Code for our CVPR 2022 Paper "GEN-VLKT: Simplify Association and Enhance Interaction Understanding for HOI Detection"



Code for our CVPR 2022 paper "GEN-VLKT: Simplify Association and Enhance Interaction Understanding for HOI Detection".

Contributed by Yue Liao*, Aixi Zhang*, Miao Lu, Yongliang Wang, Xiaobo Li and Si Liu.


Installl the dependencies.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Clone and build CLIP.

git clone && cd CLIP && python develop && cd ..

Data preparation


HICO-DET dataset can be downloaded here. After finishing downloading, unpack the tarball (hico_20160224_det.tar.gz) to the data directory.

Instead of using the original annotations files, we use the annotation files provided by the PPDM authors. The annotation files can be downloaded from here. The downloaded annotation files have to be placed as follows.

 └─ hico_20160224_det
     |─ annotations
     |   |─ trainval_hico.json
     |   |─ test_hico.json
     |   └─ corre_hico.npy


First clone the repository of V-COCO from here, and then follow the instruction to generate the file instances_vcoco_all_2014.json. Next, download the prior file prior.pickle from here. Place the files and make directories as follows.

 |─ data
 │   └─ v-coco
 |       |─ data
 |       |   |─ instances_vcoco_all_2014.json
 |       |   :
 |       |─ prior.pickle
 |       |─ images
 |       |   |─ train2014
 |       |   |   |─ COCO_train2014_000000000009.jpg
 |       |   |   :
 |       |   └─ val2014
 |       |       |─ COCO_val2014_000000000042.jpg
 |       |       :
 |       |─ annotations
 :       :

For our implementation, the annotation file have to be converted to the HOIA format. The conversion can be conducted as follows.

PYTHONPATH=data/v-coco \
        python \
        --load_path data/v-coco/data \
        --prior_path data/v-coco/prior.pickle \
        --save_path data/v-coco/annotations

Note that only Python2 can be used for this conversion because in the v-coco repository shows a error with Python3.

V-COCO annotations with the HOIA format, corre_vcoco.npy, test_vcoco.json, and trainval_vcoco.json will be generated to annotations directory.

Pre-trained model

Download the pretrained model of DETR detector for ResNet50, and put it to the params directory.

python ./tools/ \
        --load_path params/detr-r50-e632da11.pth \
        --save_path params/detr-r50-pre-2branch-hico.pth \
        --num_queries 64

python ./tools/ \
        --load_path params/detr-r50-e632da11.pth \
        --save_path params/detr-r50-pre-2branch-vcoco.pth \
        --dataset vcoco \
        --num_queries 64


After the preparation, you can start training with the following commands. The whole training is split into two steps: GEN-VLKT base model training and dynamic re-weighting training. The trainings of GEN-VLKT-S for HICO-DET and V-COCO are shown as follows.


sh ./config/


sh ./configs/


sh ./configs/



You can conduct the evaluation with trained parameters for HICO-DET as follows.

python -m torch.distributed.launch \
        --nproc_per_node=8 \
        --use_env \ \
        --pretrained pretrained/hico_gen_vlkt_s.pth \
        --dataset_file hico \
        --hoi_path data/hico_20160224_det \
        --num_obj_classes 80 \
        --num_verb_classes 117 \
        --backbone resnet50 \
        --num_queries 64 \
        --dec_layers 3 \
        --eval \
        --with_clip_label \
        --with_obj_clip_label \

For the official evaluation (reported in paper), you need to covert the prediction file to a official prediction format following this file, and then follow PPDM evaluation steps.


Firstly, you need the add the following main function to the in data/v-coco.

if __name__ == '__main__':
  import sys

  vsrl_annot_file = 'data/vcoco/vcoco_test.json'
  coco_file = 'data/instances_vcoco_all_2014.json'
  split_file = 'data/splits/vcoco_test.ids'

  vcocoeval = VCOCOeval(vsrl_annot_file, coco_file, split_file)

  det_file = sys.argv[1]
  vcocoeval._do_eval(det_file, ovr_thresh=0.5)

Next, for the official evaluation of V-COCO, a pickle file of detection results have to be generated. You can generate the file with the following command. and then evaluate it as follows.

python \
        --param_path pretrained/VCOCO_GEN_VLKT_S.pth \
        --save_path vcoco.pickle \
        --hoi_path data/v-coco \
        --num_queries 64 \
        --dec_layers 3 \
        --use_nms_filter \
        --with_clip_label \

cd data/v-coco
python vcoco.pickle


python -m torch.distributed.launch \
        --nproc_per_node=8 \
        --use_env \ \
        --pretrained pretrained/hico_gen_vlkt_s.pth \
        --dataset_file hico \
        --hoi_path data/hico_20160224_det \
        --num_obj_classes 80 \
        --num_verb_classes 117 \
        --backbone resnet50 \
        --num_queries 64 \
        --dec_layers 3 \
        --eval \
        --with_clip_label \
        --with_obj_clip_label \
        --use_nms_filter \
        --zero_shot_type rare_first \

Regular HOI Detection Results


Full (D) Rare (D) Non-rare (D) Full(KO) Rare (KO) Non-rare (KO) Download Conifg
GEN-VLKT-S (R50) 33.75 29.25 35.10 36.78 32.75 37.99 model config
GEN-VLKT-M* (R101) 34.63 30.04 36.01 37.97 33.72 39.24 model config
GEN-VLKT-L (R101) 34.95 31.18 36.08 38.22 34.36 39.37 model config

D: Default, KO: Known object, *: The original model is lost and the provided checkpoint performance is slightly different from the paper reported.


Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Download Config
GEN-VLKT-S (R50) 62.41 64.46 model config
GEN-VLKT-M (R101) 63.28 65.58 model config
GEN-VLKT-L (R101) 63.58 65.93 model config

Zero-shot HOI Detection Results

Type Unseen Seen Full Download Conifg
GEN-VLKT-S RF-UC 21.36 32.91 30.56 model config
GEN-VLKT-S NF-UC 25.05 23.38 23.71 model config
GEN-VLKT-S UO 10.51 28.92 25.63 model config
GEN-VLKT-S UV 20.96 30.23 28.74 model config


Please consider citing our paper if it helps your research.

  title={GEN-VLKT: Simplify Association and Enhance Interaction Understanding for HOI Detection},
  author={Yue Liao, Aixi Zhang, Miao Lu, Yongliang Wang, Xiaobo Li, Si Liu},


GEN-VLKT is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for additional details.


Some of the codes are built upon PPDM, DETR, QPIC and CDN. Thanks them for their great works!

  • Reproduce the results of the paper

    Reproduce the results of the paper

    Hello, thank you for your code; But I can't reproduce the result of GEN-VLKTs. I execute the script and get best result in hico_det below: "mAP full: 0.30144832960135726 mAP rare: 0.2543793789379969 mAP non-rare: 0.31550788629301035 mean max recall: 0.6205516668727018" ps: 1 3090 GPU. paper result: mAP full: 0.3375

    opened by AssiduousMan 6
  • Batch size and learning rate

    Batch size and learning rate

    Hi, thank you for sharing the great work.

    I wanted to reproduce the zero-shot setting and I got a question about batch size and learning rate. The default setting of is a batch size of 2 and a learning rate of 1e-4 on 8 gpus. Should I change the batch size or learning rate if I want to perform almost the same as the paper with 4 gpus instead of 8 gpus? If so, I would appreciate it if you could specify the exact number.

    Thanks, Janet

    opened by parang99 3
  • Reproduce the results of the paper

    Reproduce the results of the paper

    Hello, thank you for your code; But I can't reproduce the result of GEN-VLKTs. I execute the script and get best result in hico_det below: "mAP full: 0.33093688795372056 mAP rare: 0.2844252297058811 mAP non-rare: 0.34482998067710124 mean max recall: 0.6672380371879575". ps: 8 Tesla V100 GPUs. paper result: mAP full: 0.3375

    opened by biubug6 2
  • Evaluation error at training stage using zero-shot configs

    Evaluation error at training stage using zero-shot configs

    sh ./configs/ will throw an error at evaluation after training one epoch:

     File "./", line 114, in evaluate_hoi
        evaluator = HICOEvaluator(preds, gts, data_loader.dataset.rare_triplets,
      File "./datasets/", line 49, in __init__
        hoi_scores = img_preds['hoi_scores'] + obj_scores[:, self.hoi_obj_list]
    ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (64,480) (64,600)

    But the non-zero-shot scripts run well. Please check out this issue.

    opened by jxgu1016 2
  • how to set OMP_NUM_THREADS

    how to set OMP_NUM_THREADS

    when i run the program of gen-vlkt, it said "Setting OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable for each process to be 1 in default, to avoid your system being overloaded, please further tune the variable for optimal performance in your application as needed." Although the program can run normally, I am afraid that it will affect the running speed. So, what should OMP_NUM_THREADS be set to under 4 gpus or 8 gpus?Looking forward to your reply!

    opened by AssiduousMan 1
  • how to initialize the instance decoder query

    how to initialize the instance decoder query

    Does the paper initialize human query and object query to different values,then self-attention together? I think instance decoder focus on parts feature, so human query and object query should go to self-attention separately as it in [Reference Paper 5], i cannot find description about this in paper. waiting for your reply,Thank you!

    opened by jojolee123 1
  • How much GPU memory is needed for evaluation?

    How much GPU memory is needed for evaluation?

    I want to evaluate GEN-VLKT-S (R50) model on HICO-DET dataset using a single RTX 3090TI. However, throw an error: CUDA error: out of memory.

    I wonder how much GPU memory is needed for evaluation? Thanks!

    opened by yuchen2199 1
  • How to obtain the Know object result of the HICO dataset

    How to obtain the Know object result of the HICO dataset

    hello, i see the results of the code is about default(include full, rare, and non-rare) in HICO dataset, but i want to get the Know object result(include full, rare, and non-rare) in HICO dataset. So, how should i do, could you tell me, thanks you very much!

    opened by xiaowuzuida 1
  • Show a image of the experimental results

    Show a image of the experimental results

    Hello, this work is very interesting. I have a question. In this project, I didn't find the py file about displaying the image result. For example, input an image, network outputs a result image that this image contains the detection boxes of people and objects and the categories of their interactions. Could you please provide the code for this function? Thank you!

    opened by VictorAidan 6
  • zero-shot settings

    zero-shot settings

    你好,我看到你论文中写道你随机挑选了20个verb,但是我根据你提供的UA_list我一共找到了36种不同的verb,包含no_interaction,这是因为你挑选的verb的图片里不可避免的存在其他verb的HOI,所以把它们也加入到unseen集合中吗?还有你挑选了 很多hold构成的HOI组合,但是我发现有很多hold+object的组合没有被找全,这是什么原因?即使hold本身存在的语义歧义,但是hold dog 和 hold sheep应该都是牵着的含义,但是hold sheep并没有出现在你的UA中。您能否提供一下关于unseen_object和unseen_verb各自的id和类别,不是最终的组合类别。

    opened by yujialele 5
  • Question regarding zero-shot inference

    Question regarding zero-shot inference

    Hello, Thanks for your nice work.

    I have a question regarding zero-shot inference. It seems that during inference you directly utilize frozen clip embeddings. However, during training you trained a 'dummy' interaction classifier on seen classes, this classifier does not have any effect in the inference phase. Do I understand this correctly?

    opened by ASMIftekhar 1
Yue Liao
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