Learning Pixel-level Semantic Affinity with Image-level Supervision for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation, CVPR 2018


Learning Pixel-level Semantic Affinity with Image-level Supervision

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The code and trained models of:

Learning Pixel-level Semantic Affinity with Image-level Supervision for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation, Jiwoon Ahn and Suha Kwak, CVPR 2018 [Paper]

We have developed a framework based on AffinityNet to generate accurate segmentation labels of training images given their image-level class labels only. A segmentation network learned with our synthesized labels outperforms previous state-of-the-arts by large margins on the PASCAL VOC 2012.

*Our code was first implemented in Tensorflow at the time of CVPR 2018 submssion, and later we migrated to PyTorch. Some trivial details (optimizer, channel size, and etc.) have been changed.


If you find the code useful, please consider citing our paper using the following BibTeX entry.

author = {Ahn, Jiwoon and Kwak, Suha},
title = {Learning Pixel-Level Semantic Affinity With Image-Level Supervision for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation},
booktitle = {The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
month = {June},
year = {2018}


  • Tested on Ubuntu 16.04, with Python 3.5, PyTorch 0.4, Torchvision 0.2.1, CUDA 9.0, and 1x NVIDIA TITAN X (Pascal).
  • The PASCAL VOC 2012 development kit: You also need to specify the path ('voc12_root') of your downloaded dev kit.
  • (Optional) If you want to try with the VGG-16 based network, PyCaffe and VGG-16 ImageNet pretrained weights [vgg16_20M.caffemodel]
  • (Optional) If you want to try with the ResNet-38 based network, Mxnet and ResNet-38 pretrained weights [ilsvrc-cls_rna-a1_cls1000_ep-0001.params]


1. Train a classification network to get CAMs.

python3 train_cls.py --lr 0.1 --batch_size 16 --max_epoches 15 --crop_size 448 --network [network.vgg16_cls | network.resnet38_cls] --voc12_root [your_voc12_root_folder] --weights [your_weights_file] --wt_dec 5e-4

2. Generate labels for AffinityNet by applying dCRF on CAMs.

python3 infer_cls.py --infer_list voc12/train_aug.txt --voc12_root [your_voc12_root_folder] --network [network.vgg16_cls | network.resnet38_cls] --weights [your_weights_file] --out_cam [desired_folder] --out_la_crf [desired_folder] --out_ha_crf [desired_folder]

(Optional) Check the accuracy of CAMs.

python3 infer_cls.py --infer_list voc12/val.txt --voc12_root [your_voc12_root_folder] --network network.resnet38_cls --weights res38_cls.pth --out_cam_pred [desired_folder]

3. Train AffinityNet with the labels

python3 train_aff.py --lr 0.1 --batch_size 8 --max_epoches 8 --crop_size 448 --voc12_root [your_voc12_root_folder] --network [network.vgg16_aff | network.resnet38_aff] --weights [your_weights_file] --wt_dec 5e-4 --la_crf_dir [your_output_folder] --ha_crf_dir [your_output_folder]

4. Perform Random Walks on CAMs

python3 infer_aff.py --infer_list [voc12/val.txt | voc12/train.txt] --voc12_root [your_voc12_root_folder] --network [network.vgg16_aff | network.resnet38_aff] --weights [your_weights_file] --cam_dir [your_output_folder] --out_rw [desired_folder]

Results and Trained Models

Class Activation Map

Model Train (mIoU) Val (mIoU)
VGG-16 48.9 46.6 [Weights]
ResNet-38 47.7 47.2 [Weights]
ResNet-38 48.0 46.8 CVPR submission

Random Walk with AffinityNet

Model alpha Train (mIoU) Val (mIoU)
VGG-16 4/16/32 59.6 54.0 [Weights]
ResNet-38 4/16/32 61.0 60.2 [Weights]
ResNet-38 4/16/24 58.1 57.0 CVPR submission

*beta=8, gamma=5, t=256 for all settings

  • the loss of classification network doesn't decrease

    the loss of classification network doesn't decrease

    When I trained the classification network(using both pretrained vgg and resnet weights), the loss didn't decrease succesfully using given hyperparamters. For example, the loss of vgg network vibrated around 0.24 after 1k iters, I also tried the learning rate of 0.01, it also failed. Could you give me some suggestions? Thanks~

    opened by kevinlee9 9
  • CAM mIoU

    CAM mIoU

    Hi Jiwoon,

    thanks for sharing this nice work! I'm trying to generate the CAMs with a model I trained myself, but the mIoU I get is quite low, 42.28 (on PASCAL VOC2012 / train). I first ran

    python3 train_cls.py --lr 0.1 --batch_size 16 --max_epoches 15 --crop_size 448 --network network.resnet38_cls --voc12_root ./data --weights weights/ilsvrc-cls_rna-a1_cls1000_ep-0001.pth --wt_dec 5e-4

    and then generated the CAMs with

    python3 infer_cls.py --infer_list voc12/train.txt --voc12_root ./data --network network.resnet38_cls --weights res38_cls.pth --out_cam_pred ./cams

    Is there anything amiss? To get mIoU of 48% in the paper, should I use the dCRF? Here I don't.

    More details, in case it helps:

    | Class | # | IoU | Pr | Re | |:---:|---:|---:|---:|---:| | background | 10581 | 71.6 | 83.4 | 83.9 | aeroplane | 586 | 37.8 | 40.8 | 93.8 | bicycle | 485 | 43.6 | 50.3 | 86.1 | bird | 698 | 34.1 | 39.6 | 86.1 | boat | 460 | 28.1 | 35.1 | 79.0 | bottle | 651 | 27.0 | 31.9 | 81.9 | bus | 385 | 61.3 | 77.2 | 79.3 | car | 1079 | 39.9 | 50.1 | 81.1 | cat | 1000 | 43.8 | 73.3 | 57.9 | chair | 1063 | 34.0 | 44.1 | 68.3 | cow | 262 | 42.2 | 54.8 | 78.0 | diningtable | 520 | 39.2 | 54.6 | 65.4 | dog | 1176 | 41.9 | 66.4 | 63.4 | horse | 444 | 40.4 | 58.4 | 65.6 | motorbike | 481 | 51.9 | 62.8 | 83.0 | person | 3876 | 37.2 | 50.5 | 66.7 | potted-plant | 485 | 35.0 | 45.8 | 76.8 | sheep | 299 | 43.8 | 50.6 | 86.4 | sofa | 474 | 43.5 | 65.9 | 60.0 | train | 499 | 52.6 | 65.9 | 79.6 | tv/monitor | 548 | 38.9 | 45.3 | 87.4 | ambiguous | 330 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0

    mIou: 42.28 (background included)

    Best, Nikita

    opened by arnike 8
  • model weights info

    model weights info

    hi @jiwoon-ahn @hardBird123 , I wanted to know if you trained the vgg16 model from scratch or used a imagenet pre-trained model and used only specific layers of it for training on voc12?

    opened by sinAshish 8
  • The training params for ResNet38_aff

    The training params for ResNet38_aff

    @jiwoon-ahn hi, Thanks for your nice work! I load your shared weights and achieve the same mIoU as you showed in README.

    While I meet some trouble to train the model by myself and only achieve 59.077% mIoU (instead of 60.2%) on val set by ResNet38_aff. As you mentioned in other issues that the default params setting is just for vgg16, could you share the params setting for resnet38_aff?

    Here is my res38_aff training setttings: lr=0.01 gpu=4 (may cause different batch number on each gpu) batchsize=8 max_epoch=8 loss_weight=1/4 * bg + 1/4 * fg + 1/2 * neg pretrained_model=res38_cls.pth (provided by you) alpha=4/16/32 other default params...

    opened by YudeWang 4
  • learning rate

    learning rate

    in train_cls.py,when the learning rate is set to 0.1,the loss is increasing,so I tried to set it to 0.01,it works,,so can you verify the learning rate in train_cls.py and train_aff.py?Thanks in advance!

    opened by LeiyuanMa 4
  • Do you use validation data for training when report results on test split

    Do you use validation data for training when report results on test split

    suppose the augmented VOC dataset can be splited into train_aug(10582)+val(1449)+test(1456), when you report results on test split in your paper, do you use train_aug + val for training or just use train_aug? thx!

    opened by yaoqi-zd 2
  • The number of epochs?

    The number of epochs?

    Thanks for the code!

    For how many epochs did you train your model to achieve the results in the paper? I am wondering what a good practice would be for reporting the results since there isn't really a validation set for early stopping. Thanks!

    opened by IssamLaradji 2
  • Downloading the pretrained weights for resnet-38

    Downloading the pretrained weights for resnet-38

    Thanks for the code! How did you download the pretrained weights for ResNet-38? When I click on the link here (Optional) Mxnet and ResNet-38 pretrained weights [ilsvrc-cls_rna-a1_cls1000_ep-0001.params], I am just taken to another github repo. without instructions on how to get the pretrained weights. Thanks

    opened by IssamLaradji 2
  • Normalize transform also shifts RGB to BGR pattern and vice-versa

    Normalize transform also shifts RGB to BGR pattern and vice-versa

    Here index 0 is mapped to 2 and 2 mapped to 0 - https://github.com/jiwoon-ahn/psa/blob/master/network/vgg16d.py#L15

    Image is initially loaded in RGB Mode - https://github.com/jiwoon-ahn/psa/blob/9493e59bef16687ecb4821387e38e6460857f508/voc12/data.py#L69

    Finally, the transform is simply applied to RGB image, no where there is need for channel swapping. https://github.com/jiwoon-ahn/psa/blob/master/train_cls.py#L82

    P.S. It could be a bug due to some legacy code using OpenCV to open image, which defaults to BGR mode.

    opened by saurabheights 1
  • Can you share your training command for ResNet-38 segmentation network?

    Can you share your training command for ResNet-38 segmentation network?

    Hi, thanks for your brilliant work! When I tried to reproduce the ResNet38 segmentation network, I found the repo you mentioned (https://github.com/jiwoon-ahn/psa/issues/7#issuecomment-430170981_) didn't give the training command. So I'm wondering if you can share your training command for ResNet-38 segmentation network?

    opened by rulixiang 1
  • Regarding the code

    Regarding the code

    Thank author for the code. I have two small questions:

    1. regarding this small block of code below to obtain cam: def forward_cam(self, x): x = super().forward(x) x = self.fc8(x) x = F.relu(x) x = torch.sqrt(x) return x what's x=torch.sqrt(x) for?
    2. regarding the pretrained caffe weghts, i.e. vgg16_20M.prototxt, on what dataset was it trained on? were you meant to use the deeplab_LargeFOV model of vgg16 version as the network to compute CAM, but why setting fc6_dilation=1 not 12 as in deeplab v1 paper?
    opened by laukun 1
  • VGG - computing cam and use of sqrt

    VGG - computing cam and use of sqrt

    At line https://github.com/jiwoon-ahn/psa/blob/master/network/vgg16_cls.py#L36. CAM is weighted combination of feature maps, so not sure why sqrt is used.

    Please, could you provide some clarification.

    opened by saurabheights-ecr 1
  • The paramters in optimizer

    The paramters in optimizer

    Hello, I note that the order of paramters (params lr wd) in PolyOptimizer is different from official SGD(params lr momentum). So I think the value of wd will actually be assigned to momentum. Is it so?

    class PolyOptimizer(torch.optim.SGD):
        def __init__(self, params, lr, weight_decay, max_step, momentum=0.9):
            super().__init__(params, lr, weight_decay)
    opened by lzyhha 0
  • Last fully connect layer

    Last fully connect layer

    Hi, I notice that the last fc layer in resnet38_cls.py is defined as self.fc8 = nn.Conv2d(4096, 20, 1, bias=False), while I found another implementation define the last layer as a linear self.fc = nn.Linear(2048, num_classes), I wonder why do you use convolution instead, and is there any difference?

    opened by weixuansun 0
  • how to calculate the mIOU?

    how to calculate the mIOU?

    I run the project and got the result out_cam/out_la_crf/out_ha_crf/out_rw. Where should I download GT? How should I calculate the mIOU? Can you provide the code to calculate the mIOU?

    opened by jieruyao49 3
  • Training schedule for segmentation net

    Training schedule for segmentation net

    Hi Jiwoon,

    when training the segmentation net on the final masks, what schedule did you use (e.g. learning rate/decay, num of iterations/epochs, frozen/learned BN)? My guess is that you might need early stopping to avoid overfitting to the errors in the masks used for pseudo-supervision.

    Thanks, Nikita

    opened by arnike 1
Jiwoon Ahn
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