Using Machine Learning to Test Causal Hypotheses in Conjoint Analysis

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Readme File for "Using Machine Learning to Test Causal Hypotheses in Conjoint Analysis" by Ham, Imai, and Janson. (2022)

All scripts were written and edited by Dae Woong Ham on 01/27/2022

Code Overview

Plotting previous empirical results (Fig 1, Fig 2)

  • "Section2_AMCE_plots/immigration_Fig1.R" produces Figure 1 AMCE plots based on original AMCE estimates
  • "Section2_AMCE_plots/gender_Fig2.R" produces Figure 2 AMCE plots based on original AMCE estimates

All simulation plots (Fig 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)

  • All simulations are plotted through "Simulations/all_simulation_plots.R" file
  • All simulation scripts are executed through "source/" or "source/"
  • "Simulations/Section4/Figure3_leftplot.R"/"Simulations/Section4/Figure3_rightplot.R" produces results of Fig 3 # 50 and 33 hours of computing time respectively
  • "Simulations/Appendix/Figure4_and_6_leftplot.R"/"Simulations/Section4/Figure4_and_6_rightplot.R" produces results of Fig 4 and 6 # 50 and 33 hours of computing time respectively
  • "Simulations/Appendix/Figure5_leftplot.R"/"Simulations/Section4/Figure5_rightplot.R" produces results of Fig 5 # 50 and 33 hours of computing time respectively
  • "Simulations/Appendix/Figure7.R" produces results of Fig 7 # less than 5 minutes of computing time on FAS computing cluster

Obtaining new p-values (Section 5 and Table 1)

  • All p-values in Section 5 are summarized and obtained in "Section5_ApplicationResults/pval_analysis.R"
  • "Section5_ApplicationResults/Immigration/main_analysis/obs_test_stat.R"/"Section5_ApplicationResults/Immigration/main_analysis/resampled_test_stats.R" produces observed and resampled test statistics to produce p-value in Table 1 row 1 column 1. # 30 minutes of total computing time
  • "Section5_ApplicationResults/Immigration/main_analysis/" produces AMCE p-value in Table 1 row 1 column 2. #less than 5 seconds of total computing time
  • "Section5_ApplicationResults/Immigration/main_analysis/profile_order_effect.R"/"Section5_ApplicationResults/Immigration/main_analysis/profile_order_effect/resampled_test_stats.R" produces observed and resampled test statistics to produce p-value in Table 1 row 1 column 3. # 10 minutes of total computing time
  • "Section5_ApplicationResults/Immigration/main_analysis/carryover_effect_obs_test_stat.R"/"Section5_ApplicationResults/Immigration/main_analysis/carryover_effect_resampled_test_stats.R" produces observed and resampled test statistics to produce p-value in Table 1 row 1 column 4. # 30 minutes of total computing time
  • "Section5_ApplicationResults/Immigration/main_analysis/fatigue_effect_obs_test_stat.R"/"Section5_ApplicationResults/Immigration/main_analysis/fatigue_effect_resampled_test_stats.R" produces observed and resampled test statistics to produce p-value in Table 1 row 1 column 5. # 24 minutes of computing time
  • To obtain p-value for second row repeat above but for "Section5_ApplicationResults/Gender/..." # Approximate computation time is listed in the individual files
  • Each application also contains "../lasso_obs_test_stat.R"/"../lasso_resampled_test_stats.R" to produce supplementary main effect analysis in Section 5
  • "Section5_ApplicationResults/Immigration/with_ethnocentrism/" contains files to produce p-value when including ethnocentrism in Section 5.1
  • "Section5_ApplicationResults/gender/supplementary_analysis/" contains files to produce p-value when performing robustness analysis using second most significant interaction in Appendix
  • "Section5_ApplicationResults/gender/main_analysis/presidential_lasso_explore.R" contains script to find which interaction is strongest in Presidential dataset

Other folders

  • "data" folder contains all relevant datasets in both Immigration and gender conjoint examples and all the saved results of p-values in simulations and test statistics for Section 5
  • "Figures" folder contains all figures
  • "source" folder contains all helper and main functions to run above scripts (including data cleaning, obtaining test statistics, generating simulation datasets). In particular "source/hiernet_source.R" contains the main function to compute all HierNet test statistics in the paper.


  • R version 4.1.0
  • 200 cores for all scripts that required parallel computing
  • All parallel computations in this paper were run on the FASRC Cannon cluster supported by the FAS Division of Science Research Computing Group at Harvard University
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