Create Siege configuration files from Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF.



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Create siege configuration files from Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF.

This project is mostly inspired from the great TileSiege


You can install cogeo-siege using pip

$ pip install -U pip
$ pip install -U cogeo-siege

or install from source:

$ git clone
$ cd cogeo-siege
$ pip install -U pip
$ pip install -e .


$ cogeo-siege --help
Usage: cogeo-siege [OPTIONS] INPUT

  Create Siege configuration file from COG.

  -o, --output PATH  Output file name  [required]
  --minzoom INTEGER  Overide COG MinZoom.
  --maxzoom INTEGER  Overide COG MaxZoom.
  -q, --quiet        Remove progressbar and other non-error output.
  --version          Show the version and exit.
  --help             Show this message and exit.
$ cogeo-siege my_cog.tif -o test.txt
 6 |   677 █████
 7 |   731 █████
 8 |   873 ██████
 9 |   998 ██████
10 |  1284 ████████
11 |  1265 ████████
12 |  1765 ███████████
13 |  2407 ███████████████

$ head test.txt

Contribution & Development



Created by Development Seed

See contributors for a listing of individual contributors.



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