[CVPR22] Official codebase of Semantic Segmentation by Early Region Proxy.



Figure 2. Performance vs. GFLOPs on ADE20K val split.

Semantic Segmentation by Early Region Proxy

Yifan Zhang, Bo Pang, Cewu Lu

CVPR 2022 (Poster) [arXiv]


Note: recommend using the exact version of the packages to avoid running issues.

  1. Install PyTorch 1.7.1 and torchvision 0.8.2 following the official guide.

  2. Install timm 0.4.12 and einops:

    pip install timm==0.4.12 einops
  3. This project depends on mmsegmentation 0.17 and mmcv 1.3.13, so you may follow its instructions to setup environment and prepare datasets.



backbone Resolution FLOPs #params. mIoU mIoU (ms+flip) FPS download
ViT-Ti/16 512x512 3.9G 5.8M 42.1 43.1 38.9 [model]
ViT-S/16 512x512 15G 22M 47.6 48.5 32.1 [model]
R26+ViT-S/32 512x512 16G 36M 47.8 49.1 28.5 [model]
ViT-B/16 512x512 59G 87M 49.8 50.5 20.1 [model]
R50+ViT-L/32 640x640 82G 323M 51.0 51.7 12.7 [model]
ViT-L/16 640x640 326G 306M 52.9 53.4 6.6 [model]


backbone Resolution FLOPs #params. mIoU mIoU (ms+flip) download
ViT-Ti/16 768x768 69G 6M 76.5 77.7 [model]
ViT-S/16 768x768 270G 23M 79.8 81.5 [model]
ViT-B/16 768x768 1064G 88M 81.0 82.2 [model]
ViT-L/16 768x768 - 307M 81.4 82.7 [model]


You may evaluate the model on single GPU by running:

python test.py \
	--config configs/regproxy_ade20k/regproxy-t16-sub4+implicit-mid-4+512x512+160k+adamw-poly+ade20k.py \
	--checkpoint /path/to/ckpt \
	--eval mIoU

To evaluate on multiple GPUs, run:

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 8 test.py \
	--launcher pytorch \
	--config configs/regproxy_ade20k/regproxy-t16-sub4+implicit-mid-4+512x512+160k+adamw-poly+ade20k.py \
	--checkpoint /path/to/ckpt 
	--eval mIoU

You may add --aug-test to enable multi-scale + flip evaluation. The test.py script is mostly copy-pasted from mmsegmentation. Please refer to this link for more usage (e.g., visualization).


The first step is to prepare the pre-trained weights. Following Segmenter, we use AugReg pre-trained weights on our tiny, small and large models, and we use DeiT pre-trained weights on our base models. Do following steps to prepare the pre-trained weights for model initialization:

  1. For DeiT weight, simply download from this link. For AugReg weights, first acquire the timm-style models:

    import timm
    m = timm.create_model('vit_tiny_patch16_384', pretrained=True)

    The full list of entries can be found here (vanilla ViTs) and here (hybrid models).

  2. Convert the timm models to mmsegmentation style using this script.

We train all models on 8 V100 GPUs. For example, to train RegProxy-Ti/16, run:

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 8 train.py 
	--launcher pytorch \
	--config configs/regproxy_ade20k/regproxy-t16-sub4+implicit-mid-4+512x512+160k+adamw-poly+ade20k.py \
	--work-dir /path/to/workdir \
	--options model.pretrained=/path/to/pretrained/model

You may need to adjust data.samples_per_gpu if you plan to train on less GPUs. Please refer to this link for more training optioins.


  title={Semantic Segmentation by Early Region Proxy},
  author={Zhang, Yifan and Pang, Bo and Lu, Cewu},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.14043},
  • About Region Encoder

    About Region Encoder

    Hi,YiF.I have read the literature with reference to your open source code in the past two days, and have the following questions about the Region Encoder part:

    1. H^W=N, then N is the number of tokens, do h and w change with the changes of H and W?
    2. For a 512^512 image, H^h=512, W^w=512?
    3. h and w are both 4 in your source code, so for a 512^512 image, H=W=128 and N=16384, is that too much?
    opened by wanghr-git 2
  • AttributeError: 'PatchEmbed' object has no attribute 'DH'

    AttributeError: 'PatchEmbed' object has no attribute 'DH'

    亲爱的作者你们好,非常感谢你们的贡献! 我在运行 test.py 时遇到了如下的错误:

    File "/home/disk/xxx/git/RegionProxy/models/vit.py", line 113, in forward x, hw_shape = self.patch_embed(inputs), (self.patch_embed.DH, File "/home/xxx/anaconda3/envs/region_proxy/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/module.py", line 1185, in getattr raise AttributeError("'{}' object has no attribute '{}'".format( AttributeError: 'PatchEmbed' object has no attribute 'DH'


    --config configs/regproxy_cityscapes/regproxy-s16-sub4+implicit-mid-2+768x768+80k+adamw-poly+cityscapes.py --checkpoint checkpoints/regproxy-s16-sub4+implicit-mid-2+768x768+80k+adamw-poly+cityscapes.pth --eval mIoU


    ├── checkpoints │   └── regproxy-s16-sub4+implicit-mid-2+768x768+80k+adamw-poly+cityscapes.pth ├── configs │   ├── base │   │   ├── datasets │   │   ├── default_runtime.py │   │   ├── models │   │   └── schedules │   ├── regproxy_ade20k │   │   ├── regproxy-b16-sub4+implicit-mid-4+512x512+160k+adamw-cr+ade20k.py │   │   ├── regproxy-l16-sub4+implicit-mid-9+640x640+160k+adamw-cr+ade20k.py │   │   ├── regproxy-r26-s32-sub4+implicit-mid-n1+512x512+160k+adamw-poly+ade20k.py │   │   ├── regproxy-r50-l32-sub4+implicit-mid-n1+640x640+160k+adamw-cr+ade20k.py │   │   ├── regproxy-s16-sub4+implicit-mid-4+512x512+160k+adamw-poly+ade20k.py │   │   └── regproxy-t16-sub4+implicit-mid-4+512x512+160k+adamw-poly+ade20k.py │   └── regproxy_cityscapes │   ├── regproxy-b16-sub4+implicit-mid-2+768x768+80k+adamw-cr+cityscapes.py │   ├── regproxy-l16-sub4+implicit-mid-5+768x768+80k+adamw-cr+cityscapes.py │   ├── regproxy-s16-sub4+implicit-mid-2+768x768+80k+adamw-poly+cityscapes.py │   └── regproxy-t16-sub4+implicit-mid-2+768x768+80k+adamw-poly+cityscapes.py ├── data │   └── cityscapes │   ├── gtFine │   ├── leftImg8bit │   ├── test.txt │   ├── train.txt │   └── val.txt ├── LICENSE ├── models │   ├── init.py │   ├── proxy_head.py │   ├── segmentors.py │   └── vit.py ├── README.md ├── test.py ├── train.py └── utils ├── checkpoint.py ├── init.py

    help wanted 
    opened by hollow-503 2
  • About the handle borders

    About the handle borders

    Hi, thanks for your code! There are some about handle borders in your code. And I'm not very clear on the purpose of this. Could you please explain that? Thank you very much!

    opened by GuoQingqing 1
  • How does h,w in the paper and F.unfold()function in the code work?

    How does h,w in the paper and F.unfold()function in the code work?

    1、 About h,w The sentence "(Hh) × (W w) matches the size of the output segmentation map and (h, w) is the relative stride of the initial token gird" in the paper indicate that h,w is the downsample stride of segmentation map, but when I reading the code, I feel confused how it works, throught rerange the token_logits and matrix multiplication we get the final segmentation map,which is as large as the input image. So why do you set the extra parameter h and w, and how do h,w relate with stride?

    2、About F.unfold() Official Implement Code token_logits = F.unfold(token_logits, kernel_size=3, padding=1).reshape(B, -1, 9, H, W) # (B, C, 9, H, W) pseudocode in the paper # get neighbors for each cell y = rar(y, "B N K -> B K H W") nb = im2col(y, kernel_size=3, padding=1) nb = rar(nb, "B (K n) (H W) -> B H W n K") The other is what does F.unfold() do in the code ,in the paper ,you show the process of proxy head using pseudocode,and say im2col( i.e. F.unfold() ) is using to get neighbors for each cell, I can not understand this well ,too.

    Looking forward to your reply!!! Thank you ~~~

    opened by stte0v0 0
  • Visualization of regions

    Visualization of regions

    Dear authors, Thanks for sharing your great work. I want to know how to visualize the regions as shown in Fig.6, and Fig 8. Can you release the code?


    opened by dingjiansw101 0
  • Unofficial implementation of RegionProxy based on Pytorch

    Unofficial implementation of RegionProxy based on Pytorch

    Hi,YiF.Based on your open source code, I implemented an unofficial implementation of RegionProxy based only on Pytorch.This is the link of it[https://github.com/wanghr-git/RegionProxy](url).Can you check it for correctness if you have time?
    opened by wanghr-git 0
  • About pretrained model

    About pretrained model

    Hi, YIF@YiF-Zhang If my dataset is 512*512 resolution, how can I use the pretrained model? Can the pre-trained model at 224 or 384 resolution be used directly?

    opened by wanghr-git 2
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