Code for CVPR 2022 paper "Bailando: 3D dance generation via Actor-Critic GPT with Choreographic Memory"



Code for CVPR 2022 (oral) paper "Bailando: 3D dance generation via Actor-Critic GPT with Choreographic Memory"

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Driving 3D characters to dance following a piece of music is highly challenging due to the spatial constraints applied to poses by choreography norms. In addition, the generated dance sequence also needs to maintain temporal coherency with different music genres. To tackle these challenges, we propose a novel music-to-dance framework, Bailando, with two powerful components: 1) a choreographic memory that learns to summarize meaningful dancing units from 3D pose sequence to a quantized codebook, 2) an actor-critic Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) that composes these units to a fluent dance coherent to the music. With the learned choreographic memory, dance generation is realized on the quantized units that meet high choreography standards, such that the generated dancing sequences are confined within the spatial constraints. To achieve synchronized alignment between diverse motion tempos and music beats, we introduce an actor-critic-based reinforcement learning scheme to the GPT with a newly-designed beat-align reward function. Extensive experiments on the standard benchmark demonstrate that our proposed framework achieves state-of-the-art performance both qualitatively and quantitatively. Notably, the learned choreographic memory is shown to discover human-interpretable dancing-style poses in an unsupervised manner.



PyTorch == 1.6.0

Data preparation

In our experiments, we use AIST++ for both training and evaluation. Please visit here to download the AIST++ annotations and unzip them as './aist_plusplus_final/' folder, visit here to download all original music pieces (wav) into './aist_plusplus_final/all_musics'. And please set up the AIST++ API from here and download the required SMPL models from here. Please make a folder './smpl' and copy the downloaded 'male' SMPL model (with '_m' in name) to 'smpl/SMPL_MALE.pkl' and finally run


to produce the features for training and test. Otherwise, directly download our preprocessed feature from here as ./data folder if you don't wish to process the data.


The training of Bailando comprises of 4 steps in the following sequence. If you are using the slurm workload manager, you can directly run the corresponding shell. Otherwise, please remove the 'srun' parts. Our models are all trained with single NVIDIA V100 GPU. * A kind reminder: the quantization code does not fit multi-gpu training

Step 1: Train pose VQ-VAE (without global velocity)

sh configs/sep_vqvae.yaml train [your node name] 1

Step 2: Train glabal velocity branch of pose VQ-VAE

sh configs/sep_vavqe_root.yaml train [your node name] 1

Step 3: Train motion GPT

sh configs/cc_motion_gpt.yaml train [your node name] 1

Step 4: Actor-Critic finetuning on target music

sh configs/actor_critic.yaml train [your node name] 1


To test with our pretrained models, please download the weights from here (Google Drive) or separately downloads the four weights from [weight 1]|[weight 2]|[weight 3]|[weight4] (坚果云) into ./experiments folder.

1. Generate dancing results

To test the VQ-VAE (with or without global shift as you indicated in config):

sh configs/sep_vqvae.yaml eval [your node name] 1

To test GPT:

sh configs/cc_motion_gpt.yaml eval [your node name] 1

To test final restuls:

sh configs/actor_critic.yaml eval [your node name] 1

2. Dance quality evaluations

After generating the dance in the above step, run the following codes.

Step 1: Extract the (kinetic & manual) features of all AIST++ motions (ONLY do it by once):


Step 2: compute the evaluation metrics:

python utils/

It will show exactly the same values reported in the paper. To fasten the computation, comment Line 184 of utils/ after computed the ground-truth feature once. To test another folder, change Line 182 to your destination, or kindly modify this code to a "non hard version" :)

Choreographic for music in the wild



    title={Bailando: 3D dance generation via Actor-Critic GPT with Choreographic Memory,
    author={Siyao, Li and Yu, Weijiang and Gu, Tianpei and Lin, Chunze and Wang, Quan and Qian, Chen and Loy, Chen Change and Liu, Ziwei },


Our code is released under MIT License.

  • Some file missing in

    Some file missing in

    Hi, thanks for sharing your code! I download the that you released. However, I got an error here. I check the data and I found that aistpp_music_feat_7.5fps/mJB4.json is empty. Is it a mistake?

    opened by xljh0520 3
  • Why extracting audio features twice with different sampling rate?

    Why extracting audio features twice with different sampling rate?

    Hi, Siyao~ Thanks for releasing and cleaning the code!!

    May I ask why in the pre-processing part, the audio (music) features are extracted twice and with different sampling rates?

    Precisely, in, the audio features are extracted with the sampling rate 15360*2

    While in, the audio features are extracted with the sampling rate 15360*2/8

    opened by XiSHEN0220 3
  • The generated person in video disappear in the video sometimes?

    The generated person in video disappear in the video sometimes?

    Thank you for your work! I follow the steps of Choreographic for music in the wild. I get the output videos of the model. Problem: But I find the person in the videos would disappear sometimes.And there is no sound in the video. Q1 : Is there a way to solve the problem? Q2: Will this kind of disappearance affect the location of 3d keypoints?

    opened by aleeyang 2
  • ValueError: only one element tensors can be converted to Python scalars

    ValueError: only one element tensors can be converted to Python scalars

    hey, I face this problem using the first step command python -u --config configs/sep_vqvae.yaml --train THE OUTPUT IS using SepVQVAE We use bottleneck! No motion regularization! We use bottleneck! No motion regularization! train with AIST++ dataset! test with AIST++ dataset! {'structure': {'name': 'SepVQVAE', 'up_half': {'levels': 1, 'downs_t': [3], 'strides_t': [2], 'emb_width': 512, 'l_bins': 512, 'l_mu': 0.99, 'commit': 0.02, 'hvqvae_multipliers ': [1], 'width': 512, 'depth': 3, 'm_conv': 1.0, 'dilation_growth_rate': 3, 'sample_length': 240, 'use_bottleneck': True, 'joint_channel': 3, 'vel': 1, 'acc': 1, 'vqvae_reverse _decoder_dilation': True, 'dilation_cycle': None}, 'down_half': {'levels': 1, 'downs_t': [3], 'strides_t': [2], 'emb_width': 512, 'l_bins': 512, 'l_mu': 0.99, 'commit': 0.02, ' hvqvae_multipliers': [1], 'width': 512, 'depth': 3, 'm_conv': 1.0, 'dilation_growth_rate': 3, 'sample_length': 240, 'use_bottleneck': True, 'joint_channel': 3, 'vel': 1, 'acc': 1, 'vqvae_reverse_decoder_dilation': True, 'dilation_cycle': None}, 'use_bottleneck': True, 'joint_channel': 3, 'l_bins': 512}, 'loss_weight': {'mse_weight': 1}, 'optimizer': {'type': 'Adam', 'kwargs': {'lr': 3e-05, 'betas': [0.5, 0.999], 'weight_decay': 0}, 'schedular_kwargs': {'milestones': [100, 200], 'gamma': 0.1}}, 'data': {'name': 'aist', 'tra in_dir': 'data/aistpp_train_wav', 'test_dir': 'data/aistpp_test_full_wav', 'seq_len': 240, 'data_type': 'None'}, 'testing': {'height': 540, 'width': 960, 'ckpt_epoch': 500}, 'e xpname': 'sep_vqvae', 'epoch': 500, 'batch_size': 32, 'save_per_epochs': 20, 'test_freq': 20, 'log_per_updates': 1, 'seed': 42, 'rotmat': False, 'cuda': True, 'global_vel': Fal se, 'ds_rate': 8, 'move_train': 40, 'sample_code_length': 150, 'sample_code_rate': 16, 'analysis_sequence': [[126, 81]], 'config': 'configs/sep_vqvae.yaml', 'train': True, 'eva l': False, 'visgt': False, 'anl': False, 'sample': False} 07/03/2022 03:06:44 Epoch: 1 Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 56, in <module> main() File "", line 40, in main agent.train() File "/home/fuyang/project/Bailando/", line 107, in train 'loss': loss.item(), **ValueError: only one element tensors can be converted to Python scalars** My environment is pytorch 1.11.0+cu102 8xGPU NVIDIA TITAN Xp(12196MiB)

    opened by aleeyang 2
  • about the run command

    about the run command

    For me, a beginner of DL, sh configs/sep_vqvae.yaml train [your node name] 1 what dose the '[your node name]' mean? can you give me a more specific command? Thank you a lot!

    opened by aleeyang 2
  • training problem

    training problem

    I meet error at Step 1 by running python -u --config configs/sep_vqvae.yaml --train

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 56, in <module>
      File "", line 40, in main
      File "/share/yanzhen/Bailando/", line 94, in train
      File "/root/anaconda3/envs/workspace/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/", line 363, in backward
        torch.autograd.backward(self, gradient, retain_graph, create_graph, inputs=inputs)
      File "/root/anaconda3/envs/workspace/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/autograd/", line 166, in backward
        grad_tensors_ = _make_grads(tensors, grad_tensors_, is_grads_batched=False)
      File "/root/anaconda3/envs/workspace/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/autograd/", line 67, in _make_grads
        raise RuntimeError("grad can be implicitly created only for scalar outputs")
    RuntimeError: grad can be implicitly created only for scalar outputs

    After print the loss, it looks like tensor([0.2667, 0.2735, 0.2687, 0.2584, 0.2701, 0.2697, 0.2571, 0.2658], device='cuda:0', grad_fn=<GatherBackward>), so do I need to take a mean or sum operation?

    However, even if I take a mean operation, the training still seems problematic. The loss decreases normally, while in eval stage, the output quants are all zero. Any suggestion?

    The training log is attached for reference.



    opened by haofanwang 2
  • Processed data

    Processed data

    Hi, There is no link to the processed data, since you said that "Otherwise, directly download our preprocessed feature from here as ./data folder if you don't wish to process the data."

    Can you add the data link? Thanks!

    opened by LaLaLailalai 2
  • where is  the definition of

    where is the definition of "from .utils.torch_utils import assert_shape"

    Hi @lisiyao21 Thank you for release code! where is the definition of "from .utils.torch_utils import assert_shape"

    opened by zhangsanfeng86 2
  • Visualize gt error.

    Visualize gt error.

    I want to compare the generated results with the ground truth. It seems that the code also support visualize ground truth by passing the visgt parameter. However when I call the script using the visgt parameter, it seems like that the code is not fully implemented: the last two parameters of visualizeAndWrite function is not set correctly. How should I set these two parameters (especially the last quants para) to make the function execute correctly?

    opened by miibotree 1
  • No such file or directory: '/mnt/lustre/share/lisiyao1/original_videos/aistpp-audio/'

    No such file or directory: '/mnt/lustre/share/lisiyao1/original_videos/aistpp-audio/'

    Bailando/utils/", line 130, in img2video music_names = sorted(os.listdir(audio_dir)) FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/mnt/lustre/share/lisiyao1/original_videos/aistpp-audio/'

    opened by donghaoye 1
  • about the data process

    about the data process

    Hello siyao! I'm reading your code and i'm confused about the 'align' function in ''. To make the length(time) of music equal to that of dance, you throw the extra feature away. Is that reasonable? Why not do a uniform sampling? Sorry for bothering you. image

    opened by pengc02 0
  • Doubts about the Bailando model

    Doubts about the Bailando model

    You have completed a very good model!

    I also achieved very good results when I was working on your model. But there are still some questions that are not very clear. Are you experiencing gradient explosion when implementing the Actor-Critic Learning module? My model still converged at the first epoch, and it did have some improvement compared to GPT. However, during the subsequent iterations, L_AC increased significantly and could not continue to converge. And the visualization results also became very strange.

    Looking forward for your reply!

    opened by WJ-Fifth 0
  • Problem with the node name.

    Problem with the node name.

    Thank you for your perfect work. I try to use the Choreographic for music in the wild. But when I run the command, I didn't know how to set the node name. Can anyone else help me?

    Thank you very much.

    opened by Xianjin111 0
  • Issues with data preprocess

    Issues with data preprocess

    Thanks for sharing your wonderful work! I wonder how you get the specific number, 15360 * 2, as the sampling rate for 60 FPS. Can you elaborate how specific rate is obtained through calculation?

    Another concern is with beats extractions using librosa, in, I found that onset_env, onset_beat, tempogram are all-0s. Is this correct?

    opened by KevinGoodman 0
  • Warning when evaluating

    Warning when evaluating

    Hi, siyao! I run the command python to extract the (kinetic & manual) features of all AIST++ motions. However, I met with a warning:

    WARNING: You are using a SMPL model, with only 10 shape coefficients.

    Do you know the reason?

    opened by LinghaoChan 1
  • About

    About "cc_motion_gpt.yaml"

    Hi siyao, Thanks for your great work. I have a question. When I train in step 3 (Train motion GPT),an error occurs---"AttributeError: 'MCTall' object has no attribute 'training_data' ". And I check the "cc_motion_gpt.yaml", found the "need_not_train_data: True", which causes the "def _build_train_loader(self):" not work. Is that correct?Or should I change "need_not_train_data" to "false"?

    opened by im1eon 1
Li Siyao
an interesting PhD student
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