output (training process)

======== experiment settings =========
alpha : 0.0100, beta : 0.0100, gamma : 1.0000, lam : 0.0100, p : 0.1500, ws : 5, ns : 4, maxT :  32, minT : 1, max_iter : 100, d : 128
========== processing data ===========
constructing graph....
number of nodes: 15000
number of nodes: 2529
getting context and negative samples....
negative samples is ok.....
============== training ==============
[*************************************************************************************************** ]100.00%

Output (testing process)

============== testing ===============
link prediction metrics: AUC_ROC : 0.9468, AUC_PR : 0.9614
  • networkx.exception.NetworkXError:HITS: power iteration failed to converge in 102 iterations.

    networkx.exception.NetworkXError:HITS: power iteration failed to converge in 102 iterations.

    Is this the reason? And how to solve in this case?It seems it cannot simply solved by replacing a function.

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "D:/programming/BiNE/model/", line 572, in <module>
      File "D:/programming/BiNE/model/", line 569, in main
      File "D:/programming/BiNE/model/", line 321, in train_by_sampling
      File "D:/programming/BiNE/model/", line 55, in walk_generator
      File "D:\programming\BiNE\model\", line 61, in calculate_centrality
        h, a = nx.hits(self.G)
      File "D:\Anaconda3.5\envs\BiNE\lib\site-packages\networkx\algorithms\link_analysis\", line 111, in hits
        "HITS: power iteration failed to converge in %d iterations."%(i+1))
    networkx.exception.NetworkXError: HITS: power iteration failed to converge in 102 iterations.
    opened by WangHexie 5
  • the problem in top_n functin

    the problem in top_n functin

    I find that the code in line 180 of tmp_t = sorted(test_rate[u].items(), lambda x, y: cmp(x[1], y[1]), reverse=True)[0:min(len(test_rate[u]),len(test_rate[u]))] you use min(len(test_rate[u]),len(test_rate[u])) but they are the same.

    opened by justicevita 2
  • biadjacency_matrix issue

    biadjacency_matrix issue

    Any idea how to solve this?

      File "", line 53, in walk_generator
        gul.homogeneous_graph_random_walks_for_large_bipartite_graph(datafile=args.train_data, percentage=args.p, maxT=args.maxT, minT=args.minT)
      File "/tmp2/cmchen/proRec/BiNE/model/", line 111, in homogeneous_graph_random_walks_for_large_bipartite_graph
        A,row_index,item_index= bi.biadjacency_matrix(self.G, self.node_u, self.node_v, dtype=np.float,weight='weight', format='csr')
    ValueError: too many values to unpack
    opened by chihming 2
  • About node visualization

    About node visualization

    Hi Leihui, I am quite interested in the node visualization performance in your paper. However, I can not reproduce the TSNE results as shown in your paper. Could you please share the code of node visualization, thanks.

    opened by fukien 1
  • Low speed

    Low speed

    I used a data set which contains 0.2 million links to get the embedding. But after running for 8 hours , the program still got stuck in the graph construction.

    Are there some ways to speed up the program?

    opened by WangHexie 1
  • Actual python dependencies

    Actual python dependencies

    I just had to spend a while getting versions to line up to run this code. For anyone else searching for this, here is a more accurate list of required python modules and version. Some were missing from the README.

    python                    2.7.14
    datasketch                1.4.1
    futures                   3.2.0
    networkx                  2.2
    numpy                     1.16.0
    pandas                    0.23.4
    scikit-learn              0.20.0
    scipy                     1.1.0
    six                       1.11.0
    opened by JSybrandt 0
  • skip-gram center and context word?

    skip-gram center and context word?

    非常感谢您分享的代码。 在skip-gram,我有些问题请教下您, I_z = {center: 1}这个地方是不是应该是计算context的节点吧, V = np.array(node_list[contexts]['embedding_vectors']) 应该是计算center的节点embedding吧, 最终更新的是 for z in context_u: tmp_z, tmp_loss = skip_gram(u, z, neg_u, node_list_u, lam, alpha) node_list_u[z]['embedding_vectors'] += tmp_z ## 这里是不是更新center节点的embedding吧?


    opened by 529261027 1
  • Dataset


    Need a little bit information on how to prepare my dataset. I have a dat file containing all the ratings place in the model folder so that it can be read, renamed and splitted into train and test. but it seem it is not reading anything

    opened by neenerrh 2
  • Why context vector will be updated by SGD?

    Why context vector will be updated by SGD?

    Hi I want to understand why we need to update the context vector of user nodes and item nodes when performing the skipgram model.

    This is not the case in node2vec afaik (and node2vec is using one-hot vector). May I ask if there is any reason behind it?

    opened by ltwedgar 0
  • not suit for large dataset...

    not suit for large dataset...

    i try to use bine on a user-item interaction network with 1 million users and similar scale of items. the implement now is stack at construct graph... i set the "large" option to 2. and it didnt help. is there anyway to speed up the training. plus, there is still around 100 GB memory unused in my machine and only 1 cpu is fully used. hope for the answer.

    opened by Yindong-Zhang 6
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